Dr. -Ing. Beckett Y. Zhou

Scientific Computing Group
TU Kaiserslautern
Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 34/Geb. 36
D-67663 Kaiserslautern

Office:  36-407
Phone: +49 (0)631 205 3428
Email:   yuxiang.zhou(at)scicomp.uni-kl.de


The over-arching goal of my research is to provide the aviation community the tools it urgently needs to analyze, design and certify the next-generation aircraft that are safer, greener and quieter. To that end, I focus on developing efficient adjoint-based optimization methods and multi-fidelity simulation methodologies to enable efficient aerodynamic and aeroacoustic designs.

Since 2015, I have been one of the principal developers of the open-source SU2 software package for multi-physics analysis and design, leading the development effort in the area of aeroacoustic prediction and design optimization. Active users of the SU2-CAA solver include NASA, Embraer S.A. and a number of research groups in academia.

Meanwhile, I serve as a consultant to the NASA Langley Research Center on the topic of adjoint-based aeroacoustic design optimization.

In addition to aeroacoustic prediction and optimization, other areas of my research interest include: hybrid RANS/LES methods for turbulent flows, machine learning, design under uncertainty, and bio-inspired aeronautical designs.



  • 12/2018 – Present: Research Scientist at Scientific Computing Group, TU Kaiserslautern                                                                       Consultant for NASA Langley Research Center on Aeroacoustic Optimization
  • 02/2018 – 11/2018: Postdoctoral Researcher in Aeroacoustics at NASA Langley Research Center and                                                   National Institute of Aerospace
  • 04/2018: Ph.D. in Engineering with N. R. Gauger and W. Schröder, RWTH Aachen University
  • 09/2014 – 02/2018: Research assistant at Scientific Computing Group, TU Kaiserslautern
  • 10/2012 – 08/2014: Research assistant at MathCCES, RWTH Aachen University
  • 09/2012: M.S. in Aeronautics and Astronautics with K. E. Willcox, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 05/2010: B.A.Sc., Engineering Science (Aerospace), University of Toronto



My research vision is to develop efficient adjoint-based multi-disciplinary and multi-fidelity methodologies to enable optimal design and control of aircraft. To that end, my research work can be broadly categorized into the following three main topics:




J. Rottmayer, E. Özkaya, S. Satcunanathan, B. Y. Zhou, M. Aehle, N. R. Gauger, M. Meinke, W. Schröder, S. Pullin

Trailing-Edge Noise Reduction using Porous Treatment and Surrogate-based Global Optimization Miscellaneous

arXiv:2301.13047, 2023.

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R. Pochampalli, E. Özkaya, B. Zhou, G. Suarez, N.R. Gauger

Application of multitask learning for enhancement of Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model Journal Article

In: Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 2021.

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S. Schotthöfer, B.Y. Zhou, Tim Albring, N.R. Gauger

Regularization for Adjoint-Based Unsteady Aerodynamic Optimization Using Windowing Techniques Journal Article

In: AIAA Journal, vol. 59, no. 7, 2021.

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B.Y. Zhou, T. Albring, N.R. Gauger, C.R. da Silva, T. Economon, J.J. Alonso

Efficient Airframe Noise Reduction Framework via Adjoint-Based Shape Optimization Journal Article

In: AIAA Journal , vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 580-595, 2021.

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A. Jivani, X. Huan, C. Safta, B. Y. Zhou, N. R. Gauger

Uncertainty Quantification for a Turbulent Round Jet Using Multifidelity Karhunen-Loeve Expansions Journal Article

In: AIAA 2021-1367, 2021.

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R. Pochampalli, E. Özkaya, B. Y. Zhou, G. Suarez Martinez, N. R. Gauger

Machine learning enhancement of Spalart-Allmaras Turbulence Model using Convolutional Neural Network Journal Article

In: AIAA 2021-1017, 2021.

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B. Y. Zhou, T. Albring, N. R. Gauger, C. R. da Silva, T. Economon, J. J. Alonso

Efficient Airframe Noise Reduction Framework via Adjoint-Based Shape Optimization Journal Article

In: AIAA Journal, 2020.

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B. Y. Zhou, M. Morelli, N. R. Gauger, A. Guardone

Simulation and Sensitivity Analysis of a Wing-Tip Mounted Propeller Configuration from the Workshop for Integrated Propeller Prediction (WIPP) Journal Article

In: AIAA 2020-2683, 2020.

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S. Schotthöfer, B. Y. Zhou, Tim A. Albring, N. R. Gauger

Windowing Regularization Techniques for Unsteady Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Journal Article

In: AIAA 2020-3130, 2020.

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M. Morelli, B. Y. Zhou, N. R. Gauger, A. Guardone

Acoustic Characterization of Glaze and Rime Ice Structures on an Oscillating Airfoil via Fully Unsteady Simulations Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Helicopter Society, accepted for publication, 2020.


W. Shen, X. Huan, B. Y. Zhou, N. R. Gauger

Towards Design of Airfoil Pressure Tap Locations for Real-Time Predictions Under Uncertainty Using Bayesian Neural Networks Journal Article

In: AIAA 2020-0906, 2020.

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M. A. Park, W. L. Kleb, W. K. Anderson, S. L. Wood, A. Balan, B. Y. Zhou, N. R. Gauger

Exploring Unstructured Mesh Adaptation for Hybrid Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes/Large Eddy Simulation Journal Article

In: AIAA 2020-1139, 2020.

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J. Hauth, X. Huan, B. Y. Zhou, N. R. Gauger, M. Morelli, A. Guardone

Correlation Effects in Bayesian Neural Networks for Computational Aeroacoustics Ice Detection Journal Article

In: AIAA 2020-1414, 2020.

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B. Y. Zhou, N. R. Gauger, M. Morelli, A. Guardone, J. Hauth, X. Huan

Development of a Real-Time In-Flight Ice Detection System via Computational Aeroacoustics and Bayesian Neural Networks Journal Article

In: AIAA 2020-1638, 2020.

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B. Y. Zhou, N. R. Gauger, S. Satcunanathan, M. Meinke, W. Schröder

Adjoint-based Trailing-edge Noise Minimization using Stochastic Noise Generation Journal Article

In: AIAA 2020-1727, 2020.

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B. Y. Zhou, N. R. Gauger, B. Diskin, J. K. Pardue, A. Chernikov, C. Tsolakis, F. Drakopoulos, N. N. Chrisochoides

Hybrid RANS/LES Simulation of Vortex Breakdown Over a Delta Wing Journal Article

In: AIAA 2019-3524, 2019.

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B. Y. Zhou, N. R. Gauger, J. Hauth, X. Huan, M. Morelli, A. Guardone

Towards Real-Time In-Flight Ice Detection Systems via Computational Aeroacoustics and Machine Learning Journal Article

In: AIAA 2019-3103, 2019.

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B.Y. Zhou, N.R. Gauger, H. Yao, S. Peng, L. Davidson

Adjoint-based Broadband Noise Minimization using Stochastic Noise Generation Journal Article

In: AIAA 2019-2697, 2019.

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M. Morelli, B. Y. Zhou, A. Guardone

Simulation and Analysis of Oscillating Airfoil Ice Shapes via a Fully Unsteady Collection Efficiency Approach Journal Article

In: Vertical Flight Society 75th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 13–16, 2019.


E. Molina, B. Y. Zhou, J. J. Alonso, M. Righi, R. G Silva

Flow and Noise Predictions Around Tandem Cylinders using DDES Approach with SU2 Journal Article

In: AIAA 2019-0326, 2019.


B.Y. Zhou, N. R. Gauger, H-D. Yao, S-H. Peng, L. Davidson

Towards Adjoint-based Broadband Noise Minimization using Stochastic Noise Generation Journal Article

In: AIAA 2019-0002, 2019.


T. A. Albring, B. Y. Zhou, N. R Gauger

Challenges in Sensitivity Computations for (D) DES and URANS Journal Article

In: AIAA 2019-0169, 2019.

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B. Y. Zhou; S. R. Koh; N. R. Gauger; M. Meinke; W. Schröder

A Discrete Adjoint Framework for Trailing-Edge Noise Minimization via Porous Material Journal Article

In: Computers and Fluids, vol. 172, pp. 97–108, 2018.

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S. R. Koh; B.Y. Zhou; M. Meinke; N.R. Gauger; W. Schröder

Numerical Analysis of the Impact of Variable Porosity on Trailing-Edge Noise Journal Article

In: Computers and Fluids, vol. 167, pp. 66-81, 2018.

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S. Nimmagadda, T. D. Economon, J. J. Alonso, C. Silva, B. Y. Zhou, T. Albring

Low-cost unsteady discrete adjoints for aeroacoustic optimization using temporal and spatial coarsening techniques Journal Article

In: AIAA 2018-1911, 2018.



S. Koh, M. Meinke, W. Schröder, B. Y. Zhou, N. R. Gauger

Impact of Permeable Surface on Trailing-Edge Noise at Varying Lift Journal Article

In: AIAA 2017-3497, 2017.


B. Y. Zhou, T. Albring, N. R. Gauger, C. Ilario, T. Economon, J. J. Alonso

Reduction of Airframe Noise Components Using a Discrete Adjoint Approach Journal Article

In: AIAA 2017-3658, 2017.


B.Y. Zhou, T. Albring, N.R. Gauger, C.R. Ilario da Silva, T.D. Economon, J. J. Alonso

A Discrete Adjoint Approach for Jet-Flap Interaction Noise Reduction Journal Article

In: AIAA 2017-0130, 2017.



B.Y. Zhou; T. Albring; N.R. Gauger

Optimal Flow Actuation for Separation Control and Noise Minimization Journal Article

In: Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, vol. ICCFD9-2016-191,, 2016.


B.Y. Zhou; T. Albring; N.R. Gauger; C.R. Ilario da Silva; T.D. Economon; J. J. Alonso

An Efficient Unsteady Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Design Framework Using Discrete Adjoint Journal Article

In: AIAA 2016-3369, 2016.


B.Y. Zhou; N.R. Gauger; S.R. Koh; M. Meinke; W. Schröder

A Discrete Adjoint Framework for Trailing-Edge Turbulence Control and Noise Minimization via Porous Material Journal Article

In: AIAA 2016-2777, 2016.


B. Y. Zhou; N. R. Gauger; S. Koh; M. Meinke; W. Schröder

Towards adjoint-based trailing-edge noise minimization using porous material Journal Article

In: Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, vol. 132, pp. 789-798, 2016.



B.Y. Zhou; T. Albring; N.R. Gauger; T. D. Economon; F. Palacios; J. J. Alonso

A Discrete Adjoint Framework for Unsteady Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Optimization Journal Article

In: AIAA 2015-3355, 2015.


B.Y. Zhou, N.R. Gauger, S. Koh, M. Meinke, W. Schröder

On the Adjoint-based Control of Trailing-Edge Turbulence and Noise Minimization via Porous Material Journal Article

In: AIAA 2015-2530, 2015.


T. Albring; B.Y. Zhou; N.R. Gauger; M. Sagebaum

An Aerodynamic Design Framework based on Algorithmic Differentiation Journal Article

In: ERCOFTAC Bulletin, vol. 102, pp. 10-16, 2015.


B.Y. Zhou; N.R. Gauger; S. Koh; W. Schröder

A Discrete Adjoint Approach For Trailing-Edge Noise Minimization using Porous Material Journal Article

In: Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 36, pp. 351–365, 2015.



B.Y. Zhou; N.R. Gauger; S. Koh; M. Meinke; W. Schröder

Adjoint-based Trailing-Edge Noise Minimization using Porous Material Journal Article

In: AIAA 2014-3040, 2014.


S. Koh; M. Meinke; W. Schröder; B.Y. Zhou; N.R. Gauger

Noise Sources of Trailing-Edge Turbulence Contolled by Porous Media Journal Article

In: AIAA 2014-3038, 2014.


B.Y. Zhou; N.R. Gauger; S. Koh; M. Meinke; W. Schröder

Towards Adjoint-based Trailing-Edge Noise Minimization using Porous Material Journal Article

In: Jahresbericht der Deutschen Strömungsmechanischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft STAB, pp. 204–205, 2014.
