SC Seminar: Stephan Schmidt
Dr. Stephan Schmidt, Universität Paderborn Title: Alternative Concepts for Preserving Regularity in Free Surface Shape Optimization Abstract: A common problem in shape optimization with free node parameterizations, i.e. the situation where the surface itself is used as design unknown without … Continue reading
SciComp Workshop
The goal of the workshop is to give an overview of recent research activities at SciComp. In addition, collaborators from ITWM, KIT, Uni Paderborn and BOSCH will give invited presentations for scientific exchange. Finally, we will brainstorm about future collaboration. … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Thomas Dick
Thomas Dick, SciComp Title: Efficient Algorithmic Differentiation handling of linear algebra libraries Abstract: In many modern simulation codes efficient linear system solvers are a key factor for performance. These libraries use a variety of parallelization techniques to optimize performance, like … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Ismail Hakki Tuncer
Prof. Ismail Hakki Tuncer, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey Title: Wind Potential/Power Estimation Based on Unsteady OpenFOAM Solutions Coupled with WRF Abstract: Current wind power prediction tools mostly employ Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models which … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Théo Jeanneau
Théo Jeanneau, TU Kaiserslautern Title: The Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics method Abstract: In high performance computing, most of the focus is on grid based methods, computed exclusively by CPUs. However, mesh-free method can be a viable alternative depending on the situation, … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Steffen Schotthöfer
Steffen Schotthöfer, TU Kaiserslautern Title: Sensitivity analysis on chaotic dynamical systems Abstract: More scientists and engineers use computer simulations, consequently the sensitivity analysis on the simulated systems is an essential part of that developement. Unfortunately, conventional approaches to compute the … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Kerstin Nicolay
Kerstin Nicolay, TU Kaiserslautern Title: A Parallel Method for Community Detection in Large Networks Abstract: The analysis of networks on extremely large data sets has become essential in recent research. One main interest is the detection of communities within the … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Anne Schreuder
Anne Schreuder, TU Kaiserslautern Title: Computing Greeks with Adjoint Monte Carlo Abstract: Pricing financial product is very important in the finance industry. Likewise is the computation of their price sensitivities. In this talk we are particular interested in the situation … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Javad Fadaie Ghotbi
Javad Fadaie Ghotbi, Fraunhofer ITWM Title: Parallel Algebraic Multigrid Using GaspiLS Abstract: Solving a linear system of N unknowns with Multigrid methods are optimal because they can solve with O(N) work. This optimality property is crucial for scaling up huge … Continue reading
SC Seminar: Raju Ram
Raju Ram, Fraunhofer ITWM Title: Parallel Multilevel ILU Preconditioner to Solve Large Linear System of Equations Abstract: The solution of large sparse linear systems is a ubiquitous problem in chemistry, physics, and engineering applications. Krylov subspace based iterative methods are … Continue reading