Tobias Kortus


PhD candidate in the SIVERT project

Chair for Scientific Computing
University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)
Bldg/Geb 36, Paul-Ehrlich-Strasse
67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

Office: 36-409
Phone: +49 (0)631 205 5636

Research Interests

  • Machine Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Medical Physics (Proton computed tomography)
  • Charged particle tracking


  • Tracking of Proton Traces in a Digital Tracking Calorimeter using Reinforcement Learning, 13.05.2022 CERN, Geneva, Swizerland, website
  • Towards Neural Charged Particle Tracking in Proton Computed Tomography with Reinforcement
    Learning, 13.09.2022, Colymbari, Greece, website
  • Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Charged Particle Tracking with Applications in Proton Computed Tomography, 30.01.2024 CERN, Geneva, Swizerland, website
  • Exploring End-to-end Differentiable Neural Charged Particle Tracking – A Loss Landscape Perspective, 10.11.2024, Darmstadt, Germany, website



T. Kortus, R. Keidel, N.R. Gauger, Bergen pCT Collaboration

Exploring End-to-end Differentiable Neural Charged Particle Tracking – A Loss Landscape Perspective Miscellaneous

arXiv:2407.13420 [physics.comp-ph], 2024.

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T. Kortus, R. Keidel, N.R. Gauger, Bergen pCT Collaboration

Towards Neural Charged Particle Tracking in Digital Tracking Calorimeters With Reinforcement Learning Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 45, no. 12, pp. 15820-15833, 2023.

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M. Aehle, J. Alme, G. Barnaföldi, J. Blühdorn, T. Bodova, V. Borshchov, A. van den Brink, V. Eikeland, G. Feofilov, C. Garth, N. R. Gauger, et al.

Exploration of Differentiability in a Proton Computed Tomography Simulation Framework Journal Article

In: Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 68, no. 24, pp. 244002, 2023.

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A. Schilling, M. Aehle, J. Alme, G. Barnaföldi, T. Bodova, V. Borshchov, A. van den Brink, V. Eikeland, G. Feofilov, C. Garth, N.R. Gauger, et al.

Uncertainty-aware spot rejection rate as quality metric for proton therapy using a digital tracking calorimeter Journal Article

In: Phys. Med. Biol., vol. 68, no. 194001, 2023.

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M. Aehle, J. Alme, G.G. Barnaföldi, T. Bodova, V. Borshchov, A. van den Brink, M. Chaar, V. Eikeland, G. Feofilov, C. Garth, N. R. Gauger, G. Genov, O. Grøttvik, H. Helstrup, S. Igolkin, R. Keidel, et al.

The Bergen proton CT system Journal Article

In: Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 18, no. 2, 2023.

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H. Pettersen, M. Aehle, J. Alme, G. Barnaföldi, V. Borshchov, A. van den Brink, M. Chaar, V. Eikeland, G. Feofilov, C. Garth, N.R. Gauger, et al.

Investigating particle track topology for range telescopes in particle radiography using convolutional neural networks Journal Article

In: Acta Oncologica, 1-6, 2021.

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