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codi::PassiveArgumentStoreTraits< T_T, T_S, typename > Struct Template Reference

Traits for storing passive arguments in byte streams. More...

#include <passiveArgumentStoreTraits.hpp>

Public Types

using S = T_S
 See PassiveArgumentStoreTraits.
using Store = T
 Type for the variable declaration for restoring the data.
using T = T_T
 See PassiveArgumentStoreTraits.

Static Public Member Functions

static size_t countSize (T &&value, size_t size, bool storeRequired)
 Count the required size for storing the data.
static void restore (ByteDataView *store, TemporaryMemory &allocator, size_t size, bool storeRequired, Store &value)
 Restore the data for this type.
static void store (ByteDataView *dataStore, TemporaryMemory &allocator, T const &value, size_t size, bool storeRequired)
 Store the data for the type in the data store.

Detailed Description

template<typename T_T, typename T_S = T_T, typename = void>
struct codi::PassiveArgumentStoreTraits< T_T, T_S, typename >

Traits for storing passive arguments in byte streams.

See ActiveArgumentStoreTraits for a detailed documentation of the process.

If storeRequired is false, nothing needs to be stored for this type and only a default initialization should be performed for the restore operation.

Template Parameters
T_TType of the argument that is stored.
T_SStore type of the argument that is stored.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: