No Matches
Here is a list of all documented typedefs with links to the class documentation for each member:
- o -
- Operation : codi::BinaryExpression< T_Real, T_ArgA, T_ArgB, T_Operation >, codi::UnaryExpression< T_Real, T_Arg, T_Operation >
- Outer : codi::ComputationTraits::AdjointConversionImpl< T_Outer, T_Inner, typename >
- OutputStore : codi::EvaluationHandleBase< T_Func, T_Type, T_InputStore, T_OutputStore >, codi::EvaluationHandleForward< T_Func, T_Type, T_InputStore, T_OutputStore >, codi::EvaluationHandleReverseBase< T_Func, T_Type, T_InputStore, T_OutputStore >, codi::EvaluationHandleReverseJacobianTapes< T_Func, T_Type, T_InputStore, T_OutputStore >, codi::EvaluationHandleReversePrimalValueTapes< T_Func, T_Type, T_InputStore, T_OutputStore >
- Owner : codi::OpenMPStaticThreadLocalPointer< T_Type, T_Owner >, codi::StaticThreadLocalPointerInterface< T_Type, T_Owner, T_Impl >