CoDiPack  2.2.0
A Code Differentiation Package
SciComp TU Kaiserslautern
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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Ccodi::ActiveArgumentPointerStore< T_Real, T_Identifier, T_Gradient >Declares all variables that may be needed to store/restore an active argument which has a pointer type
 Ccodi::ActiveArgumentStoreInterface< T_Real, T_Identifier, T_Gradient >Interface for restored data for an argument. The functions should return a compatible type that can be forwarded to the primal evaluation and the gradient computation
 Ccodi::ActiveArgumentStoreTraits< T_T, typename >Traits for storing active arguments in byte streams
 Ccodi::ActiveArgumentValueStore< T_PointerStore >Declares all variables that may be needed to store/restore an active argument which has a value type
 Ccodi::ComputationTraits::AdjointConversionImpl< T_Outer, T_Inner, typename >Perform the conversion of Outer(Inner) in the adjoint context. Default implementation for Outer == Inner
 Ccodi::AggregatedTypeVectorAccessWrapperFactory< T_Type, typename >Factory for the creation of AggregatedTypeVectorAccessWrapper instances
 Ccodi::Algorithms< T_Type, T_ActiveChecks >Basic algorithms for tape evaluation in CoDiPack
 Ccodi::ArrayPosition< T_NestedPosition >Position with one index for e.g. array access
 Ccodi::AssignmentOperators< T_Tape, T_Impl >Implementation of assignment operators for LhsExpressionInterface implementations
 Ccodi::AssignmentOperators< T_ActiveType::Tape, ActiveTypeWrapper< T_ActiveType > >
 Ccodi::AssignmentOperators< T_ActiveType::Tape, ImmutableActiveType< T_ActiveType > >
 Ccodi::AssignmentOperators< T_Tape, ActiveType< T_Tape > >
 Ccodi::AssignmentOperators< T_Tape, ActiveTypeStatelessTape< T_Tape > >
 Ccodi::AssignmentOperators< T_Tape, ParallelActiveType< T_Tape, T_ParallelToolbox > >
 Ccodi::AssignmentOperators< T_Type, ReferenceActiveType< T_Type > >
 Ccodi::AtomicInterface< T_Type, T_Impl >Provides a data type on which operations are performed atomically
 Ccodi::AtomicInterface< T_Type, OpenMPAtomicImpl< T_Type, void > >
 Ccodi::BinaryOperation< T_Real >Interface for implementing the logic for a BinaryExpression
 Ccodi::ChunkBaseA chunk stores a contiguous block of data in CoDiPack
 Cstd::codi_numeric_limits< Type >Specialization of std::numeric_limits for the default CoDiPack active types
 Cstd::codi_numeric_limits< codi::ActiveType< Tape > >
 Cstd::codi_numeric_limits< codi::ActiveTypeStatelessTape< Tape > >
 Cstd::codi_numeric_limits< codi::ParallelActiveType< Tape, ParallelToolbox > >
 Ccodi::CoDiMpiTypes< T_Type, T_Tool >MPI datatype implementation for CoDipack types in the type wrapper of MeDiPack
 Ccodi::CommonTapeTypes< T_TapeTypes >Declares all types used in the CommonTapeImplementation
 Ccodi::CommonTapeTypes< ImplTapeTypes >
 Ccodi::CompileTimeLoop< T_pos >Compile time loop evaluation
 Ccodi::CompileTimeLoop< 0 >Termination of loop evaluation
 Ccodi::CompileTimeTraversalLogic< T_ResultType, T_Impl >Traversal of CoDiPack expressions during compile time
 Ccodi::CompileTimeTraversalLogic< size_t, NumberOfActiveTypeArguments< Expr > >
 Ccodi::CompileTimeTraversalLogic< size_t, NumberOfConstantTypeArguments< Expr > >
 Ccodi::CompileTimeTraversalLogic< size_t, NumberOfOperations< Expr > >
 Ccodi::ConstantDataConversion< T_StoreData >
 Ccodi::ConstructStaticContextLogic< T_Rhs, T_Tape, T_primalValueOffset, T_constantValueOffset, typename >Helper class for the construction of an expression in a different context
 Ccodi::ConstructVectorImpl< T_V, typename >
 Ccodi::ConstructVectorImpl< std::array< T_T, T_n > >
 Ccodi::CustomAdjointVectorInterface< T_Type >General interface for an arbitrary adjoint evaluation
 Ccodi::RealTraits::DataExtraction< T_Type, typename >Data handling methods for aggregated types that contain CoDiPack active types
 Ccodi::DataInterface< T_NestedData, T_InternalPosHandle >Data stream interface for tape data. Encapsulates data that is written e.g. for each statement or argument
 Ccodi::DataInterface< EmptyData >
 Ccodi::DataManagementTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Identifier >Provides file IO, information about internal tape vectors and allows to clear tape data
 Ccodi::DataManagementTapeInterface< T_ImplTapeTypes::Real, T_ImplTapeTypes::Identifier >
 Ccodi::DataManagementTapeInterface< T_Real, TagData< T_Tag > >
 Ccodi::DerivativeAccess< T_Type >A helper class for the access of the various derivatives in higher order AD types
 Ccodi::Direction< T_Real, T_dim >Fixed size vector mode implementation
 Ccodi::DirectStatementEvaluatorStaticStore< Generator, Expr >
 Ccodi::DummyValueDummy value that can be assigned
 Ccodi::DummyVectorDummy vector that provides a dummy element access and size function
 Ccodi::DuplicateJacobianRemover< T_Real, T_Identifier >Combines entries of Jacobians with the same identifier
 Ccodi::EditingTapeInterface< T_Position >Edit tapes after they have been recorded
 Ccodi::EditingTapeInterface< JacobianBaseTape< T_TapeTypes, JacobianReuseTape< T_TapeTypes > >::Position >
 Ccodi::EigenLinearSystemTypes< T_Type, T_Matrix, T_Vector >Eigen definition for the LinearSystemInterfaceTypes
 Ccodi::EmptyPositionEmpty Position with no nested data
 Ccodi::EnumBitset< T_Enum >A bitset with enum items as flags
 Ccodi::EnumBitset< LinearSystemSolverFlags >
 Ccodi::EnumBitset< TagFlags >
 Ccodi::EvaluationHandleBase< T_Func, T_Type, T_InputStore, T_OutputStore >Basic interface and data storage for all EvaluationHandle implementations
 Ccodi::EvaluationHandleBase< T_Func, T_Type, std::vector< T_Type >, std::vector< T_Type > >
 Ccodi::EvaluationHandleBase< T_Func, T_Type, T_InputStore, T_OutputStore >
 Ccodi::EvaluationHelperEvaluate the primal, Jacobian and Hessian of function objects
 Ccodi::EventSystemBase< T_Tape >Base class for the CoDiPack event system
 Ccodi::EventSystemBase< ForwardEvaluation< Real, Gradient > >
 Ccodi::ExternalFunctionHelper< T_Type, T_Synchronization, T_ThreadInformation >Helper class for the implementation of an external function in CoDiPack
 Ccodi::ExternalFunctionInternalDataInternal untyped data for an external function
 Ccodi::ExternalFunctionLowLevelEntryMapper< T_Tape, T_Real, T_Identifier >Low level function entry implementation for external functions
 Ccodi::ExternalFunctionTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Gradient, T_Identifier >Add user defined functions to the tape evaluation
 Ccodi::ExternalFunctionTapeInterface< T_ImplTapeTypes::Real, T_ImplTapeTypes::Gradient, T_ImplTapeTypes::Identifier >
 Ccodi::ExternalFunctionTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Real, TagData< T_Tag > >
 Ccodi::ExternalFunctionUserDataEase of access structure for user-provided data on the tape for external functions. See ExternalFunctionTapeInterface
 Ccodi::ExtFunc_matrixMatrixMultiplication< eigenStore, Type >Low level function generation for matrixMatrixMultiplication
 Ccodi::FileIoHelper structure for writing binary data
 Ccodi::GradientAccessTapeInterface< T_Gradient, T_Identifier >Allow for a direct access to the gradient information computed by the tape
 Ccodi::GradientAccessTapeInterface< T_Gradient, T_Gradient >
 Ccodi::GradientAccessTapeInterface< T_ImplTapeTypes::Gradient, T_ImplTapeTypes::Identifier >
 Ccodi::GradientAccessTapeInterface< T_Real, TagData< T_Tag > >
 Ccodi::GradientAccessTapeInterface< T_Tag, T_Tag >
 Ccodi::HessianInterface< T_T >General interface for Hessian access in CoDiPack
 Ccodi::HessianInterface< DummyValue >
 Ccodi::IdentifierInformationTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Gradient, T_Identifier >General information about the identifiers and checks if variables are active
 Ccodi::IdentifierInformationTapeInterface< T_ImplTapeTypes::Real, T_ImplTapeTypes::Gradient, T_ImplTapeTypes::Identifier >
 Ccodi::IdentifierInformationTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Real, TagData< T_Tag > >
 Ccodi::IncrementOperators< T_Tape, T_Impl >Implementation of increment operators for LhsExpressionInterface implementations
 Ccodi::IncrementOperators< T_ActiveType::Tape, ActiveTypeWrapper< T_ActiveType > >
 Ccodi::IncrementOperators< T_ActiveType::Tape, ImmutableActiveType< T_ActiveType > >
 Ccodi::IncrementOperators< T_Tape, ActiveType< T_Tape > >
 Ccodi::IncrementOperators< T_Tape, ActiveTypeStatelessTape< T_Tape > >
 Ccodi::IncrementOperators< T_Tape, ParallelActiveType< T_Tape, T_ParallelToolbox > >
 Ccodi::IncrementOperators< T_Type, ReferenceActiveType< T_Type > >
 Ccodi::TagTapeForward< T_Real, T_Tag >::TapeTypes::IndexManagerRequired definition for event system
 Ccodi::TagTapeReverse< T_Real, T_Tag >::TapeTypes::IndexManagerRequired definition for event system
 Ccodi::IndexManagerInterface< T_Index >Indices enable the mapping of primal values to their adjoint counterparts
 Ccodi::InnerStatementEvaluatorStaticStore< Tape, Expr >
 Ccodi::InternalAdjointsInterface< T_Gradient, T_Identifier, T_Tape >Abstracts the internal set of adjoint variables provided as part of the tape
 Ccodi::InternalStatementRecordingTapeInterface< T_Identifier >Internal tape interface that is used by active types to trigger the storing of an expression
 Ccodi::InternalStatementRecordingTapeInterface< T_Gradient >
 Ccodi::InternalStatementRecordingTapeInterface< T_ImplTapeTypes::Identifier >
 Ccodi::InternalStatementRecordingTapeInterface< T_Tag >
 Ccodi::InternalStatementRecordingTapeInterface< TagData< T_Tag > >
 Ccodi::IoExceptionIoException for CoDiPack
 Ccodi::RealTraits::IsTotalFinite< T_Type, typename >Function for checking if all values of the type are finite
 Ccodi::RealTraits::IsTotalFinite< T_Type, TapeTraits::EnableIfForwardTape< typename T_Type::Tape > >Function for checking if all values of the type are finite.
 Ccodi::RealTraits::IsTotalZero< T_Type, typename >Function for checking if the value of the type is completely zero
 Ccodi::RealTraits::IsTotalZero< T_Type, TapeTraits::EnableIfForwardTape< typename T_Type::Tape > >Function for checking if the value of the type is completely zero.
 Ccodi::JacobianConvertWrapper< T_Nested >Wrapper for JacboianInterfaces that requires a passive value conversion
 Ccodi::JacobianDelayAccessor< T_Issuer >
 Ccodi::JacobianExpression< size >Specialized for NumberOfActiveTypeArguments and NumberOfConstantTypeArguments
 Ccodi::JacobianInterface< T_T >General interface for Jacobian access in CoDiPack
 Ccodi::JacobianInterface< DummyValue >
 Ccodi::JacobianInterface< Real >
 Ccodi::PrimalValueBaseTape< T_TapeTypes, T_Impl >::JacobianStatementGenerator< T_size >
 Ccodi::LinearSystemInterface< T_InterfaceTypes >
 Ccodi::LinearSystemInterface< EigenLinearSystemTypes< Number, Matrix, Vector > >
 Ccodi::LinearSystemInterface< EigenLinearSystemTypes< T_Type, T_Matrix, T_Vector > >
 Ccodi::LinearSystemSolverHandler< T_LinearSystem, typename >
 Ccodi::LinearSystemSpecializationDetection< T_LinearSystem >
 Ccodi::Lock< T_Mutex >RAII mutex locking
 Ccodi::LockForRead< T_ReadWriteMutex >RAII lock for read. ´
 Ccodi::LockForWrite< T_ReadWriteMutex >RAII lock for write
 CLowLevelFunctionIndicator for generator
 Ccodi::LowLevelFunctionCreationUtilities< T_ActiveArguments >Helper structure for storing low level functions and their arguments on a tape
 Ccodi::LowLevelFunctionEntry< T_Tape, T_Real, T_Identifier >Low level function entry on the tape. See LowLevelFunctionTapeInterface for details
 Ccodi::LowLevelFunctionTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Gradient, T_Identifier >Add functions with custom derivatives to the tape. Can, e.g, be used to optimize small recurring functions like matrix matrix multiplication
 Ccodi::LowLevelFunctionTapeInterface< T_ImplTapeTypes::Real, T_ImplTapeTypes::Gradient, T_ImplTapeTypes::Identifier >
 Ccodi::LowLevelFunctionTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Real, TagData< T_Tag > >
 Ccodi::ManualStatementPushTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Gradient, T_Identifier >Add derivative information for custom operations to the tape
 Ccodi::ManualStatementPushTapeInterface< T_ImplTapeTypes::Real, T_ImplTapeTypes::Gradient, T_ImplTapeTypes::Identifier >
 Ccodi::ManualStatementPushTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Real, TagData< T_Tag > >
 Ccodi::MemberStore< T_Type, T_Parent, T_storeStatic >Defines a member that can either be static or local to the struct
 Ccodi::MemberStore< IndexManager, Impl, TapeTypes::IsStaticIndexHandler >
 Ccodi::MemberStore< T_Type, T_Parent, true >Defines a member that can either be static or local to the struct.
 Ccodi::MutexInterfaceAbstracts a mutex
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< T_Impl >Node side interface for the traversal of expressions
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< ActiveType< T_Tape > >
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< ActiveTypeStatelessTape< T_Tape > >
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< ActiveTypeWrapper< T_ActiveType > >
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< BinaryExpression< T_Real, T_ArgA, T_ArgB, T_Operation > >
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< ConstantExpression< T_Real, ConstantDataConversion > >
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< ImmutableActiveType< T_ActiveType > >
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< ParallelActiveType< T_Tape, T_ParallelToolbox > >
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< ReferenceActiveType< T_Type > >
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< StaticContextActiveType< T_Tape > >
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< UnaryExpression< T_Real, T_Arg, T_Operation > >
 Ccodi::ExpressionTraits::NumberOfActiveTypeArguments< JacobianExpression< size > >Specialization for manual statement pushes of the used expression type
 Ccodi::ExpressionTraits::NumberOfConstantTypeArguments< JacobianExpression< size > >Specialization for manual statement pushes of the used expression type
 Ccodi::ParallelToolbox< T_ThreadInformation, T_Atomic, T_Mutex, T_StaticThreadLocalPointer, T_Synchronization >Collects parallel programming facilties required to make CoDiPack applicable in a shared memory parallel environment
 Ccodi::PassiveArgumentStoreTraits< T_T, T_S, typename >Traits for storing passive arguments in byte streams
 Ccodi::PointerStore< T_ChunkData >Inserts data pointers at the back of all arguments in the nested call hierarchy
 Ccodi::PointerStore< Chunk1< T_Data1 > >Pointer store for Chunk1 data
 Ccodi::PointerStore< Chunk2< T_Data1, T_Data2 > >Pointer store for Chunk2 data
 Ccodi::PointerStore< Chunk3< T_Data1, T_Data2, T_Data3 > >Pointer store for Chunk3 data
 Ccodi::PointerStore< Chunk4< T_Data1, T_Data2, T_Data3, T_Data4 > >Pointer store for Chunk4 data
 Ccodi::PositionalEvaluationTapeInterface< T_Position >Reverse AD evaluation for parts of a recorded tape
 Ccodi::PositionalEvaluationTapeInterface< CommonTapeTypes< T_ImplTapeTypes >::Position >
 Ccodi::PositionalEvaluationTapeInterface< CommonTapeTypes< T_TapeTypes >::Position >
 Ccodi::PositionalEvaluationTapeInterface< EmptyPosition >
 Ccodi::PreaccumulationHelper< T_Type, typename >Stores the Jacobian matrix for a code section
 Ccodi::PrimalTapeStatementFunctionsData required for all possible handle calls
 Ccodi::ReadWriteMutex< T_ThreadInformation, T_AtomicInt >Mutex construct that distinguishes between lock for read and lock for write
 Ccodi::AtomicTraits::RemoveAtomicImpl< T_NotAtomic, typename >Convert an atomic type into the underlying type. Implementation
 Ccodi::AtomicTraits::RemoveAtomicImpl< Atomic, EnableIfAtomic< Atomic > >Specialization for atomic types
 Ccodi::StatementEvaluatorInnerTapeInterface< T_Real >Tape side interface for StatementEvaluatorInterface
 Ccodi::StatementEvaluatorInnerTapeInterface< T_TapeTypes::Real >
 Ccodi::StatementEvaluatorInterface< T_Real >Creation of handles for the evaluation of expressions in a context where the expression type is not available
 Ccodi::StatementEvaluatorTapeInterface< T_Real >Tape side interface for StatementEvaluatorInterface
 Ccodi::StatementEvaluatorTapeInterface< T_TapeTypes::Real >
 Ccodi::StatementPushHelperBase< T_Type, T_Impl >Base class for manual statement pushes on the tape
 Ccodi::StatementPushHelperBase< T_Type, StatementPushHelper< T_Type > >
 Ccodi::StaticDummy< Dummy >Static dummy objects for e.g. default reference arguments
 Ccodi::StaticThreadLocalPointerInterface< T_Type, T_Owner, T_Impl >Abstracts a static thread-local pointer
 Ccodi::StaticThreadLocalPointerInterface< T_Type, T_Owner, OpenMPStaticThreadLocalPointer< T_Type, T_Owner > >
 Ccodi::SynchronizationInterfaceProvides basic synchronization facilities
 Ccodi::TagData< T_Tag >Data for a tag
 Ccodi::TagData< Tag >
 Ccodi::TagTapeBase< T_Real, T_Tag, T_Gradient, T_Impl >Base implementation for tagging tapes
 Ccodi::TagTapeBase< T_Real, T_Tag, T_Real, TagTapeReverse< T_Real, T_Tag > >
 Ccodi::TagTapeBase< T_Real, T_Tag, TagData< T_Tag >, TagTapeForward< T_Real, T_Tag > >
 Ccodi::TapeHelperBase< T_Type, T_Impl >A helper class that allows for a simpler access and management of a CoDiPack tape
 Ccodi::TapeHelperBase< T_Type, TapeHelperJacobi< T_Type > >
 Ccodi::TapeHelperBase< T_Type, TapeHelperNoImpl< T_Type > >
 Ccodi::TapeHelperBase< T_Type, TapeHelperPrimal< T_Type > >
 Ccodi::TapeHelperBase< Type, TapeHelperNoImpl< Type > >
 Ccodi::RealTraits::TapeRegistration< T_Type, typename >Tape registration methods for aggregated types that contain CoDiPack active types
 Ccodi::TagTapeForward< T_Real, T_Tag >::TapeTypesRequired definition for event system
 Ccodi::TagTapeReverse< T_Real, T_Tag >::TapeTypesRequired definition for event system
 Ccodi::TapeTypesInterfaceInterface for the definition of tape types
 Ccodi::TapeValuesTape information that can be printed in a pretty print format or a table format
 Ccodi::TemporaryMemoryAllocator for temporary used memory
 Ccodi::ThreadInformationInterfaceProvides information on threads
 Ccodi::GradientTraits::TraitsImplementation< T_Gradient, typename >Common traits for all types used as gradients
 Ccodi::RealTraits::TraitsImplementation< T_Type, typename >Common traits for all types used as real values
 Ccodi::ComputationTraits::TransposeImpl< T_Jacobian, typename >Perform $ a^T $ or $ a^H $ if entries are complex. No default implementation available
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< T_Impl >Traversal of CoDiPack expressions
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< CountActiveArguments >
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< IncrementForwardLogic >
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< IncrementReversalLogic >
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< JacobianExtractionLogic >
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< LocalReverseLogic >
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< PushDelayedJacobianLogic >
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< PushIdentfierPassiveAndConstant >
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< PushJacobianLogic >
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< ValidateTags >
 Ccodi::UnaryOperation< T_Real >Interface for implementing the logic for a UnaryExpression
 Ccodi::ComputationTraits::UpdateImpl< T_Lhs, T_Rhs, typename >Perform the operation lhs += rhs. Default logic uses operator +=
 Ccodi::ExpressionTraits::ValidateResultImpl< ResultA, ResultB, typename >
 Ccodi::ValidationIndicator< Real, Tag >Helper class for statement validation
 Ccodi::VectorAccessInterface< T_Real, T_Identifier >Unified access to the adjoint vector and primal vector in a tape evaluation
 Ccodi::VectorAccessInterface< int, int >
 Ccodi::VectorAccessInterface< Real, Identifier >
 Ccodi::JacobianBaseTape< T_TapeTypes, T_Impl >::Wrap_internalEvaluateForward_EvalStatements< TT >Wrapper helper for improved compiler optimizations
 Ccodi::PrimalValueBaseTape< T_TapeTypes, T_Impl >::Wrap_internalEvaluateForward_EvalStatementsAdditional wrapper that triggers compiler optimizations
 Ccodi::PrimalValueBaseTape< T_TapeTypes, T_Impl >::Wrap_internalEvaluatePrimal_EvalStatementsWrapper helper for improved compiler optimizations
 Ccodi::JacobianBaseTape< T_TapeTypes, T_Impl >::Wrap_internalEvaluateReverse_EvalStatements< TT >Wrapper helper for improved compiler optimizations
 Ccodi::PrimalValueBaseTape< T_TapeTypes, T_Impl >::Wrap_internalEvaluateReverse_EvalStatementsAdditional wrapper that triggers compiler optimizations