MeDiPack  1.3.1
A Message Differentiation Package
SciComp TU Kaiserslautern
No Matches
medi Namespace Reference

Global namespace for MeDiPack - Message Differentiation Package. More...


namespace  common


class  AdjointInterface
class  ADToolBase
class  ADToolImplCommon
class  ADToolInterface
 The interface for the AD tool that is accessed by MeDiPack. More...
class  ADToolPassive
 Implementation for the AD tool interface of a type that is no AD type. More...
struct  AMPI_Allgather_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Allgatherv_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Allreduce_global_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Alltoall_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Alltoallv_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Bcast_wrap_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Bsend_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Bsend_init_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Gather_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Gatherv_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Iallgather_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Iallgather_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Iallgatherv_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Iallgatherv_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Iallreduce_global_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Iallreduce_global_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Ialltoall_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Ialltoall_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Ialltoallv_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Ialltoallv_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Ibsend_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Ibsend_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Igather_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Igather_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Igatherv_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Igatherv_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Imrecv_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Imrecv_AsyncHandle
 Implementation of the MPI_IN_PLACE structure. More...
struct  AMPI_Irecv_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Irecv_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Ireduce_global_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Ireduce_global_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Ireduce_local_Handle
struct  AMPI_Ireduce_modified_Handle
struct  AMPI_Irsend_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Irsend_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Iscatter_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Iscatter_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Iscatterv_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Iscatterv_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Isend_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Isend_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Issend_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Issend_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Message
 Stores additional information for a MPI_Message. More...
struct  AMPI_Mrecv_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Op
 Structure for the special handling of the MPI_Op structure. More...
struct  AMPI_Recv_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Recv_init_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Reduce_global_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Request
struct  AMPI_Rsend_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Rsend_init_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Scatter_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Scatterv_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Send_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Send_init_AsyncHandle
struct  AMPI_Sendrecv_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Ssend_AdjointHandle
struct  AMPI_Ssend_init_AsyncHandle
struct  AsyncAdjointHandle
struct  AsyncHandle
struct  FunctionHelper
 The provides all methods required for the creation of operators for AD types. More...
struct  HandleBase
struct  LinearDisplacements
 Helper structure for the easy creation of a linear displacement with a the same length. More...
class  MpiStructType
 Handling for costum MPI_Datatypes crated by the user. More...
class  MpiTypeBase
class  MpiTypeDefault
 The default implementation of a MPI type that is represented by an AD type. More...
class  MpiTypeInterface
 Wrapper interface for MPI types in communications. More...
class  MpiTypePassive
struct  OperatorHelper
struct  PairWithInt
struct  StaticADToolInterface
 The static methods for the AD tool interface. More...
struct  ToolInterface
struct  WaitHandle


typedef MpiTypePassive< medi::IntIntPairAMPI_2INT_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< MPI_Aint > AMPI_AINT_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< uint8_t > AMPI_BYTE_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< bool > AMPI_C_BOOL_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< char > AMPI_CHAR_Type
typedef MPI_Comm_copy_attr_function AMPI_Comm_copy_attr_function
typedef MPI_Comm_delete_attr_function AMPI_Comm_delete_attr_function
typedef MPI_Comm_errhandler_function AMPI_Comm_errhandler_function
typedef MPI_Copy_function AMPI_Copy_function
typedef MpiTypePassive< MPI_Count > AMPI_COUNT_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< bool > AMPI_CXX_BOOL_Type
typedef MPI_Datarep_conversion_function AMPI_Datarep_conversion_function
typedef MPI_Datarep_extent_function AMPI_Datarep_extent_function
typedef MpiTypeInterfaceAMPI_Datatype
typedef MPI_Delete_function AMPI_Delete_function
typedef MpiTypePassive< medi::DoubleIntPairAMPI_DOUBLE_INT_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< double > AMPI_DOUBLE_Type
typedef MPI_File_errhandler_function AMPI_File_errhandler_function
typedef MpiTypePassive< medi::FloatIntPairAMPI_FLOAT_INT_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< float > AMPI_FLOAT_Type
typedef MPI_Grequest_cancel_function AMPI_Grequest_cancel_function
typedef MPI_Grequest_free_function AMPI_Grequest_free_function
typedef MPI_Grequest_query_function AMPI_Grequest_query_function
typedef MpiTypePassive< int16_t > AMPI_INT16_T_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< int32_t > AMPI_INT32_T_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< int64_t > AMPI_INT64_T_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< int8_t > AMPI_INT8_T_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< int > AMPI_INT_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< medi::LongDoubleIntPairAMPI_LONG_DOUBLE_INT_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< long double > AMPI_LONG_DOUBLE_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< medi::LongIntPairAMPI_LONG_INT_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< long long int > AMPI_LONG_LONG_INT_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< long long int > AMPI_LONG_LONG_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< long > AMPI_LONG_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< MPI_Offset > AMPI_OFFSET_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< uint8_t > AMPI_PACKED_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< medi::ShortIntPairAMPI_SHORT_INT_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< short > AMPI_SHORT_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< signed char > AMPI_SIGNED_CHAR_Type
typedef MPI_Type_copy_attr_function AMPI_Type_copy_attr_function
typedef MPI_Type_delete_attr_function AMPI_Type_delete_attr_function
typedef MpiTypePassive< uint16_t > AMPI_UINT16_T_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< uint32_t > AMPI_UINT32_T_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< uint64_t > AMPI_UINT64_T_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< uint8_t > AMPI_UINT8_T_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< unsigned char > AMPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< unsigned long long int > AMPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< unsigned long > AMPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< unsigned short > AMPI_UNSIGNED_SHORT_Type
typedef MpiTypePassive< unsigned int > AMPI_UNSIGNED_Type
typedef MPI_User_function AMPI_User_function
typedef MpiTypePassive< wchar_t > AMPI_WCHAR_Type
typedef MPI_Win_copy_attr_function AMPI_Win_copy_attr_function
typedef MPI_Win_delete_attr_function AMPI_Win_delete_attr_function
typedef MPI_Win_errhandler_function AMPI_Win_errhandler_function
typedef int(* ContinueFunction) (HandleBase *h)
typedef void(* CustomFunction) (void *data)
typedef void(* DeleteReverseData) (void *data)
typedef PairWithInt< double > DoubleIntPair
typedef PairWithInt< float > FloatIntPair
typedef void(* ForwardFunction) (HandleBase *h, AdjointInterface *a)
typedef PairWithInt< int > IntIntPair
typedef PairWithInt< long double > LongDoubleIntPair
typedef PairWithInt< long > LongIntPair
typedef void(* PostAdjointOperation) (void *adjoints, void *primals, void *rootPrimals, int count, int dim)
typedef void(* PreAdjointOperation) (void *adjoints, void *primals, int count, int dim)
typedef void(* PrimalFunction) (HandleBase *h, AdjointInterface *a)
typedef void(* ReverseFunction) (HandleBase *h, AdjointInterface *a)
typedef PairWithInt< short > ShortIntPair


enum class  IrecvAdjCall { Isend , Ibsend , Irsend , Issend }
enum class  ManualDeleteType { Normal , Async , Wait }
enum class  RecvAdjCall { Send , Bsend , Rsend , Ssend }


void add_subarray (const int curDim, const int dimBase, const int dimStep, const int ndims, const int *array_of_subsizes, const int *array_of_starts, int &arrayPos, const MPI_Aint *extents, MPI_Aint dimDisplacement, MPI_Aint *array_of_displacements)
template<typename DATATYPE >
bool addCustomOperationPriorToLocalReduce (AMPI_Request *request, CustomFunction func, void *data)
int AMPI_Abort (MPI_Comm comm, int errorcode)
int AMPI_Add_error_class (int *errorclass)
int AMPI_Add_error_code (int errorclass, int *errorcode)
int AMPI_Add_error_string (int errorcode, const char *string)
MPI_Aint AMPI_Aint_add (MPI_Aint base, MPI_Aint disp)
MPI_Aint AMPI_Aint_diff (MPI_Aint addr1, MPI_Aint addr2)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Allgather (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Allgather_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Allgather_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Allgather_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Allgather_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Allgather_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Allgather_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Allgatherv (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Allgatherv_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Allgatherv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Allgatherv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Allgatherv_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Allgatherv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Allgatherv_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm)
int AMPI_Alloc_mem (MPI_Aint size, MPI_Info info, void *baseptr)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Allreduce (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Allreduce_global (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Allreduce_global_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Allreduce_global_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Allreduce_global_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Allreduce_global_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Allreduce_global_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Allreduce_global_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Alltoall (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Alltoall_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Alltoall_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Alltoall_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Alltoall_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Alltoall_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Alltoall_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Alltoallv (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, const int *sendcounts, const int *sdispls, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, const int *recvcounts, const int *rdispls, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Alltoallv_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispls, const int *sendcounts, const int *sdispls, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *rdispls, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Alltoallv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Alltoallv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Alltoallv_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispls, const int *sendcounts, const int *sdispls, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *rdispls, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Alltoallv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Alltoallv_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispls, const int *sendcounts, const int *sdispls, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *rdispls, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm)
int AMPI_Attr_delete (MPI_Comm comm, int keyval)
int AMPI_Attr_get (MPI_Comm comm, int keyval, void *attribute_val, int *flag)
int AMPI_Attr_put (MPI_Comm comm, int keyval, void *attribute_val)
int AMPI_Barrier (MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Bcast (typename DATATYPE::Type *buffer, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Bcast_wrap (typename DATATYPE::Type *bufferSend, typename DATATYPE::Type *bufferRecv, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Bcast_wrap_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Bcast_wrap_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Bcast_wrap_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Bcast_wrap_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Bcast_wrap_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Bcast_wrap_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Bsend (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Bsend_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Bsend_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Bsend_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Bsend_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Bsend_init (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Bsend_init_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Bsend_init_postEnd (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Bsend_init_preStart (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Bsend_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Bsend_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
int AMPI_Buffer_attach (void *buffer, int size)
int AMPI_Buffer_detach (void *buffer_addr, int *size)
int AMPI_Cancel (AMPI_Request *request)
int AMPI_Cart_coords (MPI_Comm comm, int rank, int maxdims, int *coords)
int AMPI_Cart_create (MPI_Comm comm_old, int ndims, const int *dims, const int *periods, int reorder, MPI_Comm *comm_cart)
int AMPI_Cart_get (MPI_Comm comm, int maxdims, int *dims, int *periods, int *coords)
int AMPI_Cart_map (MPI_Comm comm, int ndims, const int *dims, const int *periods, int *newrank)
int AMPI_Cart_rank (MPI_Comm comm, const int *coords, int *rank)
int AMPI_Cart_shift (MPI_Comm comm, int direction, int disp, int *rank_source, int *rank_dest)
int AMPI_Cart_sub (MPI_Comm comm, const int *remain_dims, MPI_Comm *newcomm)
int AMPI_Cartdim_get (MPI_Comm comm, int *ndims)
int AMPI_Close_port (const char *port_name)
int AMPI_Comm_accept (const char *port_name, MPI_Info info, int root, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *newcomm)
MPI_Fint AMPI_Comm_c2f (MPI_Comm comm)
int AMPI_Comm_call_errhandler (MPI_Comm comm, int errorcode)
int AMPI_Comm_compare (MPI_Comm comm1, MPI_Comm comm2, int *result)
int AMPI_Comm_connect (const char *port_name, MPI_Info info, int root, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *newcomm)
int AMPI_Comm_create (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Group group, MPI_Comm *newcomm)
int AMPI_Comm_create_errhandler (AMPI_Comm_errhandler_function *comm_errhandler_fn, MPI_Errhandler *errhandler)
int AMPI_Comm_create_group (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Group group, int tag, MPI_Comm *newcomm)
int AMPI_Comm_create_keyval (AMPI_Comm_copy_attr_function *comm_copy_attr_fn, AMPI_Comm_delete_attr_function *comm_delete_attr_fn, int *comm_keyval, void *extra_state)
int AMPI_Comm_delete_attr (MPI_Comm comm, int comm_keyval)
int AMPI_Comm_disconnect (MPI_Comm *comm)
int AMPI_Comm_dup (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *newcomm)
int AMPI_Comm_dup_with_info (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info info, MPI_Comm *newcomm)
MPI_Comm AMPI_Comm_f2c (MPI_Fint comm)
int AMPI_Comm_free (MPI_Comm *comm)
int AMPI_Comm_free_keyval (int *comm_keyval)
int AMPI_Comm_get_attr (MPI_Comm comm, int comm_keyval, void *attribute_val, int *flag)
int AMPI_Comm_get_errhandler (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Errhandler *errhandler)
int AMPI_Comm_get_info (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info *info_used)
int AMPI_Comm_get_name (MPI_Comm comm, char *comm_name, int *resultlen)
int AMPI_Comm_get_parent (MPI_Comm *parent)
int AMPI_Comm_group (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Group *group)
int AMPI_Comm_idup (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *newcomm, AMPI_Request *request)
int AMPI_Comm_join (int fd, MPI_Comm *intercomm)
int AMPI_Comm_rank (MPI_Comm comm, int *rank)
int AMPI_Comm_remote_group (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Group *group)
int AMPI_Comm_remote_size (MPI_Comm comm, int *size)
int AMPI_Comm_set_attr (MPI_Comm comm, int comm_keyval, void *attribute_val)
int AMPI_Comm_set_errhandler (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Errhandler errhandler)
int AMPI_Comm_set_info (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info info)
int AMPI_Comm_set_name (MPI_Comm comm, const char *comm_name)
int AMPI_Comm_size (MPI_Comm comm, int *size)
int AMPI_Comm_spawn (const char *command, char **argv, int maxprocs, MPI_Info info, int root, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *intercomm, int *array_of_errcodes)
int AMPI_Comm_spawn_multiple (int count, char **array_of_commands, char ***array_of_argv, const int *array_of_maxprocs, const MPI_Info *array_of_info, int root, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *intercomm, int *array_of_errcodes)
int AMPI_Comm_split (MPI_Comm comm, int color, int key, MPI_Comm *newcomm)
int AMPI_Comm_split_type (MPI_Comm comm, int split_type, int key, MPI_Info info, MPI_Comm *newcomm)
int AMPI_Comm_test_inter (MPI_Comm comm, int *flag)
int AMPI_Dims_create (int nnodes, int ndims, int *dims)
int AMPI_Dist_graph_create (MPI_Comm comm_old, int n, const int *sources, const int *degrees, const int *destinations, const int *weights, MPI_Info info, int reorder, MPI_Comm *comm_dist_graph)
int AMPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent (MPI_Comm comm_old, int indegree, const int *sources, const int *sourceweights, int outdegree, const int *destinations, const int *destweights, MPI_Info info, int reorder, MPI_Comm *comm_dist_graph)
int AMPI_Dist_graph_neighbors (MPI_Comm comm, int maxindegree, int *sources, int *sourceweights, int maxoutdegree, int *destinations, int *destweights)
int AMPI_Dist_graph_neighbors_count (MPI_Comm comm, int *indegree, int *outdegree, int *weighted)
MPI_Fint AMPI_Errhandler_c2f (MPI_Errhandler errhandler)
MPI_Errhandler AMPI_Errhandler_f2c (MPI_Fint errhandler)
int AMPI_Errhandler_free (MPI_Errhandler *errhandler)
int AMPI_Error_class (int errorcode, int *errorclass)
int AMPI_Error_string (int errorcode, char *string, int *resultlen)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Exscan (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm)
MPI_Fint AMPI_File_c2f (MPI_File file)
int AMPI_File_call_errhandler (MPI_File fh, int errorcode)
int AMPI_File_close (MPI_File *fh)
int AMPI_File_create_errhandler (AMPI_File_errhandler_function *file_errhandler_fn, MPI_Errhandler *errhandler)
int AMPI_File_delete (const char *filename, MPI_Info info)
MPI_File AMPI_File_f2c (MPI_Fint file)
int AMPI_File_get_amode (MPI_File fh, int *amode)
int AMPI_File_get_atomicity (MPI_File fh, int *flag)
int AMPI_File_get_byte_offset (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, MPI_Offset *disp)
int AMPI_File_get_errhandler (MPI_File file, MPI_Errhandler *errhandler)
int AMPI_File_get_group (MPI_File fh, MPI_Group *group)
int AMPI_File_get_info (MPI_File fh, MPI_Info *info_used)
int AMPI_File_get_position (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset *offset)
int AMPI_File_get_position_shared (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset *offset)
int AMPI_File_get_size (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset *size)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_get_type_extent (MPI_File fh, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Aint *extent)
template<typename ETYPE , typename FILETYPE >
int AMPI_File_get_view (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset *disp, ETYPE *etype, FILETYPE *filetype, char *datarep)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_iread (MPI_File fh, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_iread_all (MPI_File fh, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_iread_at (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_iread_at_all (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_iread_shared (MPI_File fh, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_iwrite (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_iwrite_all (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_iwrite_at (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_iwrite_at_all (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_iwrite_shared (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request)
int AMPI_File_open (MPI_Comm comm, const char *filename, int amode, MPI_Info info, MPI_File *fh)
int AMPI_File_preallocate (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset size)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_read (MPI_File fh, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_read_all (MPI_File fh, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_read_all_begin (MPI_File fh, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype)
int AMPI_File_read_all_end (MPI_File fh, void *buf, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_read_at (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_read_at_all (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_read_at_all_begin (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype)
int AMPI_File_read_at_all_end (MPI_File fh, void *buf, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_read_ordered (MPI_File fh, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_read_ordered_begin (MPI_File fh, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype)
int AMPI_File_read_ordered_end (MPI_File fh, void *buf, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_read_shared (MPI_File fh, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status)
int AMPI_File_seek (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, int whence)
int AMPI_File_seek_shared (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, int whence)
int AMPI_File_set_atomicity (MPI_File fh, int flag)
int AMPI_File_set_errhandler (MPI_File file, MPI_Errhandler errhandler)
int AMPI_File_set_info (MPI_File fh, MPI_Info info)
int AMPI_File_set_size (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset size)
template<typename ETYPE , typename FILETYPE >
int AMPI_File_set_view (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset disp, ETYPE *etype, FILETYPE *filetype, const char *datarep, MPI_Info info)
int AMPI_File_sync (MPI_File fh)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_write (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_write_all (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_write_all_begin (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype)
int AMPI_File_write_all_end (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_write_at (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_write_at_all (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_write_at_all_begin (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype)
int AMPI_File_write_at_all_end (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_write_ordered (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_write_ordered_begin (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype)
int AMPI_File_write_ordered_end (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_File_write_shared (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status)
int AMPI_Finalize ()
int AMPI_Finalized (int *flag)
int AMPI_Free_mem (void *base)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Gather (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Gather_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Gather_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Gather_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Gather_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Gather_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Gather_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Gatherv (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Gatherv_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Gatherv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Gatherv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Gatherv_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Gatherv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Gatherv_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
int AMPI_Get_address (const void *location, MPI_Aint *address)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Get_count (const MPI_Status *status, DATATYPE *datatype, int *count)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Get_elements (const MPI_Status *status, DATATYPE *datatype, int *count)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Get_elements_x (const MPI_Status *status, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Count *count)
int AMPI_Get_library_version (char *version, int *resultlen)
int AMPI_Get_processor_name (char *name, int *resultlen)
int AMPI_Get_version (int *version, int *subversion)
int AMPI_Graph_create (MPI_Comm comm_old, int nnodes, const int *index, const int *edges, int reorder, MPI_Comm *comm_graph)
int AMPI_Graph_get (MPI_Comm comm, int maxindex, int maxedges, int *index, int *edges)
int AMPI_Graph_map (MPI_Comm comm, int nnodes, const int *index, const int *edges, int *newrank)
int AMPI_Graph_neighbors (MPI_Comm comm, int rank, int maxneighbors, int *neighbors)
int AMPI_Graph_neighbors_count (MPI_Comm comm, int rank, int *nneighbors)
int AMPI_Graphdims_get (MPI_Comm comm, int *nnodes, int *nedges)
int AMPI_Grequest_complete (AMPI_Request request)
int AMPI_Grequest_start (AMPI_Grequest_query_function *query_fn, AMPI_Grequest_free_function *free_fn, AMPI_Grequest_cancel_function *cancel_fn, void *extra_state, AMPI_Request *request)
MPI_Fint AMPI_Group_c2f (MPI_Group group)
int AMPI_Group_compare (MPI_Group group1, MPI_Group group2, int *result)
int AMPI_Group_difference (MPI_Group group1, MPI_Group group2, MPI_Group *newgroup)
int AMPI_Group_excl (MPI_Group group, int n, const int *ranks, MPI_Group *newgroup)
MPI_Group AMPI_Group_f2c (MPI_Fint group)
int AMPI_Group_free (MPI_Group *group)
int AMPI_Group_incl (MPI_Group group, int n, const int *ranks, MPI_Group *newgroup)
int AMPI_Group_intersection (MPI_Group group1, MPI_Group group2, MPI_Group *newgroup)
int AMPI_Group_range_excl (MPI_Group group, int n, ::medi::common::Range *ranges, MPI_Group *newgroup)
int AMPI_Group_range_incl (MPI_Group group, int n, ::medi::common::Range *ranges, MPI_Group *newgroup)
int AMPI_Group_rank (MPI_Group group, int *rank)
int AMPI_Group_size (MPI_Group group, int *size)
int AMPI_Group_translate_ranks (MPI_Group group1, int n, const int *ranks1, MPI_Group group2, int *ranks2)
int AMPI_Group_union (MPI_Group group1, MPI_Group group2, MPI_Group *newgroup)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Iallgather (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iallgather_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iallgather_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iallgather_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iallgather_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iallgather_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Iallgather_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iallgather_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iallgather_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iallgather_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iallgather_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Iallgatherv (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iallgatherv_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iallgatherv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iallgatherv_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iallgatherv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iallgatherv_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Iallgatherv_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iallgatherv_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iallgatherv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iallgatherv_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iallgatherv_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Iallreduce (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Iallreduce_global (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Iallreduce_global_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Iallreduce_global_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Iallreduce_global_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Iallreduce_global_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Iallreduce_global_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Iallreduce_global_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Iallreduce_global_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Iallreduce_global_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Iallreduce_global_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Iallreduce_global_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Ialltoall (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Ialltoall_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Ialltoall_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Ialltoall_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Ialltoall_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Ialltoall_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Ialltoall_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Ialltoall_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Ialltoall_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Ialltoall_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Ialltoall_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Ialltoallv (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, const int *sendcounts, const int *sdispls, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, const int *recvcounts, const int *rdispls, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Ialltoallv_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispls, const int *sendcounts, const int *sdispls, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *rdispls, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Ialltoallv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Ialltoallv_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Ialltoallv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Ialltoallv_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Ialltoallv_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Ialltoallv_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispls, const int *sendcounts, const int *sdispls, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *rdispls, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Ialltoallv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Ialltoallv_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Ialltoallv_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispls, const int *sendcounts, const int *sdispls, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *rdispls, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
int AMPI_Ibarrier (MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Ibcast (typename DATATYPE::Type *buffer, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Ibcast_wrap (typename DATATYPE::Type *bufferSend, typename DATATYPE::Type *bufferRecv, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Ibsend (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ibsend_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ibsend_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ibsend_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ibsend_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ibsend_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Ibsend_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ibsend_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ibsend_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ibsend_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ibsend_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Iexscan (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Igather (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Igather_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Igather_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Igather_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Igather_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Igather_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Igather_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Igather_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Igather_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Igather_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Igather_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Igatherv (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Igatherv_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Igatherv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Igatherv_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Igatherv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Igatherv_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Igatherv_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Igatherv_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Igatherv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Igatherv_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Igatherv_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
int AMPI_Improbe (int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, int *flag, AMPI_Message *message, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Imrecv (typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Message *message, AMPI_Request *request, IrecvAdjCall reverse_send=IrecvAdjCall::Isend)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Imrecv_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Message *message, AMPI_Request *request, IrecvAdjCall reverse_call)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Imrecv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Imrecv_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Imrecv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Imrecv_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Imrecv_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Imrecv_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Message *message, AMPI_Request *request, IrecvAdjCall reverse_call)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Imrecv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Imrecv_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Imrecv_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Message *message, AMPI_Request *request, IrecvAdjCall reverse_call)
MPI_Fint AMPI_Info_c2f (MPI_Info info)
int AMPI_Info_create (MPI_Info *info)
int AMPI_Info_delete (MPI_Info info, const char *key)
int AMPI_Info_dup (MPI_Info info, MPI_Info *newinfo)
MPI_Info AMPI_Info_f2c (MPI_Fint info)
int AMPI_Info_free (MPI_Info *info)
int AMPI_Info_get (MPI_Info info, const char *key, int valuelen, char *value, int *flag)
int AMPI_Info_get_nkeys (MPI_Info info, int *nkeys)
int AMPI_Info_get_nthkey (MPI_Info info, int n, char *key)
int AMPI_Info_get_valuelen (MPI_Info info, const char *key, int *valuelen, int *flag)
int AMPI_Info_set (MPI_Info info, const char *key, const char *value)
int AMPI_Init (int *argc, char ***argv)
void AMPI_Init_common ()
int AMPI_Init_thread (int *argc, char ***argv, int required, int *provided)
int AMPI_Initialized (int *flag)
int AMPI_Intercomm_create (MPI_Comm local_comm, int local_leader, MPI_Comm peer_comm, int remote_leader, int tag, MPI_Comm *newintercomm)
int AMPI_Intercomm_merge (MPI_Comm intercomm, int high, MPI_Comm *newintracomm)
int AMPI_Iprobe (int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, int *flag, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Irecv (typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request, IrecvAdjCall reverse_send=IrecvAdjCall::Isend)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Irecv_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request, IrecvAdjCall reverse_call)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Irecv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Irecv_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Irecv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Irecv_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Irecv_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Irecv_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request, IrecvAdjCall reverse_call)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Irecv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Irecv_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Irecv_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request, IrecvAdjCall reverse_call)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Ireduce (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Ireduce_global (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ireduce_global_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ireduce_global_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ireduce_global_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ireduce_global_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ireduce_global_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Ireduce_global_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ireduce_global_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ireduce_global_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ireduce_global_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ireduce_global_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Ireduce_modified_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Irsend (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Irsend_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Irsend_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Irsend_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Irsend_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Irsend_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Irsend_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Irsend_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Irsend_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Irsend_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Irsend_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
int AMPI_Is_thread_main (int *flag)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Iscan (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Iscatter (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iscatter_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iscatter_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iscatter_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iscatter_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iscatter_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Iscatter_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iscatter_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iscatter_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iscatter_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iscatter_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Iscatterv (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, const int *sendcounts, const int *displs, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iscatterv_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispl, const int *sendcount, const int *displs, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iscatterv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iscatterv_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iscatterv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iscatterv_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Iscatterv_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iscatterv_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispl, const int *sendcount, const int *displs, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iscatterv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iscatterv_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Iscatterv_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispl, const int *sendcount, const int *displs, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Isend (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Isend_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Isend_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Isend_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Isend_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Isend_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Isend_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Isend_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Isend_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Isend_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Isend_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Issend (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Issend_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Issend_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Issend_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Issend_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Issend_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Issend_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Issend_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Issend_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Issend_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Issend_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
int AMPI_Keyval_create (AMPI_Copy_function *copy_fn, AMPI_Delete_function *delete_fn, int *keyval, void *extra_state)
int AMPI_Keyval_free (int *keyval)
int AMPI_Lookup_name (const char *service_name, MPI_Info info, char *port_name)
int AMPI_Mprobe (int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Message *message, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Mrecv (typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Message *message, MPI_Status *status, RecvAdjCall reverse_send=RecvAdjCall::Send)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Mrecv_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Message *message, MPI_Status *status, RecvAdjCall reverse_call)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Mrecv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Mrecv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Mrecv_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Message *message, MPI_Status *status, RecvAdjCall reverse_call)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Mrecv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Mrecv_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Message *message, MPI_Status *status, RecvAdjCall reverse_call)
int AMPI_Op_commutative (AMPI_Op op, int *commute)
int AMPI_Op_create (const bool requiresPrimal, const bool requiresPrimalSend, MPI_User_function *primalFunction, int primalFunctionCommute, MPI_User_function *modifiedPrimalFunction, int modifiedPrimalFunctionCommute, const PreAdjointOperation preAdjointOperation, const PostAdjointOperation postAdjointOperation, AMPI_Op *op)
 Optimized creation of an operator that will enalbe the AD tool to execute reduce operations.
int AMPI_Op_create (MPI_User_function *user_fn, int commute, AMPI_Op *op)
 Default forward of the operator creation.
int AMPI_Op_free (AMPI_Op *op)
 Frees the operator.
int AMPI_Open_port (MPI_Info info, char *port_name)
int AMPI_Probe (int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status)
int AMPI_Publish_name (const char *service_name, MPI_Info info, const char *port_name)
int AMPI_Query_thread (int *provided)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Recv (typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status, RecvAdjCall reverse_send=RecvAdjCall::Send)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Recv_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status, RecvAdjCall reverse_call)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Recv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Recv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Recv_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status, RecvAdjCall reverse_call)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Recv_init (typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request, IrecvAdjCall reverse_send=IrecvAdjCall::Isend)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Recv_init_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Recv_init_postEnd (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Recv_init_preStart (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Recv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Recv_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status, RecvAdjCall reverse_call)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Reduce (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Reduce_global (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Reduce_global_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Reduce_global_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Reduce_global_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Reduce_global_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Reduce_global_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Reduce_global_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Reduce_local (const typename DATATYPE::Type *inbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *inoutbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Op op)
int AMPI_Register_datarep (const char *datarep, AMPI_Datarep_conversion_function *read_conversion_fn, AMPI_Datarep_conversion_function *write_conversion_fn, AMPI_Datarep_extent_function *dtype_file_extent_fn, void *extra_state)
int AMPI_Request_free (AMPI_Request *request)
int AMPI_Request_get_status (AMPI_Request request, int *flag, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Rsend (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Rsend_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Rsend_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Rsend_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Rsend_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Rsend_init (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Rsend_init_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Rsend_init_postEnd (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Rsend_init_preStart (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Rsend_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Rsend_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Scan (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Scatter (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Scatter_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Scatter_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Scatter_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Scatter_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Scatter_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Scatter_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Scatterv (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, const int *sendcounts, const int *displs, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Scatterv_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispl, const int *sendcount, const int *displs, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Scatterv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Scatterv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Scatterv_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispl, const int *sendcount, const int *displs, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Scatterv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Scatterv_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispl, const int *sendcount, const int *displs, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Send (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Send_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Send_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Send_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Send_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Send_init (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Send_init_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Send_init_postEnd (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Send_init_preStart (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Send_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Send_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int AMPI_Sendrecv (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, int dest, int sendtag, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int source, int recvtag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Sendrecv_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *sendbuf, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, int dest, int sendtag, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *recvbuf, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int source, int recvtag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Sendrecv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Sendrecv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Sendrecv_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *sendbuf, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, int dest, int sendtag, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *recvbuf, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int source, int recvtag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Sendrecv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void AMPI_Sendrecv_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *sendbuf, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, int dest, int sendtag, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *recvbuf, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int source, int recvtag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Ssend (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ssend_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ssend_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ssend_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ssend_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Ssend_init (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Ssend_init_finish (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Ssend_init_postEnd (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Ssend_init_preStart (HandleBase *handle)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ssend_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
template<typename DATATYPE >
void AMPI_Ssend_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
int AMPI_Start (AMPI_Request *request)
int AMPI_Startall (int count, AMPI_Request *array_of_requests)
int AMPI_Status_c2f (const MPI_Status *c_status, MPI_Fint *f_status)
int AMPI_Status_f2c (const MPI_Fint *f_status, MPI_Status *c_status)
int AMPI_Status_set_cancelled (MPI_Status *status, int flag)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Status_set_elements (MPI_Status *status, DATATYPE *datatype, int count)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Status_set_elements_x (MPI_Status *status, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Count count)
int AMPI_T_category_changed (int *stamp)
int AMPI_T_category_get_categories (int cat_index, int len, int *indices)
int AMPI_T_category_get_cvars (int cat_index, int len, int *indices)
int AMPI_T_category_get_index (const char *name, int *cat_index)
int AMPI_T_category_get_info (int cat_index, char *name, int *name_len, char *desc, int *desc_len, int *num_cvars, int *num_pvars, int *num_categories)
int AMPI_T_category_get_num (int *num_cat)
int AMPI_T_category_get_pvars (int cat_index, int len, int *indices)
int AMPI_T_cvar_get_index (const char *name, int *cvar_index)
int AMPI_T_cvar_get_num (int *num_cvar)
int AMPI_T_cvar_handle_alloc (int cvar_index, void *obj_handle, MPI_T_cvar_handle *handle, int *count)
int AMPI_T_cvar_handle_free (MPI_T_cvar_handle *handle)
int AMPI_T_cvar_read (MPI_T_cvar_handle handle, void *buf)
int AMPI_T_cvar_write (MPI_T_cvar_handle handle, const void *buf)
int AMPI_T_enum_get_info (MPI_T_enum enumtype, int *num, char *name, int *name_len)
int AMPI_T_enum_get_item (MPI_T_enum enumtype, int index, int *value, char *name, int *name_len)
int AMPI_T_finalize ()
int AMPI_T_init_thread (int required, int *provided)
int AMPI_T_pvar_get_index (const char *name, int var_class, int *pvar_index)
int AMPI_T_pvar_get_num (int *num_pvar)
int AMPI_T_pvar_handle_alloc (MPI_T_pvar_session session, int pvar_index, void *obj_handle, MPI_T_pvar_handle *handle, int *count)
int AMPI_T_pvar_handle_free (MPI_T_pvar_session session, MPI_T_pvar_handle *handle)
int AMPI_T_pvar_read (MPI_T_pvar_session session, MPI_T_pvar_handle handle, void *buf)
int AMPI_T_pvar_readreset (MPI_T_pvar_session session, MPI_T_pvar_handle handle, void *buf)
int AMPI_T_pvar_reset (MPI_T_pvar_session session, MPI_T_pvar_handle handle)
int AMPI_T_pvar_session_create (MPI_T_pvar_session *session)
int AMPI_T_pvar_session_free (MPI_T_pvar_session *session)
int AMPI_T_pvar_start (MPI_T_pvar_session session, MPI_T_pvar_handle handle)
int AMPI_T_pvar_stop (MPI_T_pvar_session session, MPI_T_pvar_handle handle)
int AMPI_T_pvar_write (MPI_T_pvar_session session, MPI_T_pvar_handle handle, const void *buf)
int AMPI_Test (AMPI_Request *request, int *flag, MPI_Status *status)
int AMPI_Test_cancelled (const MPI_Status *status, int *flag)
int AMPI_Testall (int count, AMPI_Request *array_of_requests, int *flag, MPI_Status *array_of_statuses)
int AMPI_Testany (int count, AMPI_Request *array_of_requests, int *index, int *flag, MPI_Status *status)
int AMPI_Testsome (int incount, AMPI_Request *array_of_requests, int *outcount, int *array_of_indices, MPI_Status *array_of_statuses)
int AMPI_Topo_test (MPI_Comm comm, int *status)
int AMPI_Type_commit (MpiTypeInterface **d)
int AMPI_Type_create_contiguous (int count, MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MpiTypeInterface **newtype)
int AMPI_Type_create_hindexed (int count, int *array_of_blocklengths, MPI_Aint *array_of_displacements, MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MpiTypeInterface **newtype)
int AMPI_Type_create_hindexed_block (int count, int blocklength, MPI_Aint *array_of_displacements, MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MpiTypeInterface **newtype)
int AMPI_Type_create_hvector (int count, int blocklength, MPI_Aint stride, MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MpiTypeInterface **newtype)
int AMPI_Type_create_keyval (AMPI_Type_copy_attr_function *type_copy_attr_fn, AMPI_Type_delete_attr_function *type_delete_attr_fn, int *type_keyval, void *extra_state)
int AMPI_Type_create_resized (MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MPI_Aint lb, MPI_Aint extent, MpiTypeInterface **newtype)
int AMPI_Type_create_struct (int count, const int *array_of_blocklengths, const MPI_Aint *array_of_displacements, MpiTypeInterface *const *array_of_types, MpiTypeInterface **newtype)
int AMPI_Type_create_subarray (int ndims, const int *array_of_sizes, const int *array_of_subsizes, const int *array_of_starts, int order, MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MpiTypeInterface **newtype)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Type_delete_attr (DATATYPE *datatype, int type_keyval)
int AMPI_Type_dup (MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MpiTypeInterface **newtype)
int AMPI_Type_free (MpiTypeInterface **d)
int AMPI_Type_free_keyval (int *type_keyval)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Type_get_attr (DATATYPE *datatype, int type_keyval, void *attribute_val, int *flag)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Type_get_contents (DATATYPE *datatype, int max_integers, int max_addresses, int max_datatypes, int *array_of_integers, MPI_Aint *array_of_addresses, AMPI_Datatype *array_of_datatypes)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Type_get_envelope (DATATYPE *datatype, int *num_integers, int *num_addresses, int *num_datatypes, int *combiner)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Type_get_extent (DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Aint *lb, MPI_Aint *extent)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Type_get_extent_x (DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Count *lb, MPI_Count *extent)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Type_get_name (DATATYPE *datatype, char *type_name, int *resultlen)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Type_get_true_extent (DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Aint *true_lb, MPI_Aint *true_extent)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Type_get_true_extent_x (DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Count *true_lb, MPI_Count *true_extent)
int AMPI_Type_indexed (int count, int *array_of_blocklengths, int *array_of_displacements, MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MpiTypeInterface **newtype)
int AMPI_Type_indexed_block (int count, int blocklength, int *array_of_displacements, MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MpiTypeInterface **newtype)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Type_set_attr (DATATYPE *datatype, int type_keyval, void *attribute_val)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Type_set_name (DATATYPE *datatype, const char *type_name)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Type_size (DATATYPE *datatype, int *size)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int AMPI_Type_size_x (DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Count *size)
int AMPI_Type_vector (int count, int blocklength, int stride, MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MpiTypeInterface **newtype)
int AMPI_Unpublish_name (const char *service_name, MPI_Info info, const char *port_name)
int AMPI_Wait (AMPI_Request *request, MPI_Status *status)
void AMPI_Wait_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
void AMPI_Wait_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface)
int AMPI_Waitall (int count, AMPI_Request *array_of_requests, MPI_Status *array_of_statuses)
int AMPI_Waitany (int count, AMPI_Request *array_of_requests, int *index, MPI_Status *status)
int AMPI_Waitsome (int incount, AMPI_Request *array_of_requests, int *outcount, int *array_of_indices, MPI_Status *array_of_statuses)
MPI_Fint AMPI_Win_c2f (MPI_Win win)
int AMPI_Win_call_errhandler (MPI_Win win, int errorcode)
int AMPI_Win_create_errhandler (AMPI_Win_errhandler_function *win_errhandler_fn, MPI_Errhandler *errhandler)
int AMPI_Win_create_keyval (AMPI_Win_copy_attr_function *win_copy_attr_fn, AMPI_Win_delete_attr_function *win_delete_attr_fn, int *win_keyval, void *extra_state)
int AMPI_Win_delete_attr (MPI_Win win, int win_keyval)
MPI_Win AMPI_Win_f2c (MPI_Fint win)
int AMPI_Win_free_keyval (int *win_keyval)
int AMPI_Win_get_attr (MPI_Win win, int win_keyval, void *attribute_val, int *flag)
int AMPI_Win_get_errhandler (MPI_Win win, MPI_Errhandler *errhandler)
int AMPI_Win_get_name (MPI_Win win, char *win_name, int *resultlen)
int AMPI_Win_set_attr (MPI_Win win, int win_keyval, void *attribute_val)
int AMPI_Win_set_errhandler (MPI_Win win, MPI_Errhandler errhandler)
int AMPI_Win_set_name (MPI_Win win, const char *win_name)
double AMPI_Wtick ()
double AMPI_Wtime ()
void clearDebugInformation ()
int computeDisplacementsTotalSize (const int *counts, int ranks)
 Compute the total size of a message that has a different size on each rank.
MPI_Request * convertToMPI (AMPI_Request *array, int count)
int * createLinearDisplacements (const int *counts, int ranks)
 Creates the linearized displacements of a message with a different size on each rank.
void createLinearDisplacementsAndCount (int *&countsOut, int *&displsOut, const int *counts, int ranks, int scale)
 Creates the linearized displacements of a message with a different size on each rank.
template<typename Datatype >
void createLinearIndexCounts (int *&linearCounts, const int *counts, const int *displs, int ranks, Datatype *type)
 Creates the counts for a message with a different size on each rank.
int dimToOrderDim (int dim, const int dimBase, const int dimStep)
void finalizeTypes ()
template<typename DATATYPE >
int GatherAndPerformOperationLocal (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm, int reduceSize)
int getCommRank (MPI_Comm comm)
 Helper function that gets the own rank number from the communicator.
int getCommSize (MPI_Comm comm)
 Helper function that gets the number of ranks from the communicator.
std::string getDebugInformation ()
template<typename DATATYPE >
int IgatherAndPerformOperationLocal (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request, int reduceSize)
template<typename DATATYPE >
int IgatherAndPerformOperationLocal_finish (HandleBase *handle)
void initializeOperators ()
void initTypes ()
int MPI_Bcast_wrap (void *bufferSend, void *bufferRecv, int count, MPI_Datatype type, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
int MPI_Ibcast_wrap (void *bufferSend, void *bufferRecv, int count, MPI_Datatype type, int root, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request *request)
bool operator!= (AMPI_Op const &a, AMPI_Op const &b)
bool operator!= (const AMPI_Request &a, const AMPI_Request &b)
bool operator== (AMPI_Op const &a, AMPI_Op const &b)
bool operator== (const AMPI_Request &a, const AMPI_Request &b)
void outputException (const char function[], const char file[], const int line, const char *message,...)
 Prints the positions and the message of the exception.
template<typename DATATYPE >
void performReduce (typename DATATYPE::Type *tempbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm, int reduceSize)
void performReverseAction (AMPI_Request *request)
void performStartAction (AMPI_Request *request)
void printDebugInformationWarning (std::string const &functionName)
void setDebugInformation (std::string const &info)


 This structure is able to be cast to any type.
bool constexpr HeaderOnly = true
 If MeDiPack is included as header only library or as a regular library.

Detailed Description

Global namespace for MeDiPack - Message Differentiation Package.

Typedef Documentation

◆ AMPI_2INT_Type





◆ AMPI_Comm_copy_attr_function

typedef MPI_Comm_copy_attr_function medi::AMPI_Comm_copy_attr_function

◆ AMPI_Comm_delete_attr_function

typedef MPI_Comm_delete_attr_function medi::AMPI_Comm_delete_attr_function

◆ AMPI_Comm_errhandler_function

typedef MPI_Comm_errhandler_function medi::AMPI_Comm_errhandler_function

◆ AMPI_Copy_function

typedef MPI_Copy_function medi::AMPI_Copy_function



◆ AMPI_Datarep_conversion_function

typedef MPI_Datarep_conversion_function medi::AMPI_Datarep_conversion_function

◆ AMPI_Datarep_extent_function

typedef MPI_Datarep_extent_function medi::AMPI_Datarep_extent_function

◆ AMPI_Datatype

◆ AMPI_Delete_function

typedef MPI_Delete_function medi::AMPI_Delete_function



◆ AMPI_File_errhandler_function

typedef MPI_File_errhandler_function medi::AMPI_File_errhandler_function



◆ AMPI_Grequest_cancel_function

typedef MPI_Grequest_cancel_function medi::AMPI_Grequest_cancel_function

◆ AMPI_Grequest_free_function

typedef MPI_Grequest_free_function medi::AMPI_Grequest_free_function

◆ AMPI_Grequest_query_function

typedef MPI_Grequest_query_function medi::AMPI_Grequest_query_function

◆ AMPI_INT16_T_Type

◆ AMPI_INT32_T_Type

◆ AMPI_INT64_T_Type

◆ AMPI_INT8_T_Type







typedef MpiTypePassive<long long int> medi::AMPI_LONG_LONG_Type







◆ AMPI_Type_copy_attr_function

typedef MPI_Type_copy_attr_function medi::AMPI_Type_copy_attr_function

◆ AMPI_Type_delete_attr_function

typedef MPI_Type_delete_attr_function medi::AMPI_Type_delete_attr_function

◆ AMPI_UINT16_T_Type

◆ AMPI_UINT32_T_Type

◆ AMPI_UINT64_T_Type




typedef MpiTypePassive<unsigned long long int> medi::AMPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG_Type




◆ AMPI_User_function

typedef MPI_User_function medi::AMPI_User_function


◆ AMPI_Win_copy_attr_function

typedef MPI_Win_copy_attr_function medi::AMPI_Win_copy_attr_function

◆ AMPI_Win_delete_attr_function

typedef MPI_Win_delete_attr_function medi::AMPI_Win_delete_attr_function

◆ AMPI_Win_errhandler_function

typedef MPI_Win_errhandler_function medi::AMPI_Win_errhandler_function

◆ ContinueFunction

typedef int(* medi::ContinueFunction) (HandleBase *h)

◆ CustomFunction

typedef void(* medi::CustomFunction) (void *data)

◆ DeleteReverseData

typedef void(* medi::DeleteReverseData) (void *data)

◆ DoubleIntPair

◆ FloatIntPair

◆ ForwardFunction

typedef void(* medi::ForwardFunction) (HandleBase *h, AdjointInterface *a)

◆ IntIntPair

◆ LongDoubleIntPair

typedef PairWithInt<long double> medi::LongDoubleIntPair

◆ LongIntPair

◆ PostAdjointOperation

typedef void(* medi::PostAdjointOperation) (void *adjoints, void *primals, void *rootPrimals, int count, int dim)

◆ PreAdjointOperation

typedef void(* medi::PreAdjointOperation) (void *adjoints, void *primals, int count, int dim)

◆ PrimalFunction

typedef void(* medi::PrimalFunction) (HandleBase *h, AdjointInterface *a)

◆ ReverseFunction

typedef void(* medi::ReverseFunction) (HandleBase *h, AdjointInterface *a)

◆ ShortIntPair

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ IrecvAdjCall

enum class medi::IrecvAdjCall

◆ ManualDeleteType

enum class medi::ManualDeleteType

◆ RecvAdjCall

enum class medi::RecvAdjCall

Function Documentation

◆ add_subarray()

void medi::add_subarray ( const int curDim,
const int dimBase,
const int dimStep,
const int ndims,
const int * array_of_subsizes,
const int * array_of_starts,
int & arrayPos,
const MPI_Aint * extents,
MPI_Aint dimDisplacement,
MPI_Aint * array_of_displacements )

◆ addCustomOperationPriorToLocalReduce()

template<typename DATATYPE >
bool medi::addCustomOperationPriorToLocalReduce ( AMPI_Request * request,
CustomFunction func,
void * data )

◆ AMPI_Abort()

int medi::AMPI_Abort ( MPI_Comm comm,
int errorcode )

◆ AMPI_Add_error_class()

int medi::AMPI_Add_error_class ( int * errorclass)

◆ AMPI_Add_error_code()

int medi::AMPI_Add_error_code ( int errorclass,
int * errorcode )

◆ AMPI_Add_error_string()

int medi::AMPI_Add_error_string ( int errorcode,
const char * string )

◆ AMPI_Aint_add()

MPI_Aint medi::AMPI_Aint_add ( MPI_Aint base,
MPI_Aint disp )

◆ AMPI_Aint_diff()

MPI_Aint medi::AMPI_Aint_diff ( MPI_Aint addr1,
MPI_Aint addr2 )

◆ AMPI_Allgather()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Allgather ( const typename SENDTYPE::Type * sendbuf,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Allgather_adj()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Allgather_adj ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Allgather_b()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Allgather_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Allgather_d()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Allgather_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Allgather_fwd()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Allgather_fwd ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Allgather_p()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Allgather_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Allgather_pri()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Allgather_pri ( typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Allgatherv()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Allgatherv ( const typename SENDTYPE::Type * sendbuf,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::Type * recvbuf,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * displs,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Allgatherv_adj()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Allgatherv_adj ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int * recvbufCounts,
const int * recvbufDispls,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * displs,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Allgatherv_b()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Allgatherv_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Allgatherv_d()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Allgatherv_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Allgatherv_fwd()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Allgatherv_fwd ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int * recvbufCounts,
const int * recvbufDispls,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * displs,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Allgatherv_p()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Allgatherv_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Allgatherv_pri()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Allgatherv_pri ( typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int * recvbufCounts,
const int * recvbufDispls,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * displs,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Alloc_mem()

int medi::AMPI_Alloc_mem ( MPI_Aint size,
MPI_Info info,
void * baseptr )

◆ AMPI_Allreduce()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Allreduce ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * sendbuf,
typename DATATYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Allreduce_global()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Allreduce_global ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * sendbuf,
typename DATATYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Allreduce_global_adj()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Allreduce_global_adj ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Allreduce_global_b()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Allreduce_global_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Allreduce_global_d()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Allreduce_global_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Allreduce_global_fwd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Allreduce_global_fwd ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Allreduce_global_p()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Allreduce_global_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Allreduce_global_pri()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Allreduce_global_pri ( typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Alltoall()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Alltoall ( const typename SENDTYPE::Type * sendbuf,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Alltoall_adj()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Alltoall_adj ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Alltoall_b()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Alltoall_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Alltoall_d()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Alltoall_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Alltoall_fwd()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Alltoall_fwd ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Alltoall_p()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Alltoall_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Alltoall_pri()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Alltoall_pri ( typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Alltoallv()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Alltoallv ( const typename SENDTYPE::Type * sendbuf,
const int * sendcounts,
const int * sdispls,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::Type * recvbuf,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * rdispls,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Alltoallv_adj()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Alltoallv_adj ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int * sendbufCounts,
const int * sendbufDispls,
const int * sendcounts,
const int * sdispls,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int * recvbufCounts,
const int * recvbufDispls,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * rdispls,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Alltoallv_b()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Alltoallv_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Alltoallv_d()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Alltoallv_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Alltoallv_fwd()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Alltoallv_fwd ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int * sendbufCounts,
const int * sendbufDispls,
const int * sendcounts,
const int * sdispls,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int * recvbufCounts,
const int * recvbufDispls,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * rdispls,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Alltoallv_p()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Alltoallv_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Alltoallv_pri()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Alltoallv_pri ( typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int * sendbufCounts,
const int * sendbufDispls,
const int * sendcounts,
const int * sdispls,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int * recvbufCounts,
const int * recvbufDispls,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * rdispls,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Attr_delete()

int medi::AMPI_Attr_delete ( MPI_Comm comm,
int keyval )

◆ AMPI_Attr_get()

int medi::AMPI_Attr_get ( MPI_Comm comm,
int keyval,
void * attribute_val,
int * flag )

◆ AMPI_Attr_put()

int medi::AMPI_Attr_put ( MPI_Comm comm,
int keyval,
void * attribute_val )

◆ AMPI_Barrier()

int medi::AMPI_Barrier ( MPI_Comm comm)

◆ AMPI_Bcast()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Bcast ( typename DATATYPE::Type * buffer,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Bcast_wrap()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Bcast_wrap ( typename DATATYPE::Type * bufferSend,
typename DATATYPE::Type * bufferRecv,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Bcast_wrap_adj()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Bcast_wrap_adj ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Bcast_wrap_b()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Bcast_wrap_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Bcast_wrap_d()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Bcast_wrap_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Bcast_wrap_fwd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Bcast_wrap_fwd ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Bcast_wrap_p()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Bcast_wrap_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Bcast_wrap_pri()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Bcast_wrap_pri ( typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Bsend()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Bsend ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Bsend_adj()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Bsend_adj ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Bsend_b()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Bsend_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Bsend_d()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Bsend_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Bsend_fwd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Bsend_fwd ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Bsend_init()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Bsend_init ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Bsend_init_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Bsend_init_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Bsend_init_postEnd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Bsend_init_postEnd ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Bsend_init_preStart()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Bsend_init_preStart ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Bsend_p()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Bsend_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Bsend_pri()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Bsend_pri ( typename DATATYPE::PrimalType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Buffer_attach()

int medi::AMPI_Buffer_attach ( void * buffer,
int size )

◆ AMPI_Buffer_detach()

int medi::AMPI_Buffer_detach ( void * buffer_addr,
int * size )

◆ AMPI_Cancel()

int medi::AMPI_Cancel ( AMPI_Request * request)

◆ AMPI_Cart_coords()

int medi::AMPI_Cart_coords ( MPI_Comm comm,
int rank,
int maxdims,
int * coords )

◆ AMPI_Cart_create()

int medi::AMPI_Cart_create ( MPI_Comm comm_old,
int ndims,
const int * dims,
const int * periods,
int reorder,
MPI_Comm * comm_cart )

◆ AMPI_Cart_get()

int medi::AMPI_Cart_get ( MPI_Comm comm,
int maxdims,
int * dims,
int * periods,
int * coords )

◆ AMPI_Cart_map()

int medi::AMPI_Cart_map ( MPI_Comm comm,
int ndims,
const int * dims,
const int * periods,
int * newrank )

◆ AMPI_Cart_rank()

int medi::AMPI_Cart_rank ( MPI_Comm comm,
const int * coords,
int * rank )

◆ AMPI_Cart_shift()

int medi::AMPI_Cart_shift ( MPI_Comm comm,
int direction,
int disp,
int * rank_source,
int * rank_dest )

◆ AMPI_Cart_sub()

int medi::AMPI_Cart_sub ( MPI_Comm comm,
const int * remain_dims,
MPI_Comm * newcomm )

◆ AMPI_Cartdim_get()

int medi::AMPI_Cartdim_get ( MPI_Comm comm,
int * ndims )

◆ AMPI_Close_port()

int medi::AMPI_Close_port ( const char * port_name)

◆ AMPI_Comm_accept()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_accept ( const char * port_name,
MPI_Info info,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Comm * newcomm )

◆ AMPI_Comm_c2f()

MPI_Fint medi::AMPI_Comm_c2f ( MPI_Comm comm)

◆ AMPI_Comm_call_errhandler()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_call_errhandler ( MPI_Comm comm,
int errorcode )

◆ AMPI_Comm_compare()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_compare ( MPI_Comm comm1,
MPI_Comm comm2,
int * result )

◆ AMPI_Comm_connect()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_connect ( const char * port_name,
MPI_Info info,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Comm * newcomm )

◆ AMPI_Comm_create()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_create ( MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Group group,
MPI_Comm * newcomm )

◆ AMPI_Comm_create_errhandler()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_create_errhandler ( AMPI_Comm_errhandler_function * comm_errhandler_fn,
MPI_Errhandler * errhandler )

◆ AMPI_Comm_create_group()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_create_group ( MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Group group,
int tag,
MPI_Comm * newcomm )

◆ AMPI_Comm_create_keyval()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_create_keyval ( AMPI_Comm_copy_attr_function * comm_copy_attr_fn,
AMPI_Comm_delete_attr_function * comm_delete_attr_fn,
int * comm_keyval,
void * extra_state )

◆ AMPI_Comm_delete_attr()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_delete_attr ( MPI_Comm comm,
int comm_keyval )

◆ AMPI_Comm_disconnect()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_disconnect ( MPI_Comm * comm)

◆ AMPI_Comm_dup()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_dup ( MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Comm * newcomm )

◆ AMPI_Comm_dup_with_info()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_dup_with_info ( MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Info info,
MPI_Comm * newcomm )

◆ AMPI_Comm_f2c()

MPI_Comm medi::AMPI_Comm_f2c ( MPI_Fint comm)

◆ AMPI_Comm_free()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_free ( MPI_Comm * comm)

◆ AMPI_Comm_free_keyval()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_free_keyval ( int * comm_keyval)

◆ AMPI_Comm_get_attr()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_get_attr ( MPI_Comm comm,
int comm_keyval,
void * attribute_val,
int * flag )

◆ AMPI_Comm_get_errhandler()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_get_errhandler ( MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Errhandler * errhandler )

◆ AMPI_Comm_get_info()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_get_info ( MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Info * info_used )

◆ AMPI_Comm_get_name()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_get_name ( MPI_Comm comm,
char * comm_name,
int * resultlen )

◆ AMPI_Comm_get_parent()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_get_parent ( MPI_Comm * parent)

◆ AMPI_Comm_group()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_group ( MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Group * group )

◆ AMPI_Comm_idup()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_idup ( MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Comm * newcomm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Comm_join()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_join ( int fd,
MPI_Comm * intercomm )

◆ AMPI_Comm_rank()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_rank ( MPI_Comm comm,
int * rank )

◆ AMPI_Comm_remote_group()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_remote_group ( MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Group * group )

◆ AMPI_Comm_remote_size()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_remote_size ( MPI_Comm comm,
int * size )

◆ AMPI_Comm_set_attr()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_set_attr ( MPI_Comm comm,
int comm_keyval,
void * attribute_val )

◆ AMPI_Comm_set_errhandler()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_set_errhandler ( MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Errhandler errhandler )

◆ AMPI_Comm_set_info()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_set_info ( MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Info info )

◆ AMPI_Comm_set_name()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_set_name ( MPI_Comm comm,
const char * comm_name )

◆ AMPI_Comm_size()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_size ( MPI_Comm comm,
int * size )

◆ AMPI_Comm_spawn()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_spawn ( const char * command,
char ** argv,
int maxprocs,
MPI_Info info,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Comm * intercomm,
int * array_of_errcodes )

◆ AMPI_Comm_spawn_multiple()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_spawn_multiple ( int count,
char ** array_of_commands,
char *** array_of_argv,
const int * array_of_maxprocs,
const MPI_Info * array_of_info,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Comm * intercomm,
int * array_of_errcodes )

◆ AMPI_Comm_split()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_split ( MPI_Comm comm,
int color,
int key,
MPI_Comm * newcomm )

◆ AMPI_Comm_split_type()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_split_type ( MPI_Comm comm,
int split_type,
int key,
MPI_Info info,
MPI_Comm * newcomm )

◆ AMPI_Comm_test_inter()

int medi::AMPI_Comm_test_inter ( MPI_Comm comm,
int * flag )

◆ AMPI_Dims_create()

int medi::AMPI_Dims_create ( int nnodes,
int ndims,
int * dims )

◆ AMPI_Dist_graph_create()

int medi::AMPI_Dist_graph_create ( MPI_Comm comm_old,
int n,
const int * sources,
const int * degrees,
const int * destinations,
const int * weights,
MPI_Info info,
int reorder,
MPI_Comm * comm_dist_graph )

◆ AMPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent()

int medi::AMPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent ( MPI_Comm comm_old,
int indegree,
const int * sources,
const int * sourceweights,
int outdegree,
const int * destinations,
const int * destweights,
MPI_Info info,
int reorder,
MPI_Comm * comm_dist_graph )

◆ AMPI_Dist_graph_neighbors()

int medi::AMPI_Dist_graph_neighbors ( MPI_Comm comm,
int maxindegree,
int * sources,
int * sourceweights,
int maxoutdegree,
int * destinations,
int * destweights )

◆ AMPI_Dist_graph_neighbors_count()

int medi::AMPI_Dist_graph_neighbors_count ( MPI_Comm comm,
int * indegree,
int * outdegree,
int * weighted )

◆ AMPI_Errhandler_c2f()

MPI_Fint medi::AMPI_Errhandler_c2f ( MPI_Errhandler errhandler)

◆ AMPI_Errhandler_f2c()

MPI_Errhandler medi::AMPI_Errhandler_f2c ( MPI_Fint errhandler)

◆ AMPI_Errhandler_free()

int medi::AMPI_Errhandler_free ( MPI_Errhandler * errhandler)

◆ AMPI_Error_class()

int medi::AMPI_Error_class ( int errorcode,
int * errorclass )

◆ AMPI_Error_string()

int medi::AMPI_Error_string ( int errorcode,
char * string,
int * resultlen )

◆ AMPI_Exscan()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Exscan ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * sendbuf,
typename DATATYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_File_c2f()

MPI_Fint medi::AMPI_File_c2f ( MPI_File file)

◆ AMPI_File_call_errhandler()

int medi::AMPI_File_call_errhandler ( MPI_File fh,
int errorcode )

◆ AMPI_File_close()

int medi::AMPI_File_close ( MPI_File * fh)

◆ AMPI_File_create_errhandler()

int medi::AMPI_File_create_errhandler ( AMPI_File_errhandler_function * file_errhandler_fn,
MPI_Errhandler * errhandler )

◆ AMPI_File_delete()

int medi::AMPI_File_delete ( const char * filename,
MPI_Info info )

◆ AMPI_File_f2c()

MPI_File medi::AMPI_File_f2c ( MPI_Fint file)

◆ AMPI_File_get_amode()

int medi::AMPI_File_get_amode ( MPI_File fh,
int * amode )

◆ AMPI_File_get_atomicity()

int medi::AMPI_File_get_atomicity ( MPI_File fh,
int * flag )

◆ AMPI_File_get_byte_offset()

int medi::AMPI_File_get_byte_offset ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset offset,
MPI_Offset * disp )

◆ AMPI_File_get_errhandler()

int medi::AMPI_File_get_errhandler ( MPI_File file,
MPI_Errhandler * errhandler )

◆ AMPI_File_get_group()

int medi::AMPI_File_get_group ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Group * group )

◆ AMPI_File_get_info()

int medi::AMPI_File_get_info ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Info * info_used )

◆ AMPI_File_get_position()

int medi::AMPI_File_get_position ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset * offset )

◆ AMPI_File_get_position_shared()

int medi::AMPI_File_get_position_shared ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset * offset )

◆ AMPI_File_get_size()

int medi::AMPI_File_get_size ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset * size )

◆ AMPI_File_get_type_extent()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_get_type_extent ( MPI_File fh,
DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Aint * extent )

◆ AMPI_File_get_view()

template<typename ETYPE , typename FILETYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_get_view ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset * disp,
ETYPE * etype,
FILETYPE * filetype,
char * datarep )

◆ AMPI_File_iread()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_iread ( MPI_File fh,
void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_File_iread_all()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_iread_all ( MPI_File fh,
void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_File_iread_at()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_iread_at ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset offset,
void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_File_iread_at_all()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_iread_at_all ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset offset,
void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_File_iread_shared()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_iread_shared ( MPI_File fh,
void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_File_iwrite()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_iwrite ( MPI_File fh,
const void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_File_iwrite_all()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_iwrite_all ( MPI_File fh,
const void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_File_iwrite_at()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_iwrite_at ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset offset,
const void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_File_iwrite_at_all()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_iwrite_at_all ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset offset,
const void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_File_iwrite_shared()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_iwrite_shared ( MPI_File fh,
const void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_File_open()

int medi::AMPI_File_open ( MPI_Comm comm,
const char * filename,
int amode,
MPI_Info info,
MPI_File * fh )

◆ AMPI_File_preallocate()

int medi::AMPI_File_preallocate ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset size )

◆ AMPI_File_read()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_read ( MPI_File fh,
void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_File_read_all()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_read_all ( MPI_File fh,
void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_File_read_all_begin()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_read_all_begin ( MPI_File fh,
void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype )

◆ AMPI_File_read_all_end()

int medi::AMPI_File_read_all_end ( MPI_File fh,
void * buf,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_File_read_at()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_read_at ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset offset,
void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_File_read_at_all()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_read_at_all ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset offset,
void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_File_read_at_all_begin()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_read_at_all_begin ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset offset,
void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype )

◆ AMPI_File_read_at_all_end()

int medi::AMPI_File_read_at_all_end ( MPI_File fh,
void * buf,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_File_read_ordered()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_read_ordered ( MPI_File fh,
void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_File_read_ordered_begin()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_read_ordered_begin ( MPI_File fh,
void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype )

◆ AMPI_File_read_ordered_end()

int medi::AMPI_File_read_ordered_end ( MPI_File fh,
void * buf,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_File_read_shared()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_read_shared ( MPI_File fh,
void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_File_seek()

int medi::AMPI_File_seek ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset offset,
int whence )

◆ AMPI_File_seek_shared()

int medi::AMPI_File_seek_shared ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset offset,
int whence )

◆ AMPI_File_set_atomicity()

int medi::AMPI_File_set_atomicity ( MPI_File fh,
int flag )

◆ AMPI_File_set_errhandler()

int medi::AMPI_File_set_errhandler ( MPI_File file,
MPI_Errhandler errhandler )

◆ AMPI_File_set_info()

int medi::AMPI_File_set_info ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Info info )

◆ AMPI_File_set_size()

int medi::AMPI_File_set_size ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset size )

◆ AMPI_File_set_view()

template<typename ETYPE , typename FILETYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_set_view ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset disp,
ETYPE * etype,
FILETYPE * filetype,
const char * datarep,
MPI_Info info )

◆ AMPI_File_sync()

int medi::AMPI_File_sync ( MPI_File fh)

◆ AMPI_File_write()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_write ( MPI_File fh,
const void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_File_write_all()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_write_all ( MPI_File fh,
const void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_File_write_all_begin()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_write_all_begin ( MPI_File fh,
const void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype )

◆ AMPI_File_write_all_end()

int medi::AMPI_File_write_all_end ( MPI_File fh,
const void * buf,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_File_write_at()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_write_at ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset offset,
const void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_File_write_at_all()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_write_at_all ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset offset,
const void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_File_write_at_all_begin()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_write_at_all_begin ( MPI_File fh,
MPI_Offset offset,
const void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype )

◆ AMPI_File_write_at_all_end()

int medi::AMPI_File_write_at_all_end ( MPI_File fh,
const void * buf,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_File_write_ordered()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_write_ordered ( MPI_File fh,
const void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_File_write_ordered_begin()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_write_ordered_begin ( MPI_File fh,
const void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype )

◆ AMPI_File_write_ordered_end()

int medi::AMPI_File_write_ordered_end ( MPI_File fh,
const void * buf,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_File_write_shared()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_File_write_shared ( MPI_File fh,
const void * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_Finalize()

int medi::AMPI_Finalize ( )

◆ AMPI_Finalized()

int medi::AMPI_Finalized ( int * flag)

◆ AMPI_Free_mem()

int medi::AMPI_Free_mem ( void * base)

◆ AMPI_Gather()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Gather ( const typename SENDTYPE::Type * sendbuf,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Gather_adj()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Gather_adj ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Gather_b()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Gather_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Gather_d()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Gather_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Gather_fwd()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Gather_fwd ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Gather_p()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Gather_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Gather_pri()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Gather_pri ( typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Gatherv()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Gatherv ( const typename SENDTYPE::Type * sendbuf,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::Type * recvbuf,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * displs,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Gatherv_adj()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Gatherv_adj ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int * recvbufCounts,
const int * recvbufDispls,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * displs,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Gatherv_b()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Gatherv_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Gatherv_d()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Gatherv_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Gatherv_fwd()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Gatherv_fwd ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int * recvbufCounts,
const int * recvbufDispls,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * displs,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Gatherv_p()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Gatherv_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Gatherv_pri()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Gatherv_pri ( typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int * recvbufCounts,
const int * recvbufDispls,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * displs,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Get_address()

int medi::AMPI_Get_address ( const void * location,
MPI_Aint * address )

◆ AMPI_Get_count()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Get_count ( const MPI_Status * status,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int * count )

◆ AMPI_Get_elements()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Get_elements ( const MPI_Status * status,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int * count )

◆ AMPI_Get_elements_x()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Get_elements_x ( const MPI_Status * status,
DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Count * count )

◆ AMPI_Get_library_version()

int medi::AMPI_Get_library_version ( char * version,
int * resultlen )

◆ AMPI_Get_processor_name()

int medi::AMPI_Get_processor_name ( char * name,
int * resultlen )

◆ AMPI_Get_version()

int medi::AMPI_Get_version ( int * version,
int * subversion )

◆ AMPI_Graph_create()

int medi::AMPI_Graph_create ( MPI_Comm comm_old,
int nnodes,
const int * index,
const int * edges,
int reorder,
MPI_Comm * comm_graph )

◆ AMPI_Graph_get()

int medi::AMPI_Graph_get ( MPI_Comm comm,
int maxindex,
int maxedges,
int * index,
int * edges )

◆ AMPI_Graph_map()

int medi::AMPI_Graph_map ( MPI_Comm comm,
int nnodes,
const int * index,
const int * edges,
int * newrank )

◆ AMPI_Graph_neighbors()

int medi::AMPI_Graph_neighbors ( MPI_Comm comm,
int rank,
int maxneighbors,
int * neighbors )

◆ AMPI_Graph_neighbors_count()

int medi::AMPI_Graph_neighbors_count ( MPI_Comm comm,
int rank,
int * nneighbors )

◆ AMPI_Graphdims_get()

int medi::AMPI_Graphdims_get ( MPI_Comm comm,
int * nnodes,
int * nedges )

◆ AMPI_Grequest_complete()

int medi::AMPI_Grequest_complete ( AMPI_Request request)

◆ AMPI_Grequest_start()

int medi::AMPI_Grequest_start ( AMPI_Grequest_query_function * query_fn,
AMPI_Grequest_free_function * free_fn,
AMPI_Grequest_cancel_function * cancel_fn,
void * extra_state,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Group_c2f()

MPI_Fint medi::AMPI_Group_c2f ( MPI_Group group)

◆ AMPI_Group_compare()

int medi::AMPI_Group_compare ( MPI_Group group1,
MPI_Group group2,
int * result )

◆ AMPI_Group_difference()

int medi::AMPI_Group_difference ( MPI_Group group1,
MPI_Group group2,
MPI_Group * newgroup )

◆ AMPI_Group_excl()

int medi::AMPI_Group_excl ( MPI_Group group,
int n,
const int * ranks,
MPI_Group * newgroup )

◆ AMPI_Group_f2c()

MPI_Group medi::AMPI_Group_f2c ( MPI_Fint group)

◆ AMPI_Group_free()

int medi::AMPI_Group_free ( MPI_Group * group)

◆ AMPI_Group_incl()

int medi::AMPI_Group_incl ( MPI_Group group,
int n,
const int * ranks,
MPI_Group * newgroup )

◆ AMPI_Group_intersection()

int medi::AMPI_Group_intersection ( MPI_Group group1,
MPI_Group group2,
MPI_Group * newgroup )

◆ AMPI_Group_range_excl()

int medi::AMPI_Group_range_excl ( MPI_Group group,
int n,
::medi::common::Range * ranges,
MPI_Group * newgroup )

◆ AMPI_Group_range_incl()

int medi::AMPI_Group_range_incl ( MPI_Group group,
int n,
::medi::common::Range * ranges,
MPI_Group * newgroup )

◆ AMPI_Group_rank()

int medi::AMPI_Group_rank ( MPI_Group group,
int * rank )

◆ AMPI_Group_size()

int medi::AMPI_Group_size ( MPI_Group group,
int * size )

◆ AMPI_Group_translate_ranks()

int medi::AMPI_Group_translate_ranks ( MPI_Group group1,
int n,
const int * ranks1,
MPI_Group group2,
int * ranks2 )

◆ AMPI_Group_union()

int medi::AMPI_Group_union ( MPI_Group group1,
MPI_Group group2,
MPI_Group * newgroup )

◆ AMPI_Iallgather()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Iallgather ( const typename SENDTYPE::Type * sendbuf,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iallgather_adj()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallgather_adj ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iallgather_b()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallgather_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iallgather_b_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallgather_b_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iallgather_d()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallgather_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iallgather_d_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallgather_d_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iallgather_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Iallgather_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Iallgather_fwd()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallgather_fwd ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iallgather_p()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallgather_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iallgather_p_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallgather_p_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iallgather_pri()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallgather_pri ( typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iallgatherv()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Iallgatherv ( const typename SENDTYPE::Type * sendbuf,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::Type * recvbuf,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * displs,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iallgatherv_adj()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallgatherv_adj ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int * recvbufCounts,
const int * recvbufDispls,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * displs,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iallgatherv_b()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallgatherv_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iallgatherv_b_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallgatherv_b_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iallgatherv_d()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallgatherv_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iallgatherv_d_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallgatherv_d_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iallgatherv_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Iallgatherv_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Iallgatherv_fwd()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallgatherv_fwd ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int * recvbufCounts,
const int * recvbufDispls,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * displs,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iallgatherv_p()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallgatherv_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iallgatherv_p_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallgatherv_p_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iallgatherv_pri()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallgatherv_pri ( typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int * recvbufCounts,
const int * recvbufDispls,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * displs,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iallreduce()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Iallreduce ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * sendbuf,
typename DATATYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iallreduce_global()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Iallreduce_global ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * sendbuf,
typename DATATYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iallreduce_global_adj()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallreduce_global_adj ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iallreduce_global_b()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallreduce_global_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iallreduce_global_b_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallreduce_global_b_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iallreduce_global_d()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallreduce_global_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iallreduce_global_d_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallreduce_global_d_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iallreduce_global_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Iallreduce_global_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Iallreduce_global_fwd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallreduce_global_fwd ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iallreduce_global_p()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallreduce_global_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iallreduce_global_p_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallreduce_global_p_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iallreduce_global_pri()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iallreduce_global_pri ( typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoall()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Ialltoall ( const typename SENDTYPE::Type * sendbuf,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoall_adj()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ialltoall_adj ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoall_b()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ialltoall_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoall_b_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ialltoall_b_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoall_d()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ialltoall_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoall_d_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ialltoall_d_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoall_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Ialltoall_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Ialltoall_fwd()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ialltoall_fwd ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoall_p()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ialltoall_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoall_p_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ialltoall_p_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoall_pri()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ialltoall_pri ( typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoallv()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Ialltoallv ( const typename SENDTYPE::Type * sendbuf,
const int * sendcounts,
const int * sdispls,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::Type * recvbuf,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * rdispls,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoallv_adj()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ialltoallv_adj ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int * sendbufCounts,
const int * sendbufDispls,
const int * sendcounts,
const int * sdispls,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int * recvbufCounts,
const int * recvbufDispls,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * rdispls,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoallv_b()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ialltoallv_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoallv_b_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ialltoallv_b_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoallv_d()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ialltoallv_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoallv_d_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ialltoallv_d_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoallv_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Ialltoallv_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Ialltoallv_fwd()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ialltoallv_fwd ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int * sendbufCounts,
const int * sendbufDispls,
const int * sendcounts,
const int * sdispls,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int * recvbufCounts,
const int * recvbufDispls,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * rdispls,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoallv_p()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ialltoallv_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoallv_p_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ialltoallv_p_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ialltoallv_pri()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ialltoallv_pri ( typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int * sendbufCounts,
const int * sendbufDispls,
const int * sendcounts,
const int * sdispls,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int * recvbufCounts,
const int * recvbufDispls,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * rdispls,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ibarrier()

int medi::AMPI_Ibarrier ( MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ibcast()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Ibcast ( typename DATATYPE::Type * buffer,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ibcast_wrap()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Ibcast_wrap ( typename DATATYPE::Type * bufferSend,
typename DATATYPE::Type * bufferRecv,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_adj()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_adj ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_b()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_b_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_b_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_d()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_d_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_d_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_fwd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_fwd ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_p()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_p_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_p_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_pri()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_pri ( typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ibsend()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Ibsend ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ibsend_adj()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ibsend_adj ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ibsend_b()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ibsend_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ibsend_b_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ibsend_b_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ibsend_d()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ibsend_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ibsend_d_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ibsend_d_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ibsend_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Ibsend_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Ibsend_fwd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ibsend_fwd ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ibsend_p()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ibsend_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ibsend_p_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ibsend_p_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ibsend_pri()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ibsend_pri ( typename DATATYPE::PrimalType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iexscan()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Iexscan ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * sendbuf,
typename DATATYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Igather()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Igather ( const typename SENDTYPE::Type * sendbuf,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Igather_adj()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Igather_adj ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Igather_b()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Igather_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Igather_b_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Igather_b_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Igather_d()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Igather_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Igather_d_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Igather_d_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Igather_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Igather_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Igather_fwd()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Igather_fwd ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Igather_p()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Igather_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Igather_p_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Igather_p_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Igather_pri()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Igather_pri ( typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Igatherv()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Igatherv ( const typename SENDTYPE::Type * sendbuf,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::Type * recvbuf,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * displs,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Igatherv_adj()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Igatherv_adj ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int * recvbufCounts,
const int * recvbufDispls,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * displs,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Igatherv_b()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Igatherv_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Igatherv_b_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Igatherv_b_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Igatherv_d()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Igatherv_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Igatherv_d_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Igatherv_d_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Igatherv_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Igatherv_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Igatherv_fwd()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Igatherv_fwd ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int * recvbufCounts,
const int * recvbufDispls,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * displs,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Igatherv_p()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Igatherv_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Igatherv_p_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Igatherv_p_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Igatherv_pri()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Igatherv_pri ( typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int * recvbufCounts,
const int * recvbufDispls,
const int * recvcounts,
const int * displs,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Improbe()

int medi::AMPI_Improbe ( int source,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
int * flag,
AMPI_Message * message,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_Imrecv()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Imrecv ( typename DATATYPE::Type * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Message * message,
AMPI_Request * request,
IrecvAdjCall reverse_send = IrecvAdjCall::Isend )

◆ AMPI_Imrecv_adj()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Imrecv_adj ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Message * message,
AMPI_Request * request,
IrecvAdjCall reverse_call )

◆ AMPI_Imrecv_b()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Imrecv_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Imrecv_b_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Imrecv_b_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Imrecv_d()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Imrecv_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Imrecv_d_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Imrecv_d_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Imrecv_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Imrecv_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Imrecv_fwd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Imrecv_fwd ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Message * message,
AMPI_Request * request,
IrecvAdjCall reverse_call )

◆ AMPI_Imrecv_p()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Imrecv_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Imrecv_p_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Imrecv_p_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Imrecv_pri()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Imrecv_pri ( typename DATATYPE::PrimalType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Message * message,
AMPI_Request * request,
IrecvAdjCall reverse_call )

◆ AMPI_Info_c2f()

MPI_Fint medi::AMPI_Info_c2f ( MPI_Info info)

◆ AMPI_Info_create()

int medi::AMPI_Info_create ( MPI_Info * info)

◆ AMPI_Info_delete()

int medi::AMPI_Info_delete ( MPI_Info info,
const char * key )

◆ AMPI_Info_dup()

int medi::AMPI_Info_dup ( MPI_Info info,
MPI_Info * newinfo )

◆ AMPI_Info_f2c()

MPI_Info medi::AMPI_Info_f2c ( MPI_Fint info)

◆ AMPI_Info_free()

int medi::AMPI_Info_free ( MPI_Info * info)

◆ AMPI_Info_get()

int medi::AMPI_Info_get ( MPI_Info info,
const char * key,
int valuelen,
char * value,
int * flag )

◆ AMPI_Info_get_nkeys()

int medi::AMPI_Info_get_nkeys ( MPI_Info info,
int * nkeys )

◆ AMPI_Info_get_nthkey()

int medi::AMPI_Info_get_nthkey ( MPI_Info info,
int n,
char * key )

◆ AMPI_Info_get_valuelen()

int medi::AMPI_Info_get_valuelen ( MPI_Info info,
const char * key,
int * valuelen,
int * flag )

◆ AMPI_Info_set()

int medi::AMPI_Info_set ( MPI_Info info,
const char * key,
const char * value )

◆ AMPI_Init()

int medi::AMPI_Init ( int * argc,
char *** argv )

◆ AMPI_Init_common()

void medi::AMPI_Init_common ( )

◆ AMPI_Init_thread()

int medi::AMPI_Init_thread ( int * argc,
char *** argv,
int required,
int * provided )

◆ AMPI_Initialized()

int medi::AMPI_Initialized ( int * flag)

◆ AMPI_Intercomm_create()

int medi::AMPI_Intercomm_create ( MPI_Comm local_comm,
int local_leader,
MPI_Comm peer_comm,
int remote_leader,
int tag,
MPI_Comm * newintercomm )

◆ AMPI_Intercomm_merge()

int medi::AMPI_Intercomm_merge ( MPI_Comm intercomm,
int high,
MPI_Comm * newintracomm )

◆ AMPI_Iprobe()

int medi::AMPI_Iprobe ( int source,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
int * flag,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_Irecv()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Irecv ( typename DATATYPE::Type * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int source,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request,
IrecvAdjCall reverse_send = IrecvAdjCall::Isend )

◆ AMPI_Irecv_adj()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Irecv_adj ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int src,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request,
IrecvAdjCall reverse_call )

◆ AMPI_Irecv_b()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Irecv_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Irecv_b_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Irecv_b_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Irecv_d()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Irecv_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Irecv_d_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Irecv_d_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Irecv_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Irecv_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Irecv_fwd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Irecv_fwd ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int src,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request,
IrecvAdjCall reverse_call )

◆ AMPI_Irecv_p()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Irecv_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Irecv_p_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Irecv_p_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Irecv_pri()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Irecv_pri ( typename DATATYPE::PrimalType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int src,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request,
IrecvAdjCall reverse_call )

◆ AMPI_Ireduce()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Ireduce ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * sendbuf,
typename DATATYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ireduce_global()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Ireduce_global ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * sendbuf,
typename DATATYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ireduce_global_adj()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ireduce_global_adj ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ireduce_global_b()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ireduce_global_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ireduce_global_b_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ireduce_global_b_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ireduce_global_d()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ireduce_global_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ireduce_global_d_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ireduce_global_d_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ireduce_global_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Ireduce_global_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Ireduce_global_fwd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ireduce_global_fwd ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ireduce_global_p()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ireduce_global_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ireduce_global_p_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ireduce_global_p_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ireduce_global_pri()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ireduce_global_pri ( typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ireduce_modified_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Ireduce_modified_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Irsend()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Irsend ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Irsend_adj()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Irsend_adj ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Irsend_b()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Irsend_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Irsend_b_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Irsend_b_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Irsend_d()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Irsend_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Irsend_d_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Irsend_d_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Irsend_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Irsend_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Irsend_fwd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Irsend_fwd ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Irsend_p()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Irsend_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Irsend_p_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Irsend_p_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Irsend_pri()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Irsend_pri ( typename DATATYPE::PrimalType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Is_thread_main()

int medi::AMPI_Is_thread_main ( int * flag)

◆ AMPI_Iscan()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Iscan ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * sendbuf,
typename DATATYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iscatter()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Iscatter ( const typename SENDTYPE::Type * sendbuf,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iscatter_adj()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iscatter_adj ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iscatter_b()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iscatter_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iscatter_b_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iscatter_b_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iscatter_d()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iscatter_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iscatter_d_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iscatter_d_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iscatter_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Iscatter_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Iscatter_fwd()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iscatter_fwd ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iscatter_p()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iscatter_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iscatter_p_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iscatter_p_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iscatter_pri()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iscatter_pri ( typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iscatterv()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Iscatterv ( const typename SENDTYPE::Type * sendbuf,
const int * sendcounts,
const int * displs,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iscatterv_adj()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iscatterv_adj ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int * sendbufCounts,
const int * sendbufDispl,
const int * sendcount,
const int * displs,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iscatterv_b()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iscatterv_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iscatterv_b_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iscatterv_b_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iscatterv_d()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iscatterv_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iscatterv_d_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iscatterv_d_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iscatterv_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Iscatterv_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Iscatterv_fwd()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iscatterv_fwd ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int * sendbufCounts,
const int * sendbufDispl,
const int * sendcount,
const int * displs,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Iscatterv_p()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iscatterv_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iscatterv_p_finish()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iscatterv_p_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Iscatterv_pri()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Iscatterv_pri ( typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int * sendbufCounts,
const int * sendbufDispl,
const int * sendcount,
const int * displs,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Isend()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Isend ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Isend_adj()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Isend_adj ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Isend_b()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Isend_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Isend_b_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Isend_b_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Isend_d()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Isend_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Isend_d_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Isend_d_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Isend_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Isend_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Isend_fwd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Isend_fwd ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Isend_p()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Isend_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Isend_p_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Isend_p_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Isend_pri()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Isend_pri ( typename DATATYPE::PrimalType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Issend()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Issend ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Issend_adj()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Issend_adj ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Issend_b()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Issend_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Issend_b_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Issend_b_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Issend_d()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Issend_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Issend_d_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Issend_d_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Issend_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Issend_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Issend_fwd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Issend_fwd ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Issend_p()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Issend_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Issend_p_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Issend_p_finish ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Issend_pri()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Issend_pri ( typename DATATYPE::PrimalType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Keyval_create()

int medi::AMPI_Keyval_create ( AMPI_Copy_function * copy_fn,
AMPI_Delete_function * delete_fn,
int * keyval,
void * extra_state )

◆ AMPI_Keyval_free()

int medi::AMPI_Keyval_free ( int * keyval)

◆ AMPI_Lookup_name()

int medi::AMPI_Lookup_name ( const char * service_name,
MPI_Info info,
char * port_name )

◆ AMPI_Mprobe()

int medi::AMPI_Mprobe ( int source,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Message * message,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_Mrecv()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Mrecv ( typename DATATYPE::Type * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Message * message,
MPI_Status * status,
RecvAdjCall reverse_send = RecvAdjCall::Send )

◆ AMPI_Mrecv_adj()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Mrecv_adj ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Message * message,
MPI_Status * status,
RecvAdjCall reverse_call )

◆ AMPI_Mrecv_b()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Mrecv_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Mrecv_d()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Mrecv_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Mrecv_fwd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Mrecv_fwd ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Message * message,
MPI_Status * status,
RecvAdjCall reverse_call )

◆ AMPI_Mrecv_p()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Mrecv_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Mrecv_pri()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Mrecv_pri ( typename DATATYPE::PrimalType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Message * message,
MPI_Status * status,
RecvAdjCall reverse_call )

◆ AMPI_Op_commutative()

int medi::AMPI_Op_commutative ( AMPI_Op op,
int * commute )

◆ AMPI_Op_create() [1/2]

int medi::AMPI_Op_create ( const bool requiresPrimal,
const bool requiresPrimalSend,
MPI_User_function * primalFunction,
int primalFunctionCommute,
MPI_User_function * modifiedPrimalFunction,
int modifiedPrimalFunctionCommute,
const PreAdjointOperation preAdjointOperation,
const PostAdjointOperation postAdjointOperation,
AMPI_Op * op )

Optimized creation of an operator that will enalbe the AD tool to execute reduce operations.

The primal function is the same as the usual function and has to use the AD type. The modified primal function performs the same operation as the primal function but with the modified type that the AD tool uses in the buffers.

The pre adjoint operations is executed prior to sending the adjoint values to the original sender side. The post adjoint operation is executed bevor the adjoitn values are updated on the sender side.

TODO: Add latex description.

[in]requiresPrimalIf the primal values should be stored and made available to the pre and post operations. Otherwise the pointers in thes function calls will be zero.
[in]requiresPrimalSendIf the sender side requires the primal values of the reciever side for the pre and post operations. Otherwise the pointers in thes function calls will be zero.
[in]primalFunctionThe function that evaluates the operation on the AD types.
[in]primalFunctionCommuteIf the function commutes.
[in]modifiedPrimalFunctionThe function that evaluates the operation on the modified AD types.
[in]modifiedPrimalFunctionCommuteIf the function commutes.
[in]preAdjointOperationThe operation that is evaluated before the adjoint values are send to the sender side.
[in]postAdjointOperationThe operation that is evaluated before the adjoint values are updated on the sender side.
[out]opThe address of the operator.
MPI status code.

◆ AMPI_Op_create() [2/2]

int medi::AMPI_Op_create ( MPI_User_function * user_fn,
int commute,
AMPI_Op * op )

Default forward of the operator creation.

Operators created with this function will not be able to perform optimized reduction operations. See the overloads for the creation of operators, that have optimized reduction.

For this operator reduce operations are changed into gather operations and then the reduce is computed locally.

[in]user_fnThe user function. This function needs to use the AD types for the operations.
[in]commuteIf the operation commutes.
[out]opThe address of the operator.
MPI status code.

◆ AMPI_Op_free()

int medi::AMPI_Op_free ( AMPI_Op * op)

Frees the operator.

[in,out]opThe address of the operator.
MPI status code.

◆ AMPI_Open_port()

int medi::AMPI_Open_port ( MPI_Info info,
char * port_name )

◆ AMPI_Probe()

int medi::AMPI_Probe ( int source,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_Publish_name()

int medi::AMPI_Publish_name ( const char * service_name,
MPI_Info info,
const char * port_name )

◆ AMPI_Query_thread()

int medi::AMPI_Query_thread ( int * provided)

◆ AMPI_Recv()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Recv ( typename DATATYPE::Type * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int source,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Status * status,
RecvAdjCall reverse_send = RecvAdjCall::Send )

◆ AMPI_Recv_adj()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Recv_adj ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int src,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Status * status,
RecvAdjCall reverse_call )

◆ AMPI_Recv_b()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Recv_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Recv_d()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Recv_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Recv_fwd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Recv_fwd ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int src,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Status * status,
RecvAdjCall reverse_call )

◆ AMPI_Recv_init()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Recv_init ( typename DATATYPE::Type * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int source,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request,
IrecvAdjCall reverse_send = IrecvAdjCall::Isend )

◆ AMPI_Recv_init_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Recv_init_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Recv_init_postEnd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Recv_init_postEnd ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Recv_init_preStart()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Recv_init_preStart ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Recv_p()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Recv_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Recv_pri()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Recv_pri ( typename DATATYPE::PrimalType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int src,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Status * status,
RecvAdjCall reverse_call )

◆ AMPI_Reduce()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Reduce ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * sendbuf,
typename DATATYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Reduce_global()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Reduce_global ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * sendbuf,
typename DATATYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Reduce_global_adj()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Reduce_global_adj ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Reduce_global_b()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Reduce_global_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Reduce_global_d()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Reduce_global_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Reduce_global_fwd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Reduce_global_fwd ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Reduce_global_p()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Reduce_global_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Reduce_global_pri()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Reduce_global_pri ( typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Reduce_local()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Reduce_local ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * inbuf,
typename DATATYPE::Type * inoutbuf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Op op )

◆ AMPI_Register_datarep()

int medi::AMPI_Register_datarep ( const char * datarep,
AMPI_Datarep_conversion_function * read_conversion_fn,
AMPI_Datarep_conversion_function * write_conversion_fn,
AMPI_Datarep_extent_function * dtype_file_extent_fn,
void * extra_state )

◆ AMPI_Request_free()

int medi::AMPI_Request_free ( AMPI_Request * request)

◆ AMPI_Request_get_status()

int medi::AMPI_Request_get_status ( AMPI_Request request,
int * flag,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_Rsend()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Rsend ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Rsend_adj()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Rsend_adj ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Rsend_b()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Rsend_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Rsend_d()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Rsend_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Rsend_fwd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Rsend_fwd ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Rsend_init()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Rsend_init ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Rsend_init_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Rsend_init_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Rsend_init_postEnd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Rsend_init_postEnd ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Rsend_init_preStart()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Rsend_init_preStart ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Rsend_p()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Rsend_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Rsend_pri()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Rsend_pri ( typename DATATYPE::PrimalType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Scan()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Scan ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * sendbuf,
typename DATATYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Scatter()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Scatter ( const typename SENDTYPE::Type * sendbuf,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Scatter_adj()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Scatter_adj ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Scatter_b()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Scatter_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Scatter_d()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Scatter_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Scatter_fwd()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Scatter_fwd ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Scatter_p()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Scatter_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Scatter_pri()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Scatter_pri ( typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Scatterv()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Scatterv ( const typename SENDTYPE::Type * sendbuf,
const int * sendcounts,
const int * displs,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Scatterv_adj()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Scatterv_adj ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int * sendbufCounts,
const int * sendbufDispl,
const int * sendcount,
const int * displs,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Scatterv_b()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Scatterv_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Scatterv_d()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Scatterv_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Scatterv_fwd()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Scatterv_fwd ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int * sendbufCounts,
const int * sendbufDispl,
const int * sendcount,
const int * displs,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Scatterv_p()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Scatterv_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Scatterv_pri()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Scatterv_pri ( typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *& sendbufAdjoints,
int * sendbufCounts,
const int * sendbufDispl,
const int * sendcount,
const int * displs,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *& recvbufAdjoints,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Send()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Send ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Send_adj()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Send_adj ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Send_b()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Send_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Send_d()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Send_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Send_fwd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Send_fwd ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Send_init()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Send_init ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Send_init_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Send_init_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Send_init_postEnd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Send_init_postEnd ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Send_init_preStart()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Send_init_preStart ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Send_p()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Send_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Send_pri()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Send_pri ( typename DATATYPE::PrimalType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Sendrecv()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Sendrecv ( const typename SENDTYPE::Type * sendbuf,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
int dest,
int sendtag,
typename RECVTYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int source,
int recvtag,
MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_Sendrecv_adj()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Sendrecv_adj ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType * sendbuf,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
int dest,
int sendtag,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType * recvbuf,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int source,
int recvtag,
MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_Sendrecv_b()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Sendrecv_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Sendrecv_d()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Sendrecv_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Sendrecv_fwd()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Sendrecv_fwd ( typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType * sendbuf,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
int dest,
int sendtag,
typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType * recvbuf,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int source,
int recvtag,
MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_Sendrecv_p()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Sendrecv_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Sendrecv_pri()

template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Sendrecv_pri ( typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType * sendbuf,
int sendbufSize,
int sendcount,
SENDTYPE * sendtype,
int dest,
int sendtag,
typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType * recvbuf,
int recvbufSize,
int recvcount,
RECVTYPE * recvtype,
int source,
int recvtag,
MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_Ssend()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Ssend ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Ssend_adj()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ssend_adj ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Ssend_b()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ssend_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ssend_d()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ssend_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ssend_fwd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ssend_fwd ( typename DATATYPE::AdjointType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Ssend_init()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Ssend_init ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * buf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request )

◆ AMPI_Ssend_init_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Ssend_init_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Ssend_init_postEnd()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Ssend_init_postEnd ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Ssend_init_preStart()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Ssend_init_preStart ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ AMPI_Ssend_p()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ssend_p ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Ssend_pri()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::AMPI_Ssend_pri ( typename DATATYPE::PrimalType * bufAdjoints,
int bufSize,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ AMPI_Start()

int medi::AMPI_Start ( AMPI_Request * request)

◆ AMPI_Startall()

int medi::AMPI_Startall ( int count,
AMPI_Request * array_of_requests )

◆ AMPI_Status_c2f()

int medi::AMPI_Status_c2f ( const MPI_Status * c_status,
MPI_Fint * f_status )

◆ AMPI_Status_f2c()

int medi::AMPI_Status_f2c ( const MPI_Fint * f_status,
MPI_Status * c_status )

◆ AMPI_Status_set_cancelled()

int medi::AMPI_Status_set_cancelled ( MPI_Status * status,
int flag )

◆ AMPI_Status_set_elements()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Status_set_elements ( MPI_Status * status,
DATATYPE * datatype,
int count )

◆ AMPI_Status_set_elements_x()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Status_set_elements_x ( MPI_Status * status,
DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Count count )

◆ AMPI_T_category_changed()

int medi::AMPI_T_category_changed ( int * stamp)

◆ AMPI_T_category_get_categories()

int medi::AMPI_T_category_get_categories ( int cat_index,
int len,
int * indices )

◆ AMPI_T_category_get_cvars()

int medi::AMPI_T_category_get_cvars ( int cat_index,
int len,
int * indices )

◆ AMPI_T_category_get_index()

int medi::AMPI_T_category_get_index ( const char * name,
int * cat_index )

◆ AMPI_T_category_get_info()

int medi::AMPI_T_category_get_info ( int cat_index,
char * name,
int * name_len,
char * desc,
int * desc_len,
int * num_cvars,
int * num_pvars,
int * num_categories )

◆ AMPI_T_category_get_num()

int medi::AMPI_T_category_get_num ( int * num_cat)

◆ AMPI_T_category_get_pvars()

int medi::AMPI_T_category_get_pvars ( int cat_index,
int len,
int * indices )

◆ AMPI_T_cvar_get_index()

int medi::AMPI_T_cvar_get_index ( const char * name,
int * cvar_index )

◆ AMPI_T_cvar_get_num()

int medi::AMPI_T_cvar_get_num ( int * num_cvar)

◆ AMPI_T_cvar_handle_alloc()

int medi::AMPI_T_cvar_handle_alloc ( int cvar_index,
void * obj_handle,
MPI_T_cvar_handle * handle,
int * count )

◆ AMPI_T_cvar_handle_free()

int medi::AMPI_T_cvar_handle_free ( MPI_T_cvar_handle * handle)

◆ AMPI_T_cvar_read()

int medi::AMPI_T_cvar_read ( MPI_T_cvar_handle handle,
void * buf )

◆ AMPI_T_cvar_write()

int medi::AMPI_T_cvar_write ( MPI_T_cvar_handle handle,
const void * buf )

◆ AMPI_T_enum_get_info()

int medi::AMPI_T_enum_get_info ( MPI_T_enum enumtype,
int * num,
char * name,
int * name_len )

◆ AMPI_T_enum_get_item()

int medi::AMPI_T_enum_get_item ( MPI_T_enum enumtype,
int index,
int * value,
char * name,
int * name_len )

◆ AMPI_T_finalize()

int medi::AMPI_T_finalize ( )

◆ AMPI_T_init_thread()

int medi::AMPI_T_init_thread ( int required,
int * provided )

◆ AMPI_T_pvar_get_index()

int medi::AMPI_T_pvar_get_index ( const char * name,
int var_class,
int * pvar_index )

◆ AMPI_T_pvar_get_num()

int medi::AMPI_T_pvar_get_num ( int * num_pvar)

◆ AMPI_T_pvar_handle_alloc()

int medi::AMPI_T_pvar_handle_alloc ( MPI_T_pvar_session session,
int pvar_index,
void * obj_handle,
MPI_T_pvar_handle * handle,
int * count )

◆ AMPI_T_pvar_handle_free()

int medi::AMPI_T_pvar_handle_free ( MPI_T_pvar_session session,
MPI_T_pvar_handle * handle )

◆ AMPI_T_pvar_read()

int medi::AMPI_T_pvar_read ( MPI_T_pvar_session session,
MPI_T_pvar_handle handle,
void * buf )

◆ AMPI_T_pvar_readreset()

int medi::AMPI_T_pvar_readreset ( MPI_T_pvar_session session,
MPI_T_pvar_handle handle,
void * buf )

◆ AMPI_T_pvar_reset()

int medi::AMPI_T_pvar_reset ( MPI_T_pvar_session session,
MPI_T_pvar_handle handle )

◆ AMPI_T_pvar_session_create()

int medi::AMPI_T_pvar_session_create ( MPI_T_pvar_session * session)

◆ AMPI_T_pvar_session_free()

int medi::AMPI_T_pvar_session_free ( MPI_T_pvar_session * session)

◆ AMPI_T_pvar_start()

int medi::AMPI_T_pvar_start ( MPI_T_pvar_session session,
MPI_T_pvar_handle handle )

◆ AMPI_T_pvar_stop()

int medi::AMPI_T_pvar_stop ( MPI_T_pvar_session session,
MPI_T_pvar_handle handle )

◆ AMPI_T_pvar_write()

int medi::AMPI_T_pvar_write ( MPI_T_pvar_session session,
MPI_T_pvar_handle handle,
const void * buf )

◆ AMPI_Test()

int medi::AMPI_Test ( AMPI_Request * request,
int * flag,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_Test_cancelled()

int medi::AMPI_Test_cancelled ( const MPI_Status * status,
int * flag )

◆ AMPI_Testall()

int medi::AMPI_Testall ( int count,
AMPI_Request * array_of_requests,
int * flag,
MPI_Status * array_of_statuses )

◆ AMPI_Testany()

int medi::AMPI_Testany ( int count,
AMPI_Request * array_of_requests,
int * index,
int * flag,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_Testsome()

int medi::AMPI_Testsome ( int incount,
AMPI_Request * array_of_requests,
int * outcount,
int * array_of_indices,
MPI_Status * array_of_statuses )

◆ AMPI_Topo_test()

int medi::AMPI_Topo_test ( MPI_Comm comm,
int * status )

◆ AMPI_Type_commit()

int medi::AMPI_Type_commit ( MpiTypeInterface ** d)

◆ AMPI_Type_create_contiguous()

int medi::AMPI_Type_create_contiguous ( int count,
MpiTypeInterface * oldtype,
MpiTypeInterface ** newtype )

◆ AMPI_Type_create_hindexed()

int medi::AMPI_Type_create_hindexed ( int count,
int * array_of_blocklengths,
MPI_Aint * array_of_displacements,
MpiTypeInterface * oldtype,
MpiTypeInterface ** newtype )

◆ AMPI_Type_create_hindexed_block()

int medi::AMPI_Type_create_hindexed_block ( int count,
int blocklength,
MPI_Aint * array_of_displacements,
MpiTypeInterface * oldtype,
MpiTypeInterface ** newtype )

◆ AMPI_Type_create_hvector()

int medi::AMPI_Type_create_hvector ( int count,
int blocklength,
MPI_Aint stride,
MpiTypeInterface * oldtype,
MpiTypeInterface ** newtype )

◆ AMPI_Type_create_keyval()

int medi::AMPI_Type_create_keyval ( AMPI_Type_copy_attr_function * type_copy_attr_fn,
AMPI_Type_delete_attr_function * type_delete_attr_fn,
int * type_keyval,
void * extra_state )

◆ AMPI_Type_create_resized()

int medi::AMPI_Type_create_resized ( MpiTypeInterface * oldtype,
MPI_Aint lb,
MPI_Aint extent,
MpiTypeInterface ** newtype )

◆ AMPI_Type_create_struct()

int medi::AMPI_Type_create_struct ( int count,
const int * array_of_blocklengths,
const MPI_Aint * array_of_displacements,
MpiTypeInterface *const * array_of_types,
MpiTypeInterface ** newtype )

◆ AMPI_Type_create_subarray()

int medi::AMPI_Type_create_subarray ( int ndims,
const int * array_of_sizes,
const int * array_of_subsizes,
const int * array_of_starts,
int order,
MpiTypeInterface * oldtype,
MpiTypeInterface ** newtype )

◆ AMPI_Type_delete_attr()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Type_delete_attr ( DATATYPE * datatype,
int type_keyval )

◆ AMPI_Type_dup()

int medi::AMPI_Type_dup ( MpiTypeInterface * oldtype,
MpiTypeInterface ** newtype )

◆ AMPI_Type_free()

int medi::AMPI_Type_free ( MpiTypeInterface ** d)

◆ AMPI_Type_free_keyval()

int medi::AMPI_Type_free_keyval ( int * type_keyval)

◆ AMPI_Type_get_attr()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Type_get_attr ( DATATYPE * datatype,
int type_keyval,
void * attribute_val,
int * flag )

◆ AMPI_Type_get_contents()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Type_get_contents ( DATATYPE * datatype,
int max_integers,
int max_addresses,
int max_datatypes,
int * array_of_integers,
MPI_Aint * array_of_addresses,
AMPI_Datatype * array_of_datatypes )

◆ AMPI_Type_get_envelope()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Type_get_envelope ( DATATYPE * datatype,
int * num_integers,
int * num_addresses,
int * num_datatypes,
int * combiner )

◆ AMPI_Type_get_extent()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Type_get_extent ( DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Aint * lb,
MPI_Aint * extent )

◆ AMPI_Type_get_extent_x()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Type_get_extent_x ( DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Count * lb,
MPI_Count * extent )

◆ AMPI_Type_get_name()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Type_get_name ( DATATYPE * datatype,
char * type_name,
int * resultlen )

◆ AMPI_Type_get_true_extent()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Type_get_true_extent ( DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Aint * true_lb,
MPI_Aint * true_extent )

◆ AMPI_Type_get_true_extent_x()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Type_get_true_extent_x ( DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Count * true_lb,
MPI_Count * true_extent )

◆ AMPI_Type_indexed()

int medi::AMPI_Type_indexed ( int count,
int * array_of_blocklengths,
int * array_of_displacements,
MpiTypeInterface * oldtype,
MpiTypeInterface ** newtype )

◆ AMPI_Type_indexed_block()

int medi::AMPI_Type_indexed_block ( int count,
int blocklength,
int * array_of_displacements,
MpiTypeInterface * oldtype,
MpiTypeInterface ** newtype )

◆ AMPI_Type_set_attr()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Type_set_attr ( DATATYPE * datatype,
int type_keyval,
void * attribute_val )

◆ AMPI_Type_set_name()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Type_set_name ( DATATYPE * datatype,
const char * type_name )

◆ AMPI_Type_size()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Type_size ( DATATYPE * datatype,
int * size )

◆ AMPI_Type_size_x()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::AMPI_Type_size_x ( DATATYPE * datatype,
MPI_Count * size )

◆ AMPI_Type_vector()

int medi::AMPI_Type_vector ( int count,
int blocklength,
int stride,
MpiTypeInterface * oldtype,
MpiTypeInterface ** newtype )

◆ AMPI_Unpublish_name()

int medi::AMPI_Unpublish_name ( const char * service_name,
MPI_Info info,
const char * port_name )

◆ AMPI_Wait()

int medi::AMPI_Wait ( AMPI_Request * request,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_Wait_b()

void medi::AMPI_Wait_b ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Wait_d()

void medi::AMPI_Wait_d ( HandleBase * handle,
AdjointInterface * adjointInterface )

◆ AMPI_Waitall()

int medi::AMPI_Waitall ( int count,
AMPI_Request * array_of_requests,
MPI_Status * array_of_statuses )

◆ AMPI_Waitany()

int medi::AMPI_Waitany ( int count,
AMPI_Request * array_of_requests,
int * index,
MPI_Status * status )

◆ AMPI_Waitsome()

int medi::AMPI_Waitsome ( int incount,
AMPI_Request * array_of_requests,
int * outcount,
int * array_of_indices,
MPI_Status * array_of_statuses )

◆ AMPI_Win_c2f()

MPI_Fint medi::AMPI_Win_c2f ( MPI_Win win)

◆ AMPI_Win_call_errhandler()

int medi::AMPI_Win_call_errhandler ( MPI_Win win,
int errorcode )

◆ AMPI_Win_create_errhandler()

int medi::AMPI_Win_create_errhandler ( AMPI_Win_errhandler_function * win_errhandler_fn,
MPI_Errhandler * errhandler )

◆ AMPI_Win_create_keyval()

int medi::AMPI_Win_create_keyval ( AMPI_Win_copy_attr_function * win_copy_attr_fn,
AMPI_Win_delete_attr_function * win_delete_attr_fn,
int * win_keyval,
void * extra_state )

◆ AMPI_Win_delete_attr()

int medi::AMPI_Win_delete_attr ( MPI_Win win,
int win_keyval )

◆ AMPI_Win_f2c()

MPI_Win medi::AMPI_Win_f2c ( MPI_Fint win)

◆ AMPI_Win_free_keyval()

int medi::AMPI_Win_free_keyval ( int * win_keyval)

◆ AMPI_Win_get_attr()

int medi::AMPI_Win_get_attr ( MPI_Win win,
int win_keyval,
void * attribute_val,
int * flag )

◆ AMPI_Win_get_errhandler()

int medi::AMPI_Win_get_errhandler ( MPI_Win win,
MPI_Errhandler * errhandler )

◆ AMPI_Win_get_name()

int medi::AMPI_Win_get_name ( MPI_Win win,
char * win_name,
int * resultlen )

◆ AMPI_Win_set_attr()

int medi::AMPI_Win_set_attr ( MPI_Win win,
int win_keyval,
void * attribute_val )

◆ AMPI_Win_set_errhandler()

int medi::AMPI_Win_set_errhandler ( MPI_Win win,
MPI_Errhandler errhandler )

◆ AMPI_Win_set_name()

int medi::AMPI_Win_set_name ( MPI_Win win,
const char * win_name )

◆ AMPI_Wtick()

double medi::AMPI_Wtick ( )

◆ AMPI_Wtime()

double medi::AMPI_Wtime ( )

◆ clearDebugInformation()

void medi::clearDebugInformation ( )

◆ computeDisplacementsTotalSize()

int medi::computeDisplacementsTotalSize ( const int * counts,
int ranks )

Compute the total size of a message that has a different size on each rank.

[in]countsThe size of each rank.
[in]ranksThe number of the ranks.
The sum over all counts.

◆ convertToMPI()

MPI_Request * medi::convertToMPI ( AMPI_Request * array,
int count )

◆ createLinearDisplacements()

int * medi::createLinearDisplacements ( const int * counts,
int ranks )

Creates the linearized displacements of a message with a different size on each rank.

[in]countsThe size of each rank.
[in]ranksThe number of the ranks.
A new displacements array that starts at 0 and increases by the counts on each rank.

◆ createLinearDisplacementsAndCount()

void medi::createLinearDisplacementsAndCount ( int *& countsOut,
int *& displsOut,
const int * counts,
int ranks,
int scale )

Creates the linearized displacements of a message with a different size on each rank.

The counts are scaled by the given factor.

[in]countsOutThe generated counts.
[in]displsOutThe generated displacements.
[in]countsThe size of each rank.
[in]ranksThe number of the ranks.
[in]scaleThe scaling factor of the counts and displacements.

◆ createLinearIndexCounts()

template<typename Datatype >
void medi::createLinearIndexCounts ( int *& linearCounts,
const int * counts,
const int * displs,
int ranks,
Datatype * type )

Creates the counts for a message with a different size on each rank.

The counts are computed by the type such that the result can hold all indices, passive values, etc.

[out]linearCountsThe linearized counts.
[in]countsThe size of each rank.
[in]displsThe displacement of each rank.
[in]ranksThe number of ranks.
[in]typeThe mpi data type.
Template Parameters
DatatypeThe type for the datatype.

◆ dimToOrderDim()

int medi::dimToOrderDim ( int dim,
const int dimBase,
const int dimStep )

◆ finalizeTypes()

void medi::finalizeTypes ( )

◆ GatherAndPerformOperationLocal()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::GatherAndPerformOperationLocal ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * sendbuf,
typename DATATYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
int reduceSize )

◆ getCommRank()

int medi::getCommRank ( MPI_Comm comm)

Helper function that gets the own rank number from the communicator.

[in]commThe communicator.
The rank number of this process in the communicator.

◆ getCommSize()

int medi::getCommSize ( MPI_Comm comm)

Helper function that gets the number of ranks from the communicator.

[in]commThe communicator.
The number of ranks in this communicator.

◆ getDebugInformation()

std::string medi::getDebugInformation ( )

◆ IgatherAndPerformOperationLocal()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::IgatherAndPerformOperationLocal ( const typename DATATYPE::Type * sendbuf,
typename DATATYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
AMPI_Request * request,
int reduceSize )

◆ IgatherAndPerformOperationLocal_finish()

template<typename DATATYPE >
int medi::IgatherAndPerformOperationLocal_finish ( HandleBase * handle)

◆ initializeOperators()

void medi::initializeOperators ( )

◆ initTypes()

void medi::initTypes ( )

◆ MPI_Bcast_wrap()

int medi::MPI_Bcast_wrap ( void * bufferSend,
void * bufferRecv,
int count,
MPI_Datatype type,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm )

◆ MPI_Ibcast_wrap()

int medi::MPI_Ibcast_wrap ( void * bufferSend,
void * bufferRecv,
int count,
MPI_Datatype type,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Request * request )

◆ operator!=() [1/2]

bool medi::operator!= ( AMPI_Op const & a,
AMPI_Op const & b )

◆ operator!=() [2/2]

bool medi::operator!= ( const AMPI_Request & a,
const AMPI_Request & b )

◆ operator==() [1/2]

bool medi::operator== ( AMPI_Op const & a,
AMPI_Op const & b )

◆ operator==() [2/2]

bool medi::operator== ( const AMPI_Request & a,
const AMPI_Request & b )

◆ outputException()

void medi::outputException ( const char function[],
const char file[],
const int line,
const char * message,
... )

Prints the positions and the message of the exception.

The position and function where the exceptions occurred is printed. The message will be handled and formatted by a printf like function.

[in]functionName of the function from which the exception is generated.
[in]fileFile where the exception was generated.
[in]lineLine inside the file where the exception was generated.
[in]messageThe exception message and the arguments for the formatting in the message.

◆ performReduce()

template<typename DATATYPE >
void medi::performReduce ( typename DATATYPE::Type * tempbuf,
typename DATATYPE::Type * recvbuf,
int count,
DATATYPE * datatype,
AMPI_Op op,
int root,
MPI_Comm comm,
int reduceSize )

◆ performReverseAction()

void medi::performReverseAction ( AMPI_Request * request)

◆ performStartAction()

void medi::performStartAction ( AMPI_Request * request)

◆ printDebugInformationWarning()

void medi::printDebugInformationWarning ( std::string const & functionName)

◆ setDebugInformation()

void medi::setDebugInformation ( std::string const & info)

Variable Documentation


AMPI_2INT_Type * medi::AMPI_2INT





























This structure is able to be cast to any type.


AMPI_INT_Type * medi::AMPI_INT


AMPI_INT16_T_Type * medi::AMPI_INT16_T


AMPI_INT32_T_Type * medi::AMPI_INT32_T


AMPI_INT64_T_Type * medi::AMPI_INT64_T


AMPI_INT8_T_Type * medi::AMPI_INT8_T
































const AMPI_Op medi::AMPI_OP_NULL








const AMPI_Request medi::AMPI_REQUEST_NULL










AMPI_UINT16_T_Type * medi::AMPI_UINT16_T


AMPI_UINT32_T_Type * medi::AMPI_UINT32_T


AMPI_UINT64_T_Type * medi::AMPI_UINT64_T


AMPI_UINT8_T_Type * medi::AMPI_UINT8_T













◆ HeaderOnly

bool constexpr medi::HeaderOnly = true

If MeDiPack is included as header only library or as a regular library.