SC Seminar: Diksha Gupta
Diksha Gupta, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau Title: RNN-based Mutation Rate Prediction for SARS-CoV-2 Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has thrusted the world into an unprecedented crisis, prompting widespread efforts to understand the dynamics of viral transmission, adaptation, and evolution. One of the key … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Hans Hagen
Prof. Hans Hagen, Geometric Modeling Group, RPTU Title: Non-Standard Metrics for Machine Learning Abstract: Euclidean Metrics and L2-Norms are the dominating standards — . BUT are they good enough in all applications ?—- I do not think so. Finslertyp metrics … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Hans Hagen
Prof. Hans Hagen, Geometric Modeling Group, RPTU There will be two short presentations: Title: Differential Geometry as a ” tool box” Abstract: Geometric Modelling Algorithms need a strong mathematical basis. One is Differential Geometry. We present in this talk some … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Lena Dittrich
Lena Dittrich, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau Title: An overview over publications simulating Ride-pooling services using the simulation framework MATSim Abstract: Ride-pooling Services, also often referred to as Ride-Hailing or Ride-Sharing Services, are becoming more and more common. Humanity is facing problems like … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Daniel Maue
Daniel Maue, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau Title: Depth-Aware Traffic Sign Recognition – A Multi-Stage 3D Localization & Classification Pipeline for Traffic Signs Abstract: Recognizing objects within images is a key task in computer vision. There are many traditional algorithmic approaches for locating … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Johannes Albert Stegmann
Johannes Albert Stegmann, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau Title: Improving Evaluation Performance for Large Derivative Computations Through Cache Optimisation Techniques in CoDiPack Abstract: This presentation will discuss optimisation techniques to improve CPU caching between statements of large derivative calculations in the C++ CoDiPack … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Sarah Neuwirth
Prof. Sarah Neuwirth, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz Title: Transforming HPC with Holistic Performance Engineering and the Pursuit of Reproducibility Abstract: HPC applications are evolving not only to include traditional modeling and simulation workloads but also so-called scale-out workloads, including … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Ivan Barranco Gomez
Ivan Barranco Gomez, School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering; University of Bristol Title: Optimising Ion Thruster Performance: Advances in Particle-in-Cell and Monte Carlo Simulations Abstract: Motivated by the need to enhance physical modelling and optimization techniques in the design … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Max Aehle
Max Aehle, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau Title: Algorithmic Derivatives of Electromagnetic Shower Simulations Abstract: Applying algorithmic differentiation to particle simulations like Geant4 would allow us to evaluate derivatives of simulation outputs with respect to inputs, e.g. of the mean energy depositions in … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Max Sagebaum
Dr. Max Sagebaum, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau Title: Introduction to cppfront – a new syntax for C++ – and compile time regular expression generation Abstract: cppfront is a compiler for an experimental alternate syntax for C++ (aka Cpp2) initiated and driven by … Continue reading