void | add_subarray (const int curDim, const int dimBase, const int dimStep, const int ndims, const int *array_of_subsizes, const int *array_of_starts, int &arrayPos, const MPI_Aint *extents, MPI_Aint dimDisplacement, MPI_Aint *array_of_displacements) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
bool | addCustomOperationPriorToLocalReduce (AMPI_Request *request, CustomFunction func, void *data) |
int | AMPI_Abort (MPI_Comm comm, int errorcode) |
int | AMPI_Add_error_class (int *errorclass) |
int | AMPI_Add_error_code (int errorclass, int *errorcode) |
int | AMPI_Add_error_string (int errorcode, const char *string) |
MPI_Aint | AMPI_Aint_add (MPI_Aint base, MPI_Aint disp) |
MPI_Aint | AMPI_Aint_diff (MPI_Aint addr1, MPI_Aint addr2) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Allgather (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Allgather_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Allgather_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Allgather_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Allgather_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Allgather_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Allgather_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Allgatherv (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Allgatherv_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Allgatherv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Allgatherv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Allgatherv_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Allgatherv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Allgatherv_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) |
int | AMPI_Alloc_mem (MPI_Aint size, MPI_Info info, void *baseptr) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Allreduce (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Allreduce_global (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Allreduce_global_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Allreduce_global_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Allreduce_global_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Allreduce_global_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Allreduce_global_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Allreduce_global_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Alltoall (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Alltoall_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Alltoall_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Alltoall_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Alltoall_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Alltoall_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Alltoall_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Alltoallv (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, const int *sendcounts, const int *sdispls, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, const int *recvcounts, const int *rdispls, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Alltoallv_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispls, const int *sendcounts, const int *sdispls, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *rdispls, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Alltoallv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Alltoallv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Alltoallv_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispls, const int *sendcounts, const int *sdispls, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *rdispls, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Alltoallv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Alltoallv_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispls, const int *sendcounts, const int *sdispls, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *rdispls, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) |
int | AMPI_Attr_delete (MPI_Comm comm, int keyval) |
int | AMPI_Attr_get (MPI_Comm comm, int keyval, void *attribute_val, int *flag) |
int | AMPI_Attr_put (MPI_Comm comm, int keyval, void *attribute_val) |
int | AMPI_Barrier (MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Bcast (typename DATATYPE::Type *buffer, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Bcast_wrap (typename DATATYPE::Type *bufferSend, typename DATATYPE::Type *bufferRecv, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Bcast_wrap_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Bcast_wrap_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Bcast_wrap_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Bcast_wrap_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Bcast_wrap_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Bcast_wrap_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Bsend (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Bsend_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Bsend_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Bsend_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Bsend_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Bsend_init (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Bsend_init_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Bsend_init_postEnd (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Bsend_init_preStart (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Bsend_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Bsend_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) |
int | AMPI_Buffer_attach (void *buffer, int size) |
int | AMPI_Buffer_detach (void *buffer_addr, int *size) |
int | AMPI_Cancel (AMPI_Request *request) |
int | AMPI_Cart_coords (MPI_Comm comm, int rank, int maxdims, int *coords) |
int | AMPI_Cart_create (MPI_Comm comm_old, int ndims, const int *dims, const int *periods, int reorder, MPI_Comm *comm_cart) |
int | AMPI_Cart_get (MPI_Comm comm, int maxdims, int *dims, int *periods, int *coords) |
int | AMPI_Cart_map (MPI_Comm comm, int ndims, const int *dims, const int *periods, int *newrank) |
int | AMPI_Cart_rank (MPI_Comm comm, const int *coords, int *rank) |
int | AMPI_Cart_shift (MPI_Comm comm, int direction, int disp, int *rank_source, int *rank_dest) |
int | AMPI_Cart_sub (MPI_Comm comm, const int *remain_dims, MPI_Comm *newcomm) |
int | AMPI_Cartdim_get (MPI_Comm comm, int *ndims) |
int | AMPI_Close_port (const char *port_name) |
int | AMPI_Comm_accept (const char *port_name, MPI_Info info, int root, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *newcomm) |
MPI_Fint | AMPI_Comm_c2f (MPI_Comm comm) |
int | AMPI_Comm_call_errhandler (MPI_Comm comm, int errorcode) |
int | AMPI_Comm_compare (MPI_Comm comm1, MPI_Comm comm2, int *result) |
int | AMPI_Comm_connect (const char *port_name, MPI_Info info, int root, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *newcomm) |
int | AMPI_Comm_create (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Group group, MPI_Comm *newcomm) |
int | AMPI_Comm_create_errhandler (AMPI_Comm_errhandler_function *comm_errhandler_fn, MPI_Errhandler *errhandler) |
int | AMPI_Comm_create_group (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Group group, int tag, MPI_Comm *newcomm) |
int | AMPI_Comm_create_keyval (AMPI_Comm_copy_attr_function *comm_copy_attr_fn, AMPI_Comm_delete_attr_function *comm_delete_attr_fn, int *comm_keyval, void *extra_state) |
int | AMPI_Comm_delete_attr (MPI_Comm comm, int comm_keyval) |
int | AMPI_Comm_disconnect (MPI_Comm *comm) |
int | AMPI_Comm_dup (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *newcomm) |
int | AMPI_Comm_dup_with_info (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info info, MPI_Comm *newcomm) |
MPI_Comm | AMPI_Comm_f2c (MPI_Fint comm) |
int | AMPI_Comm_free (MPI_Comm *comm) |
int | AMPI_Comm_free_keyval (int *comm_keyval) |
int | AMPI_Comm_get_attr (MPI_Comm comm, int comm_keyval, void *attribute_val, int *flag) |
int | AMPI_Comm_get_errhandler (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Errhandler *errhandler) |
int | AMPI_Comm_get_info (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info *info_used) |
int | AMPI_Comm_get_name (MPI_Comm comm, char *comm_name, int *resultlen) |
int | AMPI_Comm_get_parent (MPI_Comm *parent) |
int | AMPI_Comm_group (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Group *group) |
int | AMPI_Comm_idup (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *newcomm, AMPI_Request *request) |
int | AMPI_Comm_join (int fd, MPI_Comm *intercomm) |
int | AMPI_Comm_rank (MPI_Comm comm, int *rank) |
int | AMPI_Comm_remote_group (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Group *group) |
int | AMPI_Comm_remote_size (MPI_Comm comm, int *size) |
int | AMPI_Comm_set_attr (MPI_Comm comm, int comm_keyval, void *attribute_val) |
int | AMPI_Comm_set_errhandler (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Errhandler errhandler) |
int | AMPI_Comm_set_info (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info info) |
int | AMPI_Comm_set_name (MPI_Comm comm, const char *comm_name) |
int | AMPI_Comm_size (MPI_Comm comm, int *size) |
int | AMPI_Comm_spawn (const char *command, char **argv, int maxprocs, MPI_Info info, int root, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *intercomm, int *array_of_errcodes) |
int | AMPI_Comm_spawn_multiple (int count, char **array_of_commands, char ***array_of_argv, const int *array_of_maxprocs, const MPI_Info *array_of_info, int root, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *intercomm, int *array_of_errcodes) |
int | AMPI_Comm_split (MPI_Comm comm, int color, int key, MPI_Comm *newcomm) |
int | AMPI_Comm_split_type (MPI_Comm comm, int split_type, int key, MPI_Info info, MPI_Comm *newcomm) |
int | AMPI_Comm_test_inter (MPI_Comm comm, int *flag) |
int | AMPI_Dims_create (int nnodes, int ndims, int *dims) |
int | AMPI_Dist_graph_create (MPI_Comm comm_old, int n, const int *sources, const int *degrees, const int *destinations, const int *weights, MPI_Info info, int reorder, MPI_Comm *comm_dist_graph) |
int | AMPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent (MPI_Comm comm_old, int indegree, const int *sources, const int *sourceweights, int outdegree, const int *destinations, const int *destweights, MPI_Info info, int reorder, MPI_Comm *comm_dist_graph) |
int | AMPI_Dist_graph_neighbors (MPI_Comm comm, int maxindegree, int *sources, int *sourceweights, int maxoutdegree, int *destinations, int *destweights) |
int | AMPI_Dist_graph_neighbors_count (MPI_Comm comm, int *indegree, int *outdegree, int *weighted) |
MPI_Fint | AMPI_Errhandler_c2f (MPI_Errhandler errhandler) |
MPI_Errhandler | AMPI_Errhandler_f2c (MPI_Fint errhandler) |
int | AMPI_Errhandler_free (MPI_Errhandler *errhandler) |
int | AMPI_Error_class (int errorcode, int *errorclass) |
int | AMPI_Error_string (int errorcode, char *string, int *resultlen) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Exscan (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm) |
MPI_Fint | AMPI_File_c2f (MPI_File file) |
int | AMPI_File_call_errhandler (MPI_File fh, int errorcode) |
int | AMPI_File_close (MPI_File *fh) |
int | AMPI_File_create_errhandler (AMPI_File_errhandler_function *file_errhandler_fn, MPI_Errhandler *errhandler) |
int | AMPI_File_delete (const char *filename, MPI_Info info) |
MPI_File | AMPI_File_f2c (MPI_Fint file) |
int | AMPI_File_get_amode (MPI_File fh, int *amode) |
int | AMPI_File_get_atomicity (MPI_File fh, int *flag) |
int | AMPI_File_get_byte_offset (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, MPI_Offset *disp) |
int | AMPI_File_get_errhandler (MPI_File file, MPI_Errhandler *errhandler) |
int | AMPI_File_get_group (MPI_File fh, MPI_Group *group) |
int | AMPI_File_get_info (MPI_File fh, MPI_Info *info_used) |
int | AMPI_File_get_position (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset *offset) |
int | AMPI_File_get_position_shared (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset *offset) |
int | AMPI_File_get_size (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset *size) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_get_type_extent (MPI_File fh, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Aint *extent) |
template<typename ETYPE , typename FILETYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_get_view (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset *disp, ETYPE *etype, FILETYPE *filetype, char *datarep) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_iread (MPI_File fh, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_iread_all (MPI_File fh, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_iread_at (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_iread_at_all (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_iread_shared (MPI_File fh, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_iwrite (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_iwrite_all (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_iwrite_at (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_iwrite_at_all (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_iwrite_shared (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Request *request) |
int | AMPI_File_open (MPI_Comm comm, const char *filename, int amode, MPI_Info info, MPI_File *fh) |
int | AMPI_File_preallocate (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset size) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_read (MPI_File fh, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_read_all (MPI_File fh, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_read_all_begin (MPI_File fh, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype) |
int | AMPI_File_read_all_end (MPI_File fh, void *buf, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_read_at (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_read_at_all (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_read_at_all_begin (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype) |
int | AMPI_File_read_at_all_end (MPI_File fh, void *buf, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_read_ordered (MPI_File fh, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_read_ordered_begin (MPI_File fh, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype) |
int | AMPI_File_read_ordered_end (MPI_File fh, void *buf, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_read_shared (MPI_File fh, void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status) |
int | AMPI_File_seek (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, int whence) |
int | AMPI_File_seek_shared (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, int whence) |
int | AMPI_File_set_atomicity (MPI_File fh, int flag) |
int | AMPI_File_set_errhandler (MPI_File file, MPI_Errhandler errhandler) |
int | AMPI_File_set_info (MPI_File fh, MPI_Info info) |
int | AMPI_File_set_size (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset size) |
template<typename ETYPE , typename FILETYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_set_view (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset disp, ETYPE *etype, FILETYPE *filetype, const char *datarep, MPI_Info info) |
int | AMPI_File_sync (MPI_File fh) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_write (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_write_all (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_write_all_begin (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype) |
int | AMPI_File_write_all_end (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_write_at (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_write_at_all (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_write_at_all_begin (MPI_File fh, MPI_Offset offset, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype) |
int | AMPI_File_write_at_all_end (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_write_ordered (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_write_ordered_begin (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype) |
int | AMPI_File_write_ordered_end (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_File_write_shared (MPI_File fh, const void *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Status *status) |
int | AMPI_Finalize () |
int | AMPI_Finalized (int *flag) |
int | AMPI_Free_mem (void *base) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Gather (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Gather_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Gather_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Gather_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Gather_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Gather_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Gather_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Gatherv (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Gatherv_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Gatherv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Gatherv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Gatherv_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Gatherv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Gatherv_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
int | AMPI_Get_address (const void *location, MPI_Aint *address) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Get_count (const MPI_Status *status, DATATYPE *datatype, int *count) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Get_elements (const MPI_Status *status, DATATYPE *datatype, int *count) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Get_elements_x (const MPI_Status *status, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Count *count) |
int | AMPI_Get_library_version (char *version, int *resultlen) |
int | AMPI_Get_processor_name (char *name, int *resultlen) |
int | AMPI_Get_version (int *version, int *subversion) |
int | AMPI_Graph_create (MPI_Comm comm_old, int nnodes, const int *index, const int *edges, int reorder, MPI_Comm *comm_graph) |
int | AMPI_Graph_get (MPI_Comm comm, int maxindex, int maxedges, int *index, int *edges) |
int | AMPI_Graph_map (MPI_Comm comm, int nnodes, const int *index, const int *edges, int *newrank) |
int | AMPI_Graph_neighbors (MPI_Comm comm, int rank, int maxneighbors, int *neighbors) |
int | AMPI_Graph_neighbors_count (MPI_Comm comm, int rank, int *nneighbors) |
int | AMPI_Graphdims_get (MPI_Comm comm, int *nnodes, int *nedges) |
int | AMPI_Grequest_complete (AMPI_Request request) |
int | AMPI_Grequest_start (AMPI_Grequest_query_function *query_fn, AMPI_Grequest_free_function *free_fn, AMPI_Grequest_cancel_function *cancel_fn, void *extra_state, AMPI_Request *request) |
MPI_Fint | AMPI_Group_c2f (MPI_Group group) |
int | AMPI_Group_compare (MPI_Group group1, MPI_Group group2, int *result) |
int | AMPI_Group_difference (MPI_Group group1, MPI_Group group2, MPI_Group *newgroup) |
int | AMPI_Group_excl (MPI_Group group, int n, const int *ranks, MPI_Group *newgroup) |
MPI_Group | AMPI_Group_f2c (MPI_Fint group) |
int | AMPI_Group_free (MPI_Group *group) |
int | AMPI_Group_incl (MPI_Group group, int n, const int *ranks, MPI_Group *newgroup) |
int | AMPI_Group_intersection (MPI_Group group1, MPI_Group group2, MPI_Group *newgroup) |
int | AMPI_Group_range_excl (MPI_Group group, int n, ::medi::common::Range *ranges, MPI_Group *newgroup) |
int | AMPI_Group_range_incl (MPI_Group group, int n, ::medi::common::Range *ranges, MPI_Group *newgroup) |
int | AMPI_Group_rank (MPI_Group group, int *rank) |
int | AMPI_Group_size (MPI_Group group, int *size) |
int | AMPI_Group_translate_ranks (MPI_Group group1, int n, const int *ranks1, MPI_Group group2, int *ranks2) |
int | AMPI_Group_union (MPI_Group group1, MPI_Group group2, MPI_Group *newgroup) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Iallgather (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallgather_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallgather_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallgather_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallgather_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallgather_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Iallgather_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallgather_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallgather_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallgather_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallgather_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Iallgatherv (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallgatherv_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallgatherv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallgatherv_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallgatherv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallgatherv_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Iallgatherv_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallgatherv_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallgatherv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallgatherv_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallgatherv_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Iallreduce (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Iallreduce_global (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallreduce_global_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallreduce_global_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallreduce_global_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallreduce_global_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallreduce_global_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Iallreduce_global_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallreduce_global_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallreduce_global_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallreduce_global_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iallreduce_global_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Ialltoall (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ialltoall_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ialltoall_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ialltoall_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ialltoall_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ialltoall_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Ialltoall_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ialltoall_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ialltoall_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ialltoall_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ialltoall_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Ialltoallv (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, const int *sendcounts, const int *sdispls, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, const int *recvcounts, const int *rdispls, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ialltoallv_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispls, const int *sendcounts, const int *sdispls, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *rdispls, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ialltoallv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ialltoallv_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ialltoallv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ialltoallv_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Ialltoallv_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ialltoallv_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispls, const int *sendcounts, const int *sdispls, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *rdispls, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ialltoallv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ialltoallv_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ialltoallv_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispls, const int *sendcounts, const int *sdispls, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *rdispls, RECVTYPE *recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
int | AMPI_Ibarrier (MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Ibcast (typename DATATYPE::Type *buffer, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Ibcast_wrap (typename DATATYPE::Type *bufferSend, typename DATATYPE::Type *bufferRecv, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ibcast_wrap_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Ibsend (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ibsend_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ibsend_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ibsend_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ibsend_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ibsend_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Ibsend_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ibsend_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ibsend_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ibsend_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ibsend_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Iexscan (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Igather (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Igather_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Igather_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Igather_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Igather_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Igather_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Igather_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Igather_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Igather_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Igather_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Igather_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Igatherv (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Igatherv_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Igatherv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Igatherv_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Igatherv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Igatherv_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Igatherv_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Igatherv_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Igatherv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Igatherv_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Igatherv_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int *recvbufCounts, const int *recvbufDispls, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
int | AMPI_Improbe (int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, int *flag, AMPI_Message *message, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Imrecv (typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Message *message, AMPI_Request *request, IrecvAdjCall reverse_send=IrecvAdjCall::Isend) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Imrecv_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Message *message, AMPI_Request *request, IrecvAdjCall reverse_call) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Imrecv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Imrecv_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Imrecv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Imrecv_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Imrecv_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Imrecv_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Message *message, AMPI_Request *request, IrecvAdjCall reverse_call) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Imrecv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Imrecv_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Imrecv_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Message *message, AMPI_Request *request, IrecvAdjCall reverse_call) |
MPI_Fint | AMPI_Info_c2f (MPI_Info info) |
int | AMPI_Info_create (MPI_Info *info) |
int | AMPI_Info_delete (MPI_Info info, const char *key) |
int | AMPI_Info_dup (MPI_Info info, MPI_Info *newinfo) |
MPI_Info | AMPI_Info_f2c (MPI_Fint info) |
int | AMPI_Info_free (MPI_Info *info) |
int | AMPI_Info_get (MPI_Info info, const char *key, int valuelen, char *value, int *flag) |
int | AMPI_Info_get_nkeys (MPI_Info info, int *nkeys) |
int | AMPI_Info_get_nthkey (MPI_Info info, int n, char *key) |
int | AMPI_Info_get_valuelen (MPI_Info info, const char *key, int *valuelen, int *flag) |
int | AMPI_Info_set (MPI_Info info, const char *key, const char *value) |
int | AMPI_Init (int *argc, char ***argv) |
void | AMPI_Init_common () |
int | AMPI_Init_thread (int *argc, char ***argv, int required, int *provided) |
int | AMPI_Initialized (int *flag) |
int | AMPI_Intercomm_create (MPI_Comm local_comm, int local_leader, MPI_Comm peer_comm, int remote_leader, int tag, MPI_Comm *newintercomm) |
int | AMPI_Intercomm_merge (MPI_Comm intercomm, int high, MPI_Comm *newintracomm) |
int | AMPI_Iprobe (int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, int *flag, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Irecv (typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request, IrecvAdjCall reverse_send=IrecvAdjCall::Isend) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Irecv_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request, IrecvAdjCall reverse_call) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Irecv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Irecv_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Irecv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Irecv_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Irecv_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Irecv_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request, IrecvAdjCall reverse_call) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Irecv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Irecv_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Irecv_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request, IrecvAdjCall reverse_call) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Ireduce (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Ireduce_global (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ireduce_global_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ireduce_global_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ireduce_global_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ireduce_global_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ireduce_global_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Ireduce_global_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ireduce_global_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ireduce_global_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ireduce_global_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ireduce_global_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Ireduce_modified_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Irsend (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Irsend_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Irsend_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Irsend_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Irsend_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Irsend_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Irsend_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Irsend_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Irsend_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Irsend_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Irsend_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
int | AMPI_Is_thread_main (int *flag) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Iscan (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Iscatter (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iscatter_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iscatter_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iscatter_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iscatter_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iscatter_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Iscatter_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iscatter_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iscatter_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iscatter_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iscatter_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Iscatterv (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, const int *sendcounts, const int *displs, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iscatterv_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispl, const int *sendcount, const int *displs, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iscatterv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iscatterv_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iscatterv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iscatterv_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Iscatterv_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iscatterv_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispl, const int *sendcount, const int *displs, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iscatterv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iscatterv_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Iscatterv_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispl, const int *sendcount, const int *displs, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Isend (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Isend_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Isend_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Isend_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Isend_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Isend_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Isend_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Isend_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Isend_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Isend_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Isend_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Issend (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Issend_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Issend_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Issend_b_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Issend_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Issend_d_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Issend_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Issend_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Issend_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Issend_p_finish (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Issend_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
int | AMPI_Keyval_create (AMPI_Copy_function *copy_fn, AMPI_Delete_function *delete_fn, int *keyval, void *extra_state) |
int | AMPI_Keyval_free (int *keyval) |
int | AMPI_Lookup_name (const char *service_name, MPI_Info info, char *port_name) |
int | AMPI_Mprobe (int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Message *message, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Mrecv (typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Message *message, MPI_Status *status, RecvAdjCall reverse_send=RecvAdjCall::Send) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Mrecv_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Message *message, MPI_Status *status, RecvAdjCall reverse_call) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Mrecv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Mrecv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Mrecv_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Message *message, MPI_Status *status, RecvAdjCall reverse_call) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Mrecv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Mrecv_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Message *message, MPI_Status *status, RecvAdjCall reverse_call) |
int | AMPI_Op_commutative (AMPI_Op op, int *commute) |
int | AMPI_Op_create (const bool requiresPrimal, const bool requiresPrimalSend, MPI_User_function *primalFunction, int primalFunctionCommute, MPI_User_function *modifiedPrimalFunction, int modifiedPrimalFunctionCommute, const PreAdjointOperation preAdjointOperation, const PostAdjointOperation postAdjointOperation, AMPI_Op *op) |
| Optimized creation of an operator that will enalbe the AD tool to execute reduce operations.
int | AMPI_Op_create (MPI_User_function *user_fn, int commute, AMPI_Op *op) |
| Default forward of the operator creation.
int | AMPI_Op_free (AMPI_Op *op) |
| Frees the operator.
int | AMPI_Open_port (MPI_Info info, char *port_name) |
int | AMPI_Probe (int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status) |
int | AMPI_Publish_name (const char *service_name, MPI_Info info, const char *port_name) |
int | AMPI_Query_thread (int *provided) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Recv (typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status, RecvAdjCall reverse_send=RecvAdjCall::Send) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Recv_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status, RecvAdjCall reverse_call) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Recv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Recv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Recv_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status, RecvAdjCall reverse_call) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Recv_init (typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request, IrecvAdjCall reverse_send=IrecvAdjCall::Isend) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Recv_init_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Recv_init_postEnd (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Recv_init_preStart (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Recv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Recv_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status, RecvAdjCall reverse_call) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Reduce (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Reduce_global (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Reduce_global_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Reduce_global_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Reduce_global_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Reduce_global_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Reduce_global_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Reduce_global_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Reduce_local (const typename DATATYPE::Type *inbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *inoutbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Op op) |
int | AMPI_Register_datarep (const char *datarep, AMPI_Datarep_conversion_function *read_conversion_fn, AMPI_Datarep_conversion_function *write_conversion_fn, AMPI_Datarep_extent_function *dtype_file_extent_fn, void *extra_state) |
int | AMPI_Request_free (AMPI_Request *request) |
int | AMPI_Request_get_status (AMPI_Request request, int *flag, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Rsend (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Rsend_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Rsend_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Rsend_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Rsend_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Rsend_init (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Rsend_init_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Rsend_init_postEnd (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Rsend_init_preStart (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Rsend_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Rsend_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Scan (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Scatter (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Scatter_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Scatter_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Scatter_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Scatter_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Scatter_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Scatter_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Scatterv (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, const int *sendcounts, const int *displs, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Scatterv_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispl, const int *sendcount, const int *displs, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Scatterv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Scatterv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Scatterv_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispl, const int *sendcount, const int *displs, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Scatterv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Scatterv_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *&sendbufAdjoints, int *sendbufCounts, const int *sendbufDispl, const int *sendcount, const int *displs, SENDTYPE *sendtype, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *&recvbufAdjoints, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Send (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Send_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Send_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Send_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Send_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Send_init (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Send_init_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Send_init_postEnd (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Send_init_preStart (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Send_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Send_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
int | AMPI_Sendrecv (const typename SENDTYPE::Type *sendbuf, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, int dest, int sendtag, typename RECVTYPE::Type *recvbuf, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int source, int recvtag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Sendrecv_adj (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *sendbuf, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, int dest, int sendtag, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *recvbuf, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int source, int recvtag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Sendrecv_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Sendrecv_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Sendrecv_fwd (typename SENDTYPE::AdjointType *sendbuf, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, int dest, int sendtag, typename RECVTYPE::AdjointType *recvbuf, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int source, int recvtag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Sendrecv_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename SENDTYPE , typename RECVTYPE > |
void | AMPI_Sendrecv_pri (typename SENDTYPE::PrimalType *sendbuf, int sendbufSize, int sendcount, SENDTYPE *sendtype, int dest, int sendtag, typename RECVTYPE::PrimalType *recvbuf, int recvbufSize, int recvcount, RECVTYPE *recvtype, int source, int recvtag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Ssend (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ssend_adj (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ssend_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ssend_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ssend_fwd (typename DATATYPE::AdjointType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Ssend_init (const typename DATATYPE::Type *buf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Ssend_init_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Ssend_init_postEnd (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Ssend_init_preStart (HandleBase *handle) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ssend_p (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | AMPI_Ssend_pri (typename DATATYPE::PrimalType *bufAdjoints, int bufSize, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) |
int | AMPI_Start (AMPI_Request *request) |
int | AMPI_Startall (int count, AMPI_Request *array_of_requests) |
int | AMPI_Status_c2f (const MPI_Status *c_status, MPI_Fint *f_status) |
int | AMPI_Status_f2c (const MPI_Fint *f_status, MPI_Status *c_status) |
int | AMPI_Status_set_cancelled (MPI_Status *status, int flag) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Status_set_elements (MPI_Status *status, DATATYPE *datatype, int count) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Status_set_elements_x (MPI_Status *status, DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Count count) |
int | AMPI_T_category_changed (int *stamp) |
int | AMPI_T_category_get_categories (int cat_index, int len, int *indices) |
int | AMPI_T_category_get_cvars (int cat_index, int len, int *indices) |
int | AMPI_T_category_get_index (const char *name, int *cat_index) |
int | AMPI_T_category_get_info (int cat_index, char *name, int *name_len, char *desc, int *desc_len, int *num_cvars, int *num_pvars, int *num_categories) |
int | AMPI_T_category_get_num (int *num_cat) |
int | AMPI_T_category_get_pvars (int cat_index, int len, int *indices) |
int | AMPI_T_cvar_get_index (const char *name, int *cvar_index) |
int | AMPI_T_cvar_get_num (int *num_cvar) |
int | AMPI_T_cvar_handle_alloc (int cvar_index, void *obj_handle, MPI_T_cvar_handle *handle, int *count) |
int | AMPI_T_cvar_handle_free (MPI_T_cvar_handle *handle) |
int | AMPI_T_cvar_read (MPI_T_cvar_handle handle, void *buf) |
int | AMPI_T_cvar_write (MPI_T_cvar_handle handle, const void *buf) |
int | AMPI_T_enum_get_info (MPI_T_enum enumtype, int *num, char *name, int *name_len) |
int | AMPI_T_enum_get_item (MPI_T_enum enumtype, int index, int *value, char *name, int *name_len) |
int | AMPI_T_finalize () |
int | AMPI_T_init_thread (int required, int *provided) |
int | AMPI_T_pvar_get_index (const char *name, int var_class, int *pvar_index) |
int | AMPI_T_pvar_get_num (int *num_pvar) |
int | AMPI_T_pvar_handle_alloc (MPI_T_pvar_session session, int pvar_index, void *obj_handle, MPI_T_pvar_handle *handle, int *count) |
int | AMPI_T_pvar_handle_free (MPI_T_pvar_session session, MPI_T_pvar_handle *handle) |
int | AMPI_T_pvar_read (MPI_T_pvar_session session, MPI_T_pvar_handle handle, void *buf) |
int | AMPI_T_pvar_readreset (MPI_T_pvar_session session, MPI_T_pvar_handle handle, void *buf) |
int | AMPI_T_pvar_reset (MPI_T_pvar_session session, MPI_T_pvar_handle handle) |
int | AMPI_T_pvar_session_create (MPI_T_pvar_session *session) |
int | AMPI_T_pvar_session_free (MPI_T_pvar_session *session) |
int | AMPI_T_pvar_start (MPI_T_pvar_session session, MPI_T_pvar_handle handle) |
int | AMPI_T_pvar_stop (MPI_T_pvar_session session, MPI_T_pvar_handle handle) |
int | AMPI_T_pvar_write (MPI_T_pvar_session session, MPI_T_pvar_handle handle, const void *buf) |
int | AMPI_Test (AMPI_Request *request, int *flag, MPI_Status *status) |
int | AMPI_Test_cancelled (const MPI_Status *status, int *flag) |
int | AMPI_Testall (int count, AMPI_Request *array_of_requests, int *flag, MPI_Status *array_of_statuses) |
int | AMPI_Testany (int count, AMPI_Request *array_of_requests, int *index, int *flag, MPI_Status *status) |
int | AMPI_Testsome (int incount, AMPI_Request *array_of_requests, int *outcount, int *array_of_indices, MPI_Status *array_of_statuses) |
int | AMPI_Topo_test (MPI_Comm comm, int *status) |
int | AMPI_Type_commit (MpiTypeInterface **d) |
int | AMPI_Type_create_contiguous (int count, MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MpiTypeInterface **newtype) |
int | AMPI_Type_create_hindexed (int count, int *array_of_blocklengths, MPI_Aint *array_of_displacements, MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MpiTypeInterface **newtype) |
int | AMPI_Type_create_hindexed_block (int count, int blocklength, MPI_Aint *array_of_displacements, MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MpiTypeInterface **newtype) |
int | AMPI_Type_create_hvector (int count, int blocklength, MPI_Aint stride, MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MpiTypeInterface **newtype) |
int | AMPI_Type_create_keyval (AMPI_Type_copy_attr_function *type_copy_attr_fn, AMPI_Type_delete_attr_function *type_delete_attr_fn, int *type_keyval, void *extra_state) |
int | AMPI_Type_create_resized (MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MPI_Aint lb, MPI_Aint extent, MpiTypeInterface **newtype) |
int | AMPI_Type_create_struct (int count, const int *array_of_blocklengths, const MPI_Aint *array_of_displacements, MpiTypeInterface *const *array_of_types, MpiTypeInterface **newtype) |
int | AMPI_Type_create_subarray (int ndims, const int *array_of_sizes, const int *array_of_subsizes, const int *array_of_starts, int order, MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MpiTypeInterface **newtype) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Type_delete_attr (DATATYPE *datatype, int type_keyval) |
int | AMPI_Type_dup (MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MpiTypeInterface **newtype) |
int | AMPI_Type_free (MpiTypeInterface **d) |
int | AMPI_Type_free_keyval (int *type_keyval) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Type_get_attr (DATATYPE *datatype, int type_keyval, void *attribute_val, int *flag) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Type_get_contents (DATATYPE *datatype, int max_integers, int max_addresses, int max_datatypes, int *array_of_integers, MPI_Aint *array_of_addresses, AMPI_Datatype *array_of_datatypes) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Type_get_envelope (DATATYPE *datatype, int *num_integers, int *num_addresses, int *num_datatypes, int *combiner) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Type_get_extent (DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Aint *lb, MPI_Aint *extent) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Type_get_extent_x (DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Count *lb, MPI_Count *extent) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Type_get_name (DATATYPE *datatype, char *type_name, int *resultlen) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Type_get_true_extent (DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Aint *true_lb, MPI_Aint *true_extent) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Type_get_true_extent_x (DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Count *true_lb, MPI_Count *true_extent) |
int | AMPI_Type_indexed (int count, int *array_of_blocklengths, int *array_of_displacements, MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MpiTypeInterface **newtype) |
int | AMPI_Type_indexed_block (int count, int blocklength, int *array_of_displacements, MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MpiTypeInterface **newtype) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Type_set_attr (DATATYPE *datatype, int type_keyval, void *attribute_val) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Type_set_name (DATATYPE *datatype, const char *type_name) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Type_size (DATATYPE *datatype, int *size) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | AMPI_Type_size_x (DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Count *size) |
int | AMPI_Type_vector (int count, int blocklength, int stride, MpiTypeInterface *oldtype, MpiTypeInterface **newtype) |
int | AMPI_Unpublish_name (const char *service_name, MPI_Info info, const char *port_name) |
int | AMPI_Wait (AMPI_Request *request, MPI_Status *status) |
void | AMPI_Wait_b (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
void | AMPI_Wait_d (HandleBase *handle, AdjointInterface *adjointInterface) |
int | AMPI_Waitall (int count, AMPI_Request *array_of_requests, MPI_Status *array_of_statuses) |
int | AMPI_Waitany (int count, AMPI_Request *array_of_requests, int *index, MPI_Status *status) |
int | AMPI_Waitsome (int incount, AMPI_Request *array_of_requests, int *outcount, int *array_of_indices, MPI_Status *array_of_statuses) |
MPI_Fint | AMPI_Win_c2f (MPI_Win win) |
int | AMPI_Win_call_errhandler (MPI_Win win, int errorcode) |
int | AMPI_Win_create_errhandler (AMPI_Win_errhandler_function *win_errhandler_fn, MPI_Errhandler *errhandler) |
int | AMPI_Win_create_keyval (AMPI_Win_copy_attr_function *win_copy_attr_fn, AMPI_Win_delete_attr_function *win_delete_attr_fn, int *win_keyval, void *extra_state) |
int | AMPI_Win_delete_attr (MPI_Win win, int win_keyval) |
MPI_Win | AMPI_Win_f2c (MPI_Fint win) |
int | AMPI_Win_free_keyval (int *win_keyval) |
int | AMPI_Win_get_attr (MPI_Win win, int win_keyval, void *attribute_val, int *flag) |
int | AMPI_Win_get_errhandler (MPI_Win win, MPI_Errhandler *errhandler) |
int | AMPI_Win_get_name (MPI_Win win, char *win_name, int *resultlen) |
int | AMPI_Win_set_attr (MPI_Win win, int win_keyval, void *attribute_val) |
int | AMPI_Win_set_errhandler (MPI_Win win, MPI_Errhandler errhandler) |
int | AMPI_Win_set_name (MPI_Win win, const char *win_name) |
double | AMPI_Wtick () |
double | AMPI_Wtime () |
void | clearDebugInformation () |
int | computeDisplacementsTotalSize (const int *counts, int ranks) |
| Compute the total size of a message that has a different size on each rank.
MPI_Request * | convertToMPI (AMPI_Request *array, int count) |
int * | createLinearDisplacements (const int *counts, int ranks) |
| Creates the linearized displacements of a message with a different size on each rank.
void | createLinearDisplacementsAndCount (int *&countsOut, int *&displsOut, const int *counts, int ranks, int scale) |
| Creates the linearized displacements of a message with a different size on each rank.
template<typename Datatype > |
void | createLinearIndexCounts (int *&linearCounts, const int *counts, const int *displs, int ranks, Datatype *type) |
| Creates the counts for a message with a different size on each rank.
int | dimToOrderDim (int dim, const int dimBase, const int dimStep) |
void | finalizeTypes () |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | GatherAndPerformOperationLocal (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm, int reduceSize) |
int | getCommRank (MPI_Comm comm) |
| Helper function that gets the own rank number from the communicator.
int | getCommSize (MPI_Comm comm) |
| Helper function that gets the number of ranks from the communicator.
std::string | getDebugInformation () |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | IgatherAndPerformOperationLocal (const typename DATATYPE::Type *sendbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm, AMPI_Request *request, int reduceSize) |
template<typename DATATYPE > |
int | IgatherAndPerformOperationLocal_finish (HandleBase *handle) |
void | initializeOperators () |
void | initTypes () |
int | MPI_Bcast_wrap (void *bufferSend, void *bufferRecv, int count, MPI_Datatype type, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
int | MPI_Ibcast_wrap (void *bufferSend, void *bufferRecv, int count, MPI_Datatype type, int root, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request *request) |
bool | operator!= (AMPI_Op const &a, AMPI_Op const &b) |
bool | operator!= (const AMPI_Request &a, const AMPI_Request &b) |
bool | operator== (AMPI_Op const &a, AMPI_Op const &b) |
bool | operator== (const AMPI_Request &a, const AMPI_Request &b) |
void | outputException (const char function[], const char file[], const int line, const char *message,...) |
| Prints the positions and the message of the exception.
template<typename DATATYPE > |
void | performReduce (typename DATATYPE::Type *tempbuf, typename DATATYPE::Type *recvbuf, int count, DATATYPE *datatype, AMPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm, int reduceSize) |
void | performReverseAction (AMPI_Request *request) |
void | performStartAction (AMPI_Request *request) |
void | printDebugInformationWarning (std::string const &functionName) |
void | setDebugInformation (std::string const &info) |