MeDiPack  1.3.1
A Message Differentiation Package
SciComp TU Kaiserslautern
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Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NmediGlobal namespace for MeDiPack - Message Differentiation Package
 CADToolInterfaceThe interface for the AD tool that is accessed by MeDiPack
 CADToolPassiveImplementation for the AD tool interface of a type that is no AD type
 CAMPI_IN_PLACE_IMPLImplementation of the MPI_IN_PLACE structure
 CAMPI_MessageStores additional information for a MPI_Message
 CAMPI_OpStructure for the special handling of the MPI_Op structure
 CFunctionHelperThe provides all methods required for the creation of operators for AD types
 CLinearDisplacementsHelper structure for the easy creation of a linear displacement with a the same length
 CMpiStructTypeHandling for costum MPI_Datatypes crated by the user
 CMpiTypeDefaultThe default implementation of a MPI type that is represented by an AD type
 CMpiTypeInterfaceWrapper interface for MPI types in communications
 CStaticADToolInterfaceThe static methods for the AD tool interface