CoDiPack  2.3.0
A Code Differentiation Package
SciComp TU Kaiserslautern
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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Ccodi::ActiveArgumentPointerStore< T_Real, T_Identifier, T_Gradient >Declares all variables that may be needed to store/restore an active argument which has a pointer type
 Ccodi::ActiveArgumentStoreInterface< T_Real, T_Identifier, T_Gradient >Interface for restored data for an argument. The functions should return a compatible type that can be forwarded to the primal evaluation and the gradient computation
 Ccodi::ActiveArgumentStoreTraits< T_T, typename >Traits for storing active arguments in byte streams
 Ccodi::ActiveArgumentValueStore< T_PointerStore >Declares all variables that may be needed to store/restore an active argument which has a value type
 Ccodi::ComputationTraits::AdjointConversionImpl< T_Outer, T_Inner, typename >Perform the conversion of Outer(Inner) in the adjoint context. Default implementation for Outer == Inner
 Ccodi::AggregatedTypeVectorAccessWrapperFactory< T_Type, typename >Factory for the creation of AggregatedTypeVectorAccessWrapper instances
 Ccodi::Algorithms< T_Type, T_ActiveChecks >Basic algorithms for tape evaluation in CoDiPack
 Ccodi::ArrayPosition< T_NestedPosition >Position with one index for e.g. array access
 Ccodi::AssignmentOperators< T_Tape, T_Impl >Implementation of assignment operators for LhsExpressionInterface implementations
 Ccodi::AssignmentOperators< T_ActiveType::Tape, ActiveTypeWrapper< T_ActiveType > >
 Ccodi::AssignmentOperators< T_ActiveType::Tape, ImmutableActiveType< T_ActiveType > >
 Ccodi::AssignmentOperators< T_Tape, ActiveType< T_Tape > >
 Ccodi::AssignmentOperators< T_Tape, ActiveTypeStatelessTape< T_Tape > >
 Ccodi::AssignmentOperators< T_Tape, ParallelActiveType< T_Tape, T_ParallelToolbox > >
 Ccodi::AssignmentOperators< T_Type::Tape, ReferenceActiveType< T_Type > >
 Ccodi::AtomicInterface< T_Type, T_Impl >Provides a data type on which all operations are performed atomically
 Ccodi::AtomicInterface< T_Type, OpenMPAtomicImpl< T_Type, void > >
 Ccodi::BinaryOperation< T_Real >Interface for implementing the logic for a BinaryExpression
 Ccodi::ChunkBaseA chunk stores a contiguous block of data in CoDiPack
 Cstd::codi_numeric_limits< Type >Specialization of std::numeric_limits for the default CoDiPack active types
 Cstd::codi_numeric_limits< codi::ActiveType< Tape > >
 Cstd::codi_numeric_limits< codi::ActiveTypeStatelessTape< Tape > >
 Cstd::codi_numeric_limits< codi::ParallelActiveType< Tape, ParallelToolbox > >
 Ccodi::CoDiMpiTypes< T_Type, T_Tool >MPI datatype implementation for CoDipack types in the type wrapper of MeDiPack
 Ccodi::CommonReaderWriterMethodsUsed to implement methods common to both the tape readers and the tape writers
 Ccodi::CommonTapeTypes< T_TapeTypes >Declares all types used in the CommonTapeImplementation
 Ccodi::CommonTapeTypes< ImplTapeTypes >
 Ccodi::CompileTimeLoop< T_pos >Compile time loop evaluation
 Ccodi::CompileTimeLoop< 0 >Termination of loop evaluation
 Ccodi::CompileTimeTraversalLogic< T_ResultType, T_Impl >Traversal of CoDiPack expressions during compile time
 Ccodi::CompileTimeTraversalLogic< size_t, NumberOfActiveTypeArguments< Expr > >
 Ccodi::CompileTimeTraversalLogic< size_t, NumberOfConstantTypeArguments< Expr > >
 Ccodi::CompileTimeTraversalLogic< size_t, NumberOfOperations< Expr > >
 Ccodi::ConstantDataConversion< T_StoreData >
 Ccodi::ConstructStaticContextLogic< T_Rhs, T_Tape, T_primalValueOffset, T_constantValueOffset, typename >Helper class for the construction of an expression in a different context
 Ccodi::ConstructVectorImpl< T_V, typename >
 Ccodi::ConstructVectorImpl< std::array< T_T, T_n > >
 Ccodi::CustomAdjointVectorInterface< T_Type >General interface for an arbitrary adjoint evaluation
 Ccodi::RealTraits::DataExtraction< T_Type, typename >Data handling methods for aggregated types that contain CoDiPack active types
 Ccodi::DataInterface< T_NestedData, T_InternalPosHandle >Data stream interface for tape data. Encapsulates data that is written e.g. for each statement or argument
 Ccodi::DataInterface< EmptyData >
 Ccodi::DataManagementTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Identifier >Provides file IO, information about internal tape vectors and allows to clear tape data
 Ccodi::DataManagementTapeInterface< T_ImplTapeTypes::Real, T_ImplTapeTypes::Identifier >
 Ccodi::DataManagementTapeInterface< T_Real, TagData< T_Tag > >
 Ccodi::DerivativeAccess< T_Type >A helper class for the access of the various derivatives in higher order AD types
 Ccodi::Direction< T_Real, T_dim >Fixed size vector mode implementation
 Ccodi::DirectStatementEvaluatorStaticStore< Generator, Expr >
 Ccodi::DummyValueDummy value that can be assigned
 Ccodi::DummyVectorDummy vector that provides a dummy element access and size function
 Ccodi::DuplicateJacobianRemover< T_Real, T_Identifier >Combines entries of Jacobians with the same identifier
 Ccodi::EditingTapeInterface< T_Position >Edit tapes after they have been recorded
 Ccodi::EditingTapeInterface< JacobianBaseTape< T_TapeTypes, JacobianReuseTape< T_TapeTypes > >::Position >
 Ccodi::EigenLinearSystemTypes< T_Type, T_Matrix, T_Vector >Eigen definition for the LinearSystemInterfaceTypes
 Ccodi::EmptyPositionEmpty Position with no nested data
 Ccodi::EnumBitset< T_Enum >A bitset with enum items as flags
 Ccodi::EnumBitset< LinearSystemSolverFlags >
 Ccodi::EnumBitset< TagFlags >
 Ccodi::EvaluationHandleBase< T_Func, T_Type, T_InputStore, T_OutputStore >Basic interface and data storage for all EvaluationHandle implementations
 Ccodi::EvaluationHandleBase< T_Func, T_Type, std::vector< T_Type >, std::vector< T_Type > >
 Ccodi::EvaluationHandleBase< T_Func, T_Type, T_InputStore, T_OutputStore >
 Ccodi::EvaluationHelperEvaluate the primal, Jacobian and Hessian of function objects
 Ccodi::EventSystemBase< T_Tape >Base class for the CoDiPack event system
 Ccodi::EventSystemBase< ForwardEvaluation< Real, Gradient > >
 Ccodi::ExternalFunctionHelper< T_Type, T_Synchronization, T_ThreadInformation >Helper class for the implementation of an external function in CoDiPack
 Ccodi::ExternalFunctionInternalDataInternal untyped data for an external function
 Ccodi::ExternalFunctionLowLevelEntryMapper< T_Tape, T_Real, T_Identifier >Low level function entry implementation for external functions
 Ccodi::ExternalFunctionTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Gradient, T_Identifier >Add user defined functions to the tape evaluation
 Ccodi::ExternalFunctionTapeInterface< T_ImplTapeTypes::Real, T_ImplTapeTypes::Gradient, T_ImplTapeTypes::Identifier >
 Ccodi::ExternalFunctionTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Real, TagData< T_Tag > >
 Ccodi::ExternalFunctionUserDataEase of access structure for user-provided data on the tape for external functions. See ExternalFunctionTapeInterface
 Ccodi::ExtFunc_matrixMatrixMultiplication< eigenStore, Type >Low level function generation for matrixMatrixMultiplication
 Ccodi::FileIoHelper structure for writing binary data
 Ccodi::GradientAccessTapeInterface< T_Gradient, T_Identifier >Allow for a direct access to the gradient information computed by the tape
 Ccodi::GradientAccessTapeInterface< T_Gradient, T_Gradient >
 Ccodi::GradientAccessTapeInterface< T_ImplTapeTypes::Gradient, T_ImplTapeTypes::Identifier >
 Ccodi::GradientAccessTapeInterface< T_Real, TagData< T_Tag > >
 Ccodi::GradientAccessTapeInterface< T_Tag, T_Tag >
 Ccodi::AdjointVectorTraits::GradientImplementation< AdjointVector >Trait implementation to deduce the entry type from an adjoint vector type
 Ccodi::HessianInterface< T_T >General interface for Hessian access in CoDiPack
 Ccodi::HessianInterface< DummyValue >
 Ccodi::IdentifierInformationTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Gradient, T_Identifier >General information about the identifiers and checks if variables are active
 Ccodi::IdentifierInformationTapeInterface< T_ImplTapeTypes::Real, T_ImplTapeTypes::Gradient, T_ImplTapeTypes::Identifier >
 Ccodi::IdentifierInformationTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Real, TagData< T_Tag > >
 Ccodi::IncrementOperators< T_Tape, T_Impl >Implementation of increment operators for LhsExpressionInterface implementations
 Ccodi::IncrementOperators< T_ActiveType::Tape, ActiveTypeWrapper< T_ActiveType > >
 Ccodi::IncrementOperators< T_ActiveType::Tape, ImmutableActiveType< T_ActiveType > >
 Ccodi::IncrementOperators< T_Tape, ActiveType< T_Tape > >
 Ccodi::IncrementOperators< T_Tape, ActiveTypeStatelessTape< T_Tape > >
 Ccodi::IncrementOperators< T_Tape, ParallelActiveType< T_Tape, T_ParallelToolbox > >
 Ccodi::IncrementOperators< T_Type::Tape, ReferenceActiveType< T_Type > >
 Ccodi::TagTapeForward< T_Real, T_Tag >::TapeTypes::IndexManagerRequired definition for event system
 Ccodi::TagTapeReverse< T_Real, T_Tag >::TapeTypes::IndexManagerRequired definition for event system
 Ccodi::IndexManagerInterface< T_Index >Indices enable the mapping of primal values to their adjoint counterparts
 Ccodi::InnerStatementEvaluatorStaticStore< Tape, Expr >
 Ccodi::InternalAdjointsInterface< T_Gradient, T_Identifier, T_Tape >Abstracts the internal set of adjoint variables provided as part of the tape
 Ccodi::InternalStatementRecordingTapeInterface< T_Identifier >Internal tape interface that is used by active types to trigger the storing of an expression
 Ccodi::InternalStatementRecordingTapeInterface< T_Gradient >
 Ccodi::InternalStatementRecordingTapeInterface< T_ImplTapeTypes::Identifier >
 Ccodi::InternalStatementRecordingTapeInterface< T_Tag >
 Ccodi::InternalStatementRecordingTapeInterface< TagData< T_Tag > >
 Ccodi::IoExceptionIoException for CoDiPack
 Ccodi::RealTraits::IsTotalFinite< T_Type, typename >Function for checking if all values of the type are finite
 Ccodi::RealTraits::IsTotalFinite< T_Type, TapeTraits::EnableIfForwardTape< typename T_Type::Tape > >Function for checking if all values of the type are finite.
 Ccodi::RealTraits::IsTotalZero< T_Type, typename >Function for checking if the value of the type is completely zero
 Ccodi::RealTraits::IsTotalZero< T_Type, TapeTraits::EnableIfForwardTape< typename T_Type::Tape > >Function for checking if the value of the type is completely zero.
 Ccodi::JacobianConvertWrapper< T_Nested >Wrapper for JacboianInterfaces that requires a passive value conversion
 Ccodi::JacobianDelayAccessor< T_Issuer >
 Ccodi::JacobianExpression< size >Specialized for NumberOfActiveTypeArguments and NumberOfConstantTypeArguments
 Ccodi::JacobianInterface< T_T >General interface for Jacobian access in CoDiPack
 Ccodi::JacobianInterface< DummyValue >
 Ccodi::JacobianInterface< Real >
 Ccodi::PrimalValueBaseTape< T_TapeTypes, T_Impl >::JacobianStatementGenerator< T_size >
 Ccodi::LinearSystemInterface< T_InterfaceTypes >
 Ccodi::LinearSystemInterface< EigenLinearSystemTypes< Number, Matrix, Vector > >
 Ccodi::LinearSystemInterface< EigenLinearSystemTypes< T_Type, T_Matrix, T_Vector > >
 Ccodi::LinearSystemSolverHandler< T_LinearSystem, typename >
 Ccodi::LinearSystemSpecializationDetection< T_LinearSystem >
 Ccodi::Lock< T_Mutex >RAII mutex locking
 Ccodi::LockForRead< T_ReadWriteMutex >RAII lock for read. ´
 Ccodi::LockForWrite< T_ReadWriteMutex >RAII lock for write
 CLowLevelFunctionIndicator for generator
 Ccodi::LowLevelFunctionCreationUtilities< T_ActiveArguments >Helper structure for storing low level functions and their arguments on a tape
 Ccodi::LowLevelFunctionEntry< T_Tape, T_Real, T_Identifier >Low level function entry on the tape. See LowLevelFunctionTapeInterface for details
 Ccodi::LowLevelFunctionTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Gradient, T_Identifier >Add functions with custom derivatives to the tape. Can, e.g, be used to optimize small recurring functions like matrix matrix multiplication
 Ccodi::LowLevelFunctionTapeInterface< T_ImplTapeTypes::Real, T_ImplTapeTypes::Gradient, T_ImplTapeTypes::Identifier >
 Ccodi::LowLevelFunctionTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Real, TagData< T_Tag > >
 Ccodi::ManualStatementPushTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Gradient, T_Identifier >Add derivative information for custom operations to the tape
 Ccodi::ManualStatementPushTapeInterface< T_ImplTapeTypes::Real, T_ImplTapeTypes::Gradient, T_ImplTapeTypes::Identifier >
 Ccodi::ManualStatementPushTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Real, TagData< T_Tag > >
 Ccodi::MappedAdjoints< T_Identifier, T_Gradient >Implementation of adjoints via a map
 Ccodi::MemberStore< T_Type, T_Parent, T_storeStatic >Defines a member that can either be static or local to the struct
 Ccodi::MemberStore< IndexManager, Impl, TapeTypes::IsStaticIndexHandler >
 Ccodi::MemberStore< T_Type, T_Parent, true >Defines a member that can either be static or local to the struct.
 Ccodi::MutexInterfaceAbstracts a mutex
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< T_Impl >Node side interface for the traversal of expressions
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< ActiveType< T_Tape > >
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< ActiveTypeStatelessTape< T_Tape > >
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< ActiveTypeWrapper< T_ActiveType > >
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< BinaryExpression< T_Real, T_ArgA, T_ArgB, T_Operation > >
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< ConstantExpression< T_Real, ConstantDataConversion > >
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< ImmutableActiveType< T_ActiveType > >
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< ParallelActiveType< T_Tape, T_ParallelToolbox > >
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< ReferenceActiveType< T_Type > >
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< StaticContextActiveType< T_Tape > >
 Ccodi::NodeInterface< UnaryExpression< T_Real, T_Arg, T_Operation > >
 Ccodi::ExpressionTraits::NumberOfActiveTypeArguments< JacobianExpression< size > >Specialization for manual statement pushes of the used expression type
 Ccodi::ExpressionTraits::NumberOfConstantTypeArguments< JacobianExpression< size > >Specialization for manual statement pushes of the used expression type
 Ccodi::ParallelToolbox< T_ThreadInformation, T_Atomic, T_ReverseAtomic, T_Mutex, T_StaticThreadLocalPointer, T_Synchronization >Collects parallel programming facilties required to make CoDiPack applicable in a shared memory parallel environment
 Ccodi::PassiveArgumentStoreTraits< T_T, T_S, typename >Traits for storing passive arguments in byte streams
 Ccodi::PointerStore< T_ChunkData >Inserts data pointers at the back of all arguments in the nested call hierarchy
 Ccodi::PointerStore< Chunk1< T_Data1 > >Pointer store for Chunk1 data
 Ccodi::PointerStore< Chunk2< T_Data1, T_Data2 > >Pointer store for Chunk2 data
 Ccodi::PointerStore< Chunk3< T_Data1, T_Data2, T_Data3 > >Pointer store for Chunk3 data
 Ccodi::PointerStore< Chunk4< T_Data1, T_Data2, T_Data3, T_Data4 > >Pointer store for Chunk4 data
 Ccodi::PositionalEvaluationTapeInterface< T_Position >Reverse AD evaluation for parts of a recorded tape
 Ccodi::PositionalEvaluationTapeInterface< CommonTapeTypes< T_ImplTapeTypes >::Position >
 Ccodi::PositionalEvaluationTapeInterface< CommonTapeTypes< T_TapeTypes >::Position >
 Ccodi::PositionalEvaluationTapeInterface< EmptyPosition >
 Ccodi::PreaccumulationHelper< T_Type, typename >Stores the Jacobian matrix for a code section
 Ccodi::PrimalTapeStatementFunctionsData required for all possible handle calls
 Ccodi::ReadWriteMutex< T_ThreadInformation, T_AtomicInt >Mutex construct that distinguishes between lock for read and lock for write
 Ccodi::ReadWriteTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Gradient, T_Identifier, T_Position >Write a tape to a file using a writer from the codi::TapeWriterInterface. When reading a stored tape, create a primal or a Jacobian statement on the tape
 Ccodi::ReadWriteTapeInterface< T_ImplTapeTypes::Real, T_ImplTapeTypes::Gradient, T_ImplTapeTypes::Identifier, CommonTapeTypes< T_ImplTapeTypes >::Position >
 Ccodi::ReadWriteTapeInterface< T_ImplTapeTypes::Real, T_ImplTapeTypes::Gradient, T_ImplTapeTypes::Identifier, CommonTapeTypes< T_TapeTypes >::Position >
 Ccodi::ReadWriteTapeInterface< T_Real, T_Real, TagData< T_Tag >, EmptyPosition >
 Ccodi::AtomicTraits::RemoveAtomicImpl< T_NotAtomic, typename >Convert an atomic type into the underlying type. Implementation
 Ccodi::AtomicTraits::RemoveAtomicImpl< Atomic, EnableIfAtomic< Atomic > >Specialization for atomic types
 Ccodi::ReverseAtomicInterface< T_Type, T_Impl >Provides a data type on which += update operations are performed atomically
 Ccodi::ReverseAtomicInterface< T_Type, OpenMPReverseAtomicImpl< T_Type, void > >
 Ccodi::StatementEvaluatorInnerTapeInterface< T_Real >Tape side interface for StatementEvaluatorInterface
 Ccodi::StatementEvaluatorInnerTapeInterface< T_TapeTypes::Real >
 Ccodi::StatementEvaluatorInterface< T_Real >Creation of handles for the evaluation of expressions in a context where the expression type is not available
 Ccodi::StatementEvaluatorTapeInterface< T_Real >Tape side interface for StatementEvaluatorInterface
 Ccodi::StatementEvaluatorTapeInterface< T_TapeTypes::Real >
 Ccodi::StatementPushHelperBase< T_Type, T_Impl >Base class for manual statement pushes on the tape
 Ccodi::StatementPushHelperBase< T_Type, StatementPushHelper< T_Type > >
 Ccodi::StaticDummy< Dummy >Static dummy objects for e.g. default reference arguments
 Ccodi::StaticThreadLocalPointerInterface< T_Type, T_Owner, T_Impl >Abstracts a static thread-local pointer
 Ccodi::StaticThreadLocalPointerInterface< T_Type, T_Owner, OpenMPStaticThreadLocalPointer< T_Type, T_Owner > >
 Ccodi::SynchronizationInterfaceProvides basic synchronization facilities
 Ccodi::TagData< T_Tag >Data for a tag
 Ccodi::TagData< Tag >
 Ccodi::TagTapeBase< T_Real, T_Tag, T_Gradient, T_Impl >Base implementation for tagging tapes
 Ccodi::TagTapeBase< T_Real, T_Tag, T_Real, TagTapeReverse< T_Real, T_Tag > >
 Ccodi::TagTapeBase< T_Real, T_Tag, TagData< T_Tag >, TagTapeForward< T_Real, T_Tag > >
 Ccodi::TapeHelperBase< T_Type, T_Impl >A helper class that allows for a simpler access and management of a CoDiPack tape
 Ccodi::TapeHelperBase< T_Type, TapeHelperJacobi< T_Type > >
 Ccodi::TapeHelperBase< T_Type, TapeHelperNoImpl< T_Type > >
 Ccodi::TapeHelperBase< T_Type, TapeHelperPrimal< T_Type > >
 Ccodi::TapeHelperBase< Type, TapeHelperNoImpl< Type > >
 Ccodi::TapeReaderInterface< T_Type >The interface is used by all the tape readers. The tape readers are used to restore a tape from either a text file or a binary file that was created by the codi::TapeWriterInterface. The readers produce an identical tape in a new context, which can be evaluated and new statements can be added
 Ccodi::RealTraits::TapeRegistration< T_Type, typename >Tape registration methods for aggregated types that contain CoDiPack active types
 Ccodi::TagTapeForward< T_Real, T_Tag >::TapeTypesRequired definition for event system
 Ccodi::TagTapeReverse< T_Real, T_Tag >::TapeTypesRequired definition for event system
 Ccodi::TapeTypesInterfaceInterface for the definition of tape types
 Ccodi::TapeValuesTape information that can be printed in a pretty print format or a table format
 Ccodi::TapeWriterInterface< T_Type >The interface used by all the tape writers. The tape writers are used to generate text, binary, graphical or the math statement files from the current tape. The text and binary files can be used to restore a tape using the codi::TapeReaderInterface in a new context. The writers are supported for both Jacobian and primal value tapes
 Ccodi::TemporaryMemoryAllocator for temporary used memory
 Ccodi::ThreadInformationInterfaceProvides information on threads
 Ccodi::GradientTraits::TraitsImplementation< T_Gradient, typename >Common traits for all types used as gradients
 Ccodi::RealTraits::TraitsImplementation< T_Type, typename >Common traits for all types used as real values
 Ccodi::ComputationTraits::TransposeImpl< T_Jacobian, typename >Perform $ a^T $ or $ a^H $ if entries are complex. No default implementation available
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< T_Impl >Traversal of CoDiPack expressions
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< CountActiveArguments >
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< IncrementForwardLogic >
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< IncrementReversalLogic >
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< JacobianExtractionLogic >
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< LocalReverseLogic >
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< MathStatementGenLogic< Identifier > >
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< PushDelayedJacobianLogic >
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< PushIdentifierPassiveAndConstant >
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< PushJacobianLogic >
 Ccodi::TraversalLogic< ValidateTags >
 Ccodi::UnaryOperation< T_Real >Interface for implementing the logic for a UnaryExpression
 Ccodi::ComputationTraits::UpdateImpl< T_Lhs, T_Rhs, typename >Perform the operation lhs += rhs. Default logic uses operator +=
 Ccodi::ExpressionTraits::ValidateResultImpl< ResultA, ResultB, typename >
 Ccodi::ValidationIndicator< Real, Tag >Helper class for statement validation
 Ccodi::VectorAccessInterface< T_Real, T_Identifier >Unified access to the adjoint vector and primal vector in a tape evaluation
 Ccodi::VectorAccessInterface< int, int >
 Ccodi::VectorAccessInterface< Real, Identifier >
 Ccodi::JacobianBaseTape< T_TapeTypes, T_Impl >::Wrap_internalEvaluateForward_EvalStatements< TT >Wrapper helper for improved compiler optimizations
 Ccodi::PrimalValueBaseTape< T_TapeTypes, T_Impl >::Wrap_internalEvaluateForward_EvalStatementsAdditional wrapper that triggers compiler optimizations
 Ccodi::PrimalValueBaseTape< T_TapeTypes, T_Impl >::Wrap_internalEvaluatePrimal_EvalStatementsWrapper helper for improved compiler optimizations
 Ccodi::JacobianBaseTape< T_TapeTypes, T_Impl >::Wrap_internalEvaluateReverse_EvalStatements< TT >Wrapper helper for improved compiler optimizations
 Ccodi::PrimalValueBaseTape< T_TapeTypes, T_Impl >::Wrap_internalEvaluateReverse_EvalStatementsAdditional wrapper that triggers compiler optimizations
 Ccodi::WriteInfoThis class is used during the writing process of a primal value tape. The WriteInfo is returned by codi::PrimalValueBaseTape::statementGetWriteInformation method