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Event Information:

  • Fri

    SC Seminar: Svenja Nerzak

    11:00Room 32-349

    Svenja Nerzak, RWTH Aachen University
    Co-Authors: K. Niemietz, M. Vivenzo, L. Berger, T. Lehmann, M. Gauding, H. Pitsch

    Title: Numerical Analysis of Thermodiffusive Instabilities in Hydrogen Flames with LES in a Jet Burner Application


    The high energy and heat demand of many industrial sectors, e.g., steel production and processing, combined with the need for drastic carbon dioxide emission reductions, requires a transition from fossil fuel industrial burners to novel energy systems in the near future. One widely discussed approach is the utilization of hydrogen. Since hydrogen supply is still limited, industrial burners must be capable of fuel-flexible operation while reducing emissions. However, hydrogen addition to methane strongly influences flame characteristics due to thermodiffusive instabilities.

    This study investigates how these instabilities affect the flame in a fuel-flexible jet burner configuration using Large Eddy Simulations (LES). To this end, the model by Regele et al. (Combust. Flame, 160(2):240–250, 2013) is implemented in OpenFOAM. The model is extended for turbulent flames using the progress variable variance. Subsequently, the model is validated using laminar and turbulent direct numerical simulations (DNS).