SC Seminar: Max Aehle
Max Aehle, Chair for Scientific Computing (SciComp), University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) Title: Reverse-Mode Automatic Differentiation of Compiled Programs Abstract: Algorithmic differentiation (AD) is a set of techniques to obtain accurate derivatives of computer-implemented functions. For gradient-based numerical optimization purposes, the … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Esteban Ferrer
Prof. Esteban Ferrer, Professor in Applied Mathematics at the School of Aeronautics, Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain Title: New avenues in high order fluid dynamics Abstract: We present the latest developments of our High-Order Spectral Element Solver (HORSES3D), … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Steffen Schotthöfer
Steffen Schotthöfer, Instute for Applied and Numerical Mathematics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Title: Dynamical Low Rank Compression for Efficient Neural Network Training Abstract: Neural networks have achieved tremendous success in a large variety of applications. However, their memory footprint … Continue reading
SciComp Workshop
The goal of the workshop is to give an overview of recent research activities at SciComp. In addition, collaborators from HS Offenburg, KIT, MTU and BOSCH will give invited presentations for scientific exchange. Finally, we will brainstorm about future collaboration. … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Jan Rottmayer
Title: Trailing Edge Noise Reduction by Porous Treatment using Derivative-Free Optimization Jan Rottmayer, Chair for Scientific Computing (SciComp), TU Kaiserslautern Abstract: This talk focuses on the derivative-free optimization algorithm known as Efficient Global Optimization and its application to the noise … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Guillermo Suarez
Guillermo Suarez, Chair for Scientific Computing (SciComp), TU Kaiserslautern Title: Non-Linear Surrogate Model Design for Aerodynamic Dataset Generation Abstract: One of the key components for designing an Air Vehicle is an Aerodynamic Dataset – a model representing the aircraft’s aerodynamic … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Max Aehle
Max Aehle, Chair for Scientific Computing (SciComp), TU Kaiserslautern Title: Forward-Mode Automatic Differentiation of Compiled Programs Abstract: Many optimization algorithms, including training methods for neural networks, rely on the gradient of the objective function. Often, the gradient can be formed … Continue reading