SC Seminar: Jonas Kusch
Jonas Kusch, RWTH Aachen/TU Kaiserslautern Title: Frequency Based Preconditioning And Smoothing for Shape Optimization Abstract: In this talk, a preconditioner for shape optimization in the case of small Reynolds numbers will be derived. The preconditioner mimics the local Hessian behavior, … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Gang Wang
Gang Wang, Associate Professor at the Dept. of Fluid Dynamics/School of Aeronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China Title: Flow Fluctuation Analysis Based on the Unsteady Flow Simulation with Variable Physical Time Stepping Scheme Abstract: An analysis technique on flow fluctuation … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Qiqi Wang
Prof. Qiqi Wang, MIT, Cambridge, USA Title: Design in Chaos — the Least Squares Shadowing technique for Sensitivity Analysis of Chaotic High Fidelity Simulations Chaos is widespread in high fidelity simulations of engineering and natural systems. These systems, including turbulent … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Stefan Becker and Christoph Scheit
Prof. Stefan Becker, Christoph Scheit, Lehrstuhl für Prozessmaschinen und Anlagentechnik, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Title: Aeroacoustics of Small Vertical Wind Turbines: Simulation and Experiment Abstract: The contents of the presentation is to validate two different numerical methods for noise prediction of the … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Olaf Frommann
Prof. Olaf Frommann, Hochschule Bremen, Institut für Aerospace Technologie Title: About the Dilemma of Contradictory Goals in Multi-Objective Optimization Abstract: Multi-Objective Optimization often leads to the problem of dealing with competing and contradictory goals, that need to be satisfied. The … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Praveen C
Dr. Praveen C., TIFR Center for Applicable Mathematics Title: Well-balanced discontinuous Galerkin method for Euler equations with gravity Abstract: We discuss a well-balanced discontinuous Galerkin scheme for compressible Euler equations with gravity. The DG scheme is based on nodal discontinuous … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Charles Swanson
Prof. Charles Swanson, NASA Langley Research Center and Old Dominion University, USA Title: Design of RK/Implicit Schemes for Solving the Navier-Stokes Equations Abstract: The design and construction of accurate, robust, and efficient solution algorithms for solving the Navier-Stokes equations requires … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Boyan S. Lazarov
Boyan Stefanov Lazarov, Ph.D., Technical University of Denmark, Department of Mechanical Engineering Title: On the length scale, robustness and manufacturability in topology optimization Abstract: Topology optimization has gained the status of being the preferred optimization tool in the mechanical, automotive, … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Robert Bosch GmbH
Dr. H.C. Krahl, P. Wassermann, Robert Bosch GmbH, Fluid Dynamics. Title: Fluid Dynamics and Adjoint-based Optimization at Bosch Corporate Sector Research and Advance Engineering Abstract: We will introduce the group for Fluid Dynamics at the Corporate Sector Research and Advance … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Stephanie Friedhoff
Stephanie Friedhoff, Ph.D., KU Leuven, Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics Section Title: Multigrid reduction techniques for parallel-in-time integration Abstract: With current trends in computer architectures leading towards systems with more, but not faster, processors, faster time-to-solution must come from greater … Continue reading