SC Seminar: Roland Ewert
Dr. Roland Ewert, DLR Institut für Aerodynamik und Strömungstechnik Title: Strömungsgeräuschsimulation mittels stochastischer Quellen Abstract: Der Vortrag präsentiert hybride aeroakustische Simulationsmethoden und ihre Anwendung auf Umströmungsgeräuschprobleme der Luftfahrt. In einem ersten Schritt wird das turbulente Umströmungsproblem mit Reynolds gemittelten Navier-Stokes … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Claus-Dieter Munz
Prof. Claus-Dieter Munz, IAG, Uni Stuttgart Title: High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes for Industrial Flow Problems Abstract: High-order methods are attractive for simulations of multiscale problems. Due to their low dispersion and dissipation errors, they minimize the number of points, … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Thomas Dick
Thomas Dick, SciComp Title: Development of a Discrete Adjoint method for unsteady PDE optimization Abstract: In the design and optimization of aerospace systems, there are many problems which are unsteady by nature. For example active flow control, aeroacoustic or turbo … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Torsten Bosse
Dr. Torsten Bosse, Argonne National Laboratory Title: An asynchronous Oneshot method with load-balancing Abstract: We propose a ‘blurred’ one-shot method for the minimization of design optimization problems using a parallel and asynchronous evaluation of the three basic tasks: the state-, … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Junis Abdel Hay
Junis Abdel Hay, SciComp Title: Modelling Real Acoustic Absorbers for Computational Aeroacoustics Abstract: Acoustic liners are widely used as acoustic absorbers in the inlet and bypass duct of aero-engines. Commonly used acoustic liners are Helmholtz resonator arrays and consist of … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Marc Schwalbach
Marc Schwalbach, von Karman Institute (VKI) Title: Cold-to-hot transformation for adjoint optimization of turbomachinery components Abstract: Due to the centrifugal forces experienced by turbomachinery components in operation, structural deformations occur such that the running “hot” structure differs from the resting … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Simon Gottschalk
Simon Gottschalk, Fraunhofer ITWM Title: The One-shot method for optimization problems with underlying PDEs Abstract: Optimization problems with underlying PDEs appear in disciplines like geophysics, medical imaging, atmospheric science and aerodynamic shape design. Conventional approaches -known from the nonlinear optimization … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Domenico Quagliarella
Prof. Domenico Quagliarella, Italian Aerospace Research Center (CIRA) Title: Risk measures and optimization under uncertainty Abstract: Many industrial optimization processes must take account of the stochastic nature of the system and processes to be designed or re-designed and have to … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Andrea Walther
Prof. Andrea Walther, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Paderborn Title: On the optimization of piecewise smooth functions Abstract: This talk presents the abs-normal form for piecewise linear functions, which can be used for the optimization of piecewise linear function. Such an … Continue reading