CoDiPack  2.2.0
A Code Differentiation Package
SciComp TU Kaiserslautern
No Matches
Coding guidelines


  • Use only spaces.
  • Tab is 2 spaces long.
  • Declarations spread over multiple lines need to be indented once more than the adjacent block.


  • Always use public/private/protected.
  • public/private/protected is indented.
  • Members, functions, etc. are indented again (once from public/private/proteced).
  • Template arguments:
    • Start with 'T_'.
    • Template arguments are made available by using declarations without the 'T_'.
    • There, a default type needs to be declared using DECLARE_DEFAULT (see Template declarations for details).

Argument/member/variable declarations:

  • const declaration is on the right hand side (e.g. T const).
  • Pointer/reference symbol is part of the type (e.g. T& a).


  • Everything is indented once.


  • Space between keyword and bracket (e.g. while (true)).
  • case statements are indented once.
  • Code inside case statements is indented again (once from the case statement itself).
  • Curly brackets are mandatory.


  • Declaration order: static CODI_INLINE <ret> <name>
  • Single-line declaration:
    • Curly brackets are on the same line.
  • Multiline declaration:
    • Arguments are indented twice.
    • Closing bracket and opening curly bracket are on a new line and not indented (not enforced yet).


  • Includes are sorted by name.
  • First external includes, then internal includes.
  • Includes are relative to the file location.
  • At most 120 characters in a line.


  • The documentation should be ASCII readable.
  • Documentation of all classes, members, functions and types (no parameters).
  • Template parameters are documented for classes.
  • Interface declarations need to have a detailed documentation, especially for the class itself. This should contain

    • the abstraction concept,
    • usage of the interface and
    • examples.

    Other functions in the interface should be documented according to their exposal to the user.

  • Implementation of interfaces can copy the documentation from the interface. Only important details need to be added.
    • Short example (preferred):
      /// \copydoc GradientAccessTapeInterface::getGradient
    • Long example:
      /// \copydoc GradientAccessTapeInterface::getGradient <br><br>
      /// Implementation: Details
    • Long example:
      /** \copydoc GradientAccessTapeInterface::getGradient <br><br>
      * Implementation: Details


// External includes first, sorted by name.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
// Internal includes second, sorted by name.
#include "../tapes/interfaces/reverseTapeInterface.hpp"
#include "../traits/realTraits.hpp"
/** \copydoc codi::Namespace */
namespace codi {
// One level of indentation corresponds to one tab.
// One tabs consists of 2 spaces.
// Everything in a namespace is indented once.
struct Test {
public: // Always use access specifier, access specifiers are indented.
int v; // Members are indented once again.
template<typename T_T> // Template parameters are declared with a 'T_' prefix
struct Test2 {
using T = DECLARE_DEFAULT(T_T, int); // Template arguments are made available by `using` declarations without
// the 'T_'. A default type must be declared. ^
// |
// at most 120 characters in a line
struct Test3 {
int constexpr m1; // const declarations are on the right hand side.
int const* m2; // const declarations are on the right hand side.
CODI_INLINE int const* func1(int const& offset) { // const declarations are on the right hand side.
return &m2[offset];
CODI_INLINE int func2(int& a) { // Pointer/reference symbol is part of the type.
return ++a;
CODI_INLINE void func(int& i) {
if (i > 0) { // Space between if and bracket.
while (i != 0) { // Space between while and bracket.
i -= 1;
} else {
switch (i) { // Space between switch and bracket.
case -1: // case statements are indented once.
i = 10; // case bodies are indented once more.
case -2:
i = 100;
i = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j += 1) { // Space between for and bracket.
i += j;
} // Always use curly brackets.
CODI_INLINE int func(
int a, // Arguments of multiline function declarations are indented twice.
int b,
int c
) { // Closing bracket is on a new line.
return a + b + c;